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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 211 Ambition

Compared to the major aristocratic families who are struggling, the Five Surnames family is relatively calm here.

Among them, the Wang family in Taiyuan and the Cui family in Qinghe are both relatively novices on the frontal battlefield, so they changed “help people” to “donate money”; the Zheng family in Xingyang has both offensive and defensive capabilities, but the whole city has to rely on Mr. Zheng’s The shield remained intact, and the court did not dare to squeeze it too much.

The Fanyang Lu family and the Longxi Li family are very strange. They are very capable, but they are currently not doing much, which makes people confused.

Cui Jinqi had no choice but to call her friends who were core members of the Lu family and Li family (note that Li Qingwan did not have enough potential and was not a core member) to ask if there was any secret deal with the court.

“Hey, Aling, let me ask you…what, you don’t know? Lying, you must be lying! I despise you. Forget it, I’m going to find Qing Yun.”

“Hey, Qing Yun, let me ask you something… Well, that’s it. I can understand keeping it secret, but there is something going on with my boyfriend’s family… Hey, don’t you ask who my boyfriend is? Hu, nonsense! What do you mean by ‘I said I’m my boyfriend, so I’m definitely not’? Would I lie on such an issue that concerns a girl’s reputation? Ignore you!”

Cheng Jinyang, who was standing next to her, saw that every time she called, she would get into an argument after just a few words, so he quickly reminded her: “Let’s get down to business! Let’s get down to business!”

Cui Jinqi glared at him angrily, then reluctantly returned to the topic again and continued to inquire.

After communicating for a while, the two of them realized that the imperial court seemed to be planning a big move with the help of the Li family in Longxi and the Lu family in Fanyang… Of course, for confidentiality reasons, they couldn’t say more unless the Cheng family also joined in.

As for whether you can join, it still depends on the review by the court.

If they can join, the Cheng Clan of the Divine Capital will no longer need to respond to the imperial call and undertake frontal battlefield work that requires a large manpower loss, but will instead concentrate on preparing for this “big move”.

Of course, due to the need for confidentiality, there will definitely not be many people participating, but the risk factor is definitely astonishingly high.

Or to put it more directly, it is actually sacrificing a small number of clan elites who participated in the plan to preserve the majority of the clan members…

Well, I still have to make a choice.

In other families, there would definitely be a period of hesitation. After all, the nobility is a meritocracy, and the products of aristocratic families all depend on the highest level of your family’s superpowers. Even if a hundred sixth-grade superpowers are sacrificed, the loss will not be greater than the sacrifice of one fifth-grade superpower. big.

However, the more embarrassing thing about Cheng’s side in the city of God is that they no longer have fifth-grade superpowers, and the highest level is sixth-grade superpowers.

The lowest among the noble families is fifth grade, there is no such thing as a “sixth grade family”. In other words, compared to the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades, the sixth-grade superpowers are not as different as the fifth-grade ones, so the pros and cons in this regard can still be carefully calculated.

After thinking quietly for a while, Cheng Jinyang himself was still inclined to participate. Because he suddenly thought of another thing, and that was the status of the Cheng family in the divine capital.

Previously, the emperor promised that he had reached an agreement with Wang Maohong that the Cheng family’s noble status would be temporarily suspended during the war. The subtext was “we will talk about it after the war.” If the war is victorious and the Cheng family, the capital of God, is preserved, but they fail to make sufficient contributions in the war, then the status of the noble clan will still be shaky.

After all, after the war, rewards based on merit will inevitably divide and divide the current resource cake. If the Cheng family in the divine capital had no meritorious achievements, someone would definitely use the excuse that “the Cheng family in the divine capital no longer has fifth-grade superpowers” to force the family to spit out its existing assets. Therefore, if you want to win meritorious deeds, you have to take advantage of this war…

It’s difficult! So the family is in a mess. I asked why all the old people simply delegated their powers. Emotionally, they are helpless in the face of this situation. Otherwise, how could they let go so happily!

