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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 2 Don’t bully young people into poverty unless ______

“terribly sorry.”

Seeing that Cheng Jinyang was stunned and speechless (he was brewing feelings + accumulating lines), Xing Yunzhi added:

“You and I have no emotional basis. The marriage was purely based on political considerations of our fathers. Now that your father is deceased, this marriage is naturally up for discussion. It’s just that the Xing family doesn’t want to force the son of an old friend, so I’ll discuss it with you privately first to see if it’s possible settle properly.”

Then, she saw Cheng Jinyang narrowed his eyes.

“Don’t you want to force the son of an old friend?” He sighed and his face darkened.

Breaking off the engagement… is actually quite normal. After all, the promising Cheng Qinghe had passed away, and now he was just an orphan without a father or a mother.

But since we want to break off the engagement, can we not pretend to be an “old friend”? If you really have a trace of old friends, how could you not have any contact for so many years after your father was kicked out of the house?

Before you traveled through time, the original owner’s parents had passed away, his family was in dire straits, and he himself suffered from severe heart disease. How could you, as old friends, ignore him?

Now that my mental state has improved, I hurriedly showed up and came to my door, wanting to mention the issue of breaking off the engagement.

To put it bluntly, when your parents were kicked out of the Cheng family and your Xing family refused to save them, the relationship was broken. If you break off the engagement, break off the engagement, why are you talking about being the son of an old friend? Isn’t it disgusting?

It’s really irritating to think about it this way! To quote Wang Dashen’s words, crawl for me! Even if I die, I will die outside. If I jump from here, I will…

“After breaking off the engagement, I will arrange for the Xing clan members in the school to take care of you.” Seeing his silence, Xing Yunzhi sighed inwardly and continued, “In addition, before you graduate, there will be 10,000 yuan on the 20th of every month. The compensation of RMB 100,000 will be paid out personally from me and credited to your account.”

“You and I have no control over the family arrangements. I’m sorry.”

Cheng Jinyang:? ? ?

10,000 yuan per month is not a small amount of money, it can even cover his monthly expenses and still have a balance. You must know that the relief fund given to him by the Cheng family in Shendu is only 1,500 yuan per month.

Thinking of the other party’s understatement when mentioning the price, he felt instinctive jealousy and hatred, but when he thought of the 10,000 yuan, those anger disappeared.

After all, what she gave was really…

“Okay.” Cheng Jinyang stood up. He didn’t know what expression to show, so he could only say indifferently, “I will go home tonight and find the engagement contract left by my father and bring it to you tomorrow.”

“Class is about to begin, I’ll leave first.”

He picked up his schoolbag and left the store without looking back. The maid behind the counter quickly shouted:

“Mr. Cheng, your milk tea…”

The response was the sound of the store door closing automatically.

“Miss?” The two maids held the mixed milk tea and came to Xing Yunzhi resentfully, fearing that the lady would blame them for being too slow.

“It’s okay.” Xing Yunzhi looked at the door quietly, losing interest in drinking milk tea for a while, and said coldly:

“Pour it down.”

Calculate carefully: both parents are dead, poor and miserable, and now a fiancée has broken off the engagement. The three elements of first suppressing and then strengthening have been gathered together. Is it time to start turning things around?

When will the golden finger come to bite me in my head?

Of course, Cheng Jinyang was not embarrassed enough to ask “System, are you there?” in his mind. He just held his chin with one hand in boredom, looking at the teacher’s writing on the blackboard, his mind wandering again.

Nowadays, the human world is divided into four parts: clan, aristocratic family, poor family and common people. The poor family is probably the most contradictory class.

They have supernatural bloodlines, and many of their ancestors even came from aristocratic families. However, they fell into poor families due to various reasons. They lacked the corresponding ability algorithms and were almost the same as common people.

If common people have no blood, they have long given up the idea of ​​becoming superpowers and seek breakthroughs in other directions, such as taking the Iron Man route of “technology is power”.

Then the poor are the group of people who worry most about gains and losses. If you take one step forward, you can become the superpower you have longed for, but not one person in a hundred can take this step.

Who would be willing to take a step forward and become a commoner who has no chance of having supernatural powers for the rest of his life?

Gradually, Cheng Jinyang felt that the remaining negative emotions remaining in this body seemed to boil over again.

Oops, Vision appears again!

He tried to call for help, but his body no longer obeyed and he could not make any sound.

His father’s anger, his mother’s sadness, the rejection of his classmates at school, Xing Yunzhi’s indifference and contempt, countless faces overlapped densely before his eyes.

