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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 220 Hindsight

What if the enemy is hiding in a small bunker or fortress?

Combat strategy: direct grenade blast.

All the shop windows exploded outward at the same time, and the violent shock wave erupted with a large amount of air, smoke, dust and debris, instantly turning the surrounding streets into a mess.

A figure rushed out of the smoke and quickly rose into the air under the jet of flight suit. However, before he could completely leave the scene, more drone beams were already aimed at his figure.

“Humph.” Lu Zhongyou said coldly outside the court, “The overall situation has been decided.”

“Cheng Jinyang is too anxious.” Seeing Cui Jinqi’s puzzled expression, Lu Qingyun explained, “The correct solution to this level is to deal with various environments and drone swarms while ensuring one’s own survival. Try to kill as many targets as possible under the circumstances. The essence is to ‘use the environment’.”

“The highly complex urban street fighting environment, the number of hostile aircraft up to 1,000, and the combination of assassination + sniper + blasting attack methods are all designed to test the testers’ ability to use the environment to ensure their own survival under high pressure. In this design intention In the level, using flight mode is a fatal trap.”

“Flying seems to greatly improve mobility. However, no matter how fast you are, can you be faster than the aiming and shooting of massive drones? Leaving the ground and flying into the air means giving up the cover of the complex ground environment and being It was only a matter of time before we were shot down.”

“Then you deliberately equipped him with a jet suit…” Cui Jinqi was speechless. Wasn’t this deliberately inducing him to fall into a thinking trap?

“He is an esper of the Cheng family in the city of God. If he is not equipped with a flying suit, he will still say that our Fanyang Lu family is deliberately making things difficult for him.” Lu Zhongyou sneered, “I can’t pass the level even though I used the flying suit. I see you What other excuses can there be!”

Including Cheng Yuexian, all the Cheng clan members present glared at him.

“Giving him a flying suit, but then deliberately choosing a test level that is not conducive to flying, this is deliberately making things difficult for him!” Cui Jinqi couldn’t stand his unruly face and said sarcastically.

“If I make things difficult for the Cheng family in the capital city, what do you want?” Lu Zhongyou raised his eyebrows and said mockingly, “A family that is uncertain whether it can maintain its status as a noble family deserves you to come out and speak out for them? Cui Jinqi, you can’t be Are you planning to marry into their family?”

“You!” Cui Jinqi blushed when she heard this. She couldn’t tell that what Lu Zhongyou said by “marrying down” did not refer to a simple woman getting married, but to a woman from a high-class family condescending to marry a man from a low-class family. Among the nobles, it was a shameful thing that would be laughed at by everyone.

But she also had a poisonous tongue after all, so she said angrily:

“Yes, what else? People of eighth rank can be favored by the emperor and sent to the battlefield. Some people of eighth rank are still in the clan and need to be accompanied by their sisters even when they go out to socialize. Otherwise, the elders will not worry. I will take a fancy to them. Isn’t it obvious who it is?”

“You!” Lu Zhongyou clenched his fists again even if he had the urge to hit someone, but Lu Qingyun quickly gave him a warning look to calm him down again.

It doesn’t matter how you provoke the Cheng family in the divine capital here, but it’s not appropriate to offend the Cui family in Qinghe for no reason. Although Miss Cui Jinqi has a bad reputation among the younger generation of the gentry, she is also a serious girl with the fifth surname.

If Lu Zhongyou had a fierce conflict with her for the sake of the Cheng family in the divine capital, and if word of this came back to the ears of the elders of the family, his own evaluation would also be affected.

“Qingyun, it’s good that you’re here.” Cui Jinqi saw that he was blushing and silent, so she deliberately hid behind Lu Qingyun, pretending to be scared and muttered, “I thought your brother was going to bite someone just now.”

Lu Qingyun couldn’t laugh or cry. Forget about hitting someone, what does it mean to bite someone? You think my brother is a dog!

Then she remembered what Cheng Jinyang said before about “the way to be a dog”, and she couldn’t help but want to laugh again.

“You’re just trying to use your words!” Lu Zhongyou turned over and over again, but couldn’t find the words to fight back, so he could only throw up his sleeves and angrily said, “I won’t argue with you. When he loses and comes out, I’ll see how you whitewash and defend him!”

“Bang!” Cui Jinqi snorted from her nose and followed Lu Qingyun to continue looking at the screen.


She rubbed her eyes and double-checked that she had read the numbers on the screen correctly.