Thinking of this, Cheng Jinyang called Xing Yunzhi again and mentioned this matter.

“I’ll go talk to the clan leader right away.” Ah Zhi’s answer was also very concise.

Because of their special powers, the Cheng and Xing families have always been inseparable from each other. If the imperial court approves the joining of the Cheng family, it actually means allowing the Cheng and Xing families to join together. On the other hand, if Mrs. Xing chooses not to join, Mrs. Cheng will have to think carefully about it.

While waiting for Mr. Xing’s reply, another unknown phone call came.

The caller was the commander of the Jin Yiwei who came to Luotang last time. He told him on behalf of the imperial court that the plan has allowed the Shendu Cheng family and the Hejian Xing family to join, and the secret level is “Military-Top Secret”. The specific content will be added later. Only then can we find out.

As a condition for joining, the Cheng Clan and the Hejian Xing Clan in Shendu need to provide 4 sixth-grade superpower users to participate. There is also an additional requirement: Cheng Jinyang himself must participate.

Cheng Jinyang:? ? ?

What do you mean I have to participate? I’m just a little eighth-grade superpower! How useful can it be on the battlefield?

“This is your Majesty’s intention.” The commander of the Jinyi Guards added, meaning that he didn’t know why.

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Jinyang began to think distressedly again, only to hear Cui Jinqi next to him curiously ask:

“Hey, Jinyang, have you offended the emperor?”

“Why do you say that?”

“Look.” Cui Xiaoniang said seriously, “Now there are no fifth-grade superpowers in the Cheng family in the capital of God, and the only one with fifth-grade potential is you.”

“If you die on the battlefield, won’t the Cheng family in the divine capital be forever unable to stand up again?”

Cheng Jinyang felt that what she said made sense at first, but then he thought about it and there was no need to go to such trouble.

If the emperor wants to rectify the Cheng family in the divine capital, wouldn’t it be enough to just declare, “Because there are no fifth-grade superpowers, the Cheng family in the divine capital will expel the noble clan?” Even if these words have no legal effect, considering the volume of the emperor’s position, as soon as he announces it, it can quickly spread throughout the entire gentry circle, thus causing the “social death” of the Cheng family in the capital of God. Isn’t this difficult?

wrong! The emperor’s goal is definitely not the Cheng family in the divine capital! Could it be…


“Hey, you don’t really want to participate, do you?” Cui Xiaoniang asked in shock.

“Otherwise?” Cheng Jinyang sighed helplessly, “They have laid out all the conditions.”

“Either the entire family dies slowly and falls out of the aristocratic family circle after the war; or you take this opportunity to make a fortune. Regardless of success or failure, at least the family will have fewer dead people. What would you choose if it were you?”

“Change me.” Cui Jinqi said matter-of-factly, “The Cheng family in the capital city was not good to you at all before. If you change me, I will run away. If the family wants to be demoted, it will be downgraded. If it wants to be destroyed, it will be destroyed. It has nothing to do with me.”

“This is also a way.” Cheng Jinyang said with a smile, “But you see, my family has treated me badly before, why should I go to all the trouble to return to the family? It’s just that I need the family’s resources.”

“What’s more, my uncle was in charge at that time, but now I am in charge of the family, and all resources are at my disposal. Giving up on the family is very simple, but it also means losing family resources and returning to the precarious and poor life before.”

“So, although the work of the clan leader is very tiring now, and I have to risk my life in the future, if you want me to stop working hard and just give up the things I have obtained, I will definitely be unwilling to do so.”

“So is this a man’s ambition?” Cui Jinqi shook her head and said she couldn’t understand, “Forget it, then you can continue to fight here, I’m going to watch a drama.”

She skipped away, making Cheng Jinyang secretly relieved that he could finally work hard.

After a while, the young lady brought the tablet over and sat down next to Cheng Jinyang, laughing and watching the TV series.

Cheng Jinyang:………………


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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