And…a pretty face that looks both angry and happy.

Su Lili.

The childhood sweetheart who had grown up with the original owner and had an extremely deep relationship with her, but died unexpectedly from a demon attack two years ago. That pretty and lovely face seemed to be very close at hand, and in the blink of an eye it turned into bloodstains.

“Jinyang…” she said sadly and painfully, her lower body already trapped in the demon’s devouring, her breath gradually weakening, “You have to live…”

“Live well…even if…”

“for me……”

Then she was devoured by the demon.

The demon’s split belly slowly closed and swallowed Su Lili directly. Its other hand firmly grasped Cheng Jinyang’s neck. No matter how hard he struggled, dragged, and tore, it was like steel cast into concrete. Unmoved.

“It’s still a love affair.” The other party chuckled evilly, “Then, just try to live.”

“Just like ants, lingering in the corner of this world.”

A slender tentacle flashed from the corner of his eye, and then an almost fatal pain came from his temple!

Cheng Jinyang opened his eyes weakly, and what he saw was the ceiling of the school’s infirmary.

“Oh, are you awake?” Dr. Zhou’s voice sounded next to him.

Zhou Xingzhi, the school doctor, was born in the Runan Zhou family of “memory reading”, and the Wu family of Wujun in “perception manipulation” also belong to the same alliance.

She herself has a close personal relationship with Dr. Wu Quemei, and Cheng Jinyang often goes to Wu Quemei’s for recuperation, so he and she are considered to be familiar with each other.

“Sister Zhou, what’s wrong with me?” Cheng Jinyang said slowly, startling himself as soon as he opened his mouth.

My throat is hoarse.

“Well, I heard that you suddenly fell ill during class and fell to the ground and passed out.” Zhou Xingzhi said with a smile, “The teacher sent you here.”

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Alas, embarrassing again.

“But there is good news.” Zhou Xingzhi saw him downcast and feared that he would get sick again. He quickly put his hands together and smiled, “Maybe it was stimulated. Your blood concentration has increased a lot compared to last month, and the surrounding spiritual fields have also improved. Enhance it.”

The level of a superpower depends on blood concentration and brain calculation power. It is recognized by many superpower families that computing power determines the lower limit of superpowers, while blood concentration determines the upper limit of superpowers.

For example, a poor family like Cheng Jinyang doesn’t know any algorithm. No matter how high the blood concentration is, without algorithm, the lower limit will be extremely large and uncontrollable. The result of forcibly activating the power will most likely be to blow himself up.

Another example is that for common people without blood, the upper limit is 0. Even if a supercomputer chip is implanted in the body, it is impossible to have superpowers. However, the advantage for them is that they have a clear self-awareness and are more likely to achieve success if they join an academic or career field where competition is relatively fair than if they want to join a wealthy family but cannot come from a humble family.

“Oh, even if there is no algorithm, I can still get it after the relationship with the family has eased in the future.” Zhou Xingzhi patted his shoulder and said with a smile, “Besides, computing power can always be improved with hard practice, but bloodline The increase in concentration is something that can only be met but not sought.”

“Thank you, Sister Zhou. I’m fine.” Cheng Jinyang didn’t want to talk more and looked at the sky outside. “It’s getting late. I have to leave.”

“You still want to work?” Zhou Xingzhi said in surprise, “Maybe your physical condition doesn’t allow it.”

“No, I’m taking a day off today.”

“Okay, help me bring this medicine to you, Sister Wu.”


After leaving the school infirmary, it turned out that almost all the students in the school had left.

Cheng Jinyang came to the convenience store where he worked and sincerely apologized to the store manager. Seeing that his face was pale, the store manager also told him to take good care of his health and gave him three days of leave.

Then he went to Wu Quemei’s private clinic and brought Sister Zhou’s medicine to her. He also did sensory conditioning again. He felt that the nerve pain in his head, which was still hopping, finally calmed down.

After returning home, Cheng Jinyang rummaged through all the cabinets and finally found the marriage contract signed by his father and Xing Wenxing. He carefully folded it and put it in his schoolbag.

Then continue to practice swordsmanship.

Compared with firearms, swords have no bullet capacity limit and can even be replaced by long-handled objects such as crowbars and umbrellas. Even in his nightmares, he used his sword far more often than his gun.

Learning swordsmanship is very useful for him to protect himself in the nightmare world and avoid the pain of being killed.

At 12 o’clock in the middle of the night, he went to the bathroom to take a shower, then got dressed and went to bed.

Get ready to enter the nightmare and fight to the death.


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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