At the same time, the Lu brothers and sisters also discovered something was wrong.

etc! We just had a quarrel, which lasted less than half a minute. Why did the number on the screen change to 831?

In almost 30 seconds, more than 100 drones were missing!

“Play back the video!” Lu Zhongyou said quickly.

Cheng Yuexian operated silently, switching the live broadcast to recording mode, and then quickly rewinding time.

Everyone saw Cheng Jinyang rushing out of the store with the power of the explosion. He had just climbed to almost the third floor when the first salvo of beams came suddenly.

Then, Cheng Jinyang, who was flying in mid-air, suddenly fell and rolled diagonally. While dodging all the series of high-energy lasers, the gun and bullets in his hand shot backward like a waterfall, clicking, clicking, clicking, hitting the nearest one. All the drones were destroyed.

Lu Qingyun’s mouth opened slightly, Lu Zhongyou’s eyes widened, Cheng Yuexian stared at the screen blankly, and Cui Jinqi reached out to cover her mouth – looking at the stunned looks of the Lu family siblings, she was afraid that she would burst into laughter. .

so amazing! How did he do it?

Qing Yun just said that “flying in this level is actually a trap”, but he immediately flew up, easily dodging all attacks and killing more than a dozen drones!

“It’s a coincidence!” Lawrence Lu suddenly shouted, “It must be…”

Just as he was about to say, “I must have dodged it by chance,” he saw Cheng Jinyang make another short-distance emergency change of direction, narrowly avoiding the two beams of light.

Without being reminded, Cheng Yuexian played back the video again:

There was obviously no problem with the drone’s attack. The laser’s impact point fell in the direction of his advance, and the distance advance was calculated correctly.

However, he seized the few tenths of a second of focusing time between the aiming and launching of the drone, and emergency controlled the jet device to complete two changes of direction. He was able to turn around at the point where the laser was about to hit, and walked out. An exaggerated “Z”-shaped curve.

“It must have been cheating.” Lu Zhongyou, who was stuck, held it in for a long time before he managed to say something nonsense.

No one answered, and even he himself immediately fell into a state of shame, embarrassment, and embarrassment.

The procedure was brought by Fan Yang Lu, and the whole process was videotaped, and will be handed over to Fan Yang Lu for further study. Under this situation, if Cheng Jinyang could hide his cheating from everyone, then Fan Yang and Lu’s technical skills would be worse than even the network administrator.

Then the whole room fell into an odd silence.

It was still September, and the tail of the autumn tiger was still wreaking havoc on the earth, so the air conditioner in the room was turned on fully, but Lawrence Lu felt a little sweaty, his mouth was dry, and he didn’t know what to do.

He suddenly realized something, a problem that he had ignored at the beginning:

According to the usual conversations among the family elders, the current emperor is not the kind of mediocre ruler who likes nepotism. In other words, since His Majesty wants Cheng Jinyang to go to the battlefield, there must be a logical and convincing reason.

Now it seems that the reason is clear.

This test level is used by the Fan Yang Lu family to train family secret guards. The passing mark is to shoot down 600 aircraft in 30 minutes. On average, it needs to shoot down more than 20 aircraft per minute.

However, the selection criteria for the Lu family’s secret guards is to start at the sixth level!

Cheng Jinyang was actually able to shoot down more than a hundred drones in half a minute. If he continues at this rate, it would be more than enough to get a full score… A power user with an eighth-level bloodline, but a sixth-level power user. If he gets full marks in the professional test, doesn’t it mean that he can exert the same strength as the sixth grade on the battlefield?

What a leader of the Cheng family, he actually pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger, hiding his secrets! You deliberately waited for me to show off your strength before showing off your strength, embarrassing me!

Wait, even if the family elders don’t understand his true strength, they understand that the emperor can’t be wrong, and they should have guessed that there is something fishy in it. Why did they deliberately send me to question and review the Cheng family in the capital city?

Could it be that because this project was led by the Fan Yanglu family and the emperor intervened rashly, the family had to express its opposition and fight back, otherwise it would be regarded as weak by the nobles?

And his reckless and impetuous character has become the hammer used by the family to beat the royal family… At the same time, it can also embarrass himself, in order to achieve the purpose of warning and punishment.

Thinking of this, he glared at his sister angrily.

Qing Yun must have known about it for a long time, but why didn’t he tell me in advance!

Lu Qingyun blinked and faced the accusing look from his belated brother, and just smiled gently in response.


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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not work with dark mode