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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 234 The culprit has no consciousness

Whether it is possessed by the girl herself or by the individual in the dream, Cheng Jinyang, as an experienced dream walker, can clearly feel the tone lingering in the entire dream, which is the strongest emotion of the girls themselves.

Regarding the unbearable past events in their own memories, Xing Yunzhi is “hateful”, Wang Wanrou is “unwilling”, Chu Qingqing is “fearful”, Yang Wangshu is “desperate”, and Cui Jinqi is “regretful”.

Even if Cheng Jinyang hadn’t possessed her, he couldn’t understand why Cui Xiaoniang became completely different: In fact, Cui Jinqi’s life before this was very happy, and she hardly encountered any slightest setbacks.

As a girl with the fifth surname, she did not have any concept of “scarcity of materials” in her childhood. Whether it’s food or toys, no matter how expensive they are, she gets whatever she wants.

Although her father Cui Taichong has an old-fashioned personality, he is self-possessed and upright. Even when he criticized and educated her, he never abused or used cold violence; her mother Lu is famous for being gentle and kind. The children all like her very much. Cui Jinqi even Consider your mother as your life idol – that is, “I want to be like my mother when I grow up.”

Therefore, Cui Jinqi lives in an almost perfect world, both materially and spiritually. This also developed her innocent and innocent character.

She thought that the world her parents built for her was the real world outside.

Therefore, when Cui Xiaoniang touched the real dark corner of the outside world for the first time, her world view immediately collapsed. She didn’t understand why her parents would do such a cruel thing, just like she didn’t understand why there was a shadow under the light, and then she plunged into the horns of a bull.

She was lost in her own confused, obsessive thoughts.

“It’s been a whole month.” Cui Taichong said worriedly. “She didn’t talk to her family or leave the room. She just stayed in the room alone in a daze. No one knew what she was thinking.”

“Oh, it’s all my fault.” Mother Lu wiped her tears with a handkerchief, “I shouldn’t have let people deal with this matter. I’m afraid Jinqi would be frightened by seeing the scene… She is a very kind child. He’s just too kind-hearted and doesn’t know how many conspiracies and dangers there are out there.”

“If she could forgive me, I would be willing to kneel to her. But now she is hiding in the room silently and is unwilling to communicate with me. What will happen if this continues?”

“Don’t worry, you two.” Wang Maohong said gently, “Let Wanrou ask. She and Jinqi are of the same age and have similar personalities. I think there should be the possibility of communication.”

“That’s the only way it can be.” Cui Taichong sighed, pulled his wife Lu aside, and watched 12-year-old Wang Wanrou enter the room.

When he saw the young Miss Wang again, the first thing that popped into Cheng Jinyang’s mind was her “hehehehahaha” laughing expression in front of the mirror.

However, at this time, Wang Wanrou just wore an elegant and gentle perfect smile, and closed the door of the room after entering.

“I heard you’re in some trouble?”

Cui Jinqi was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. After hearing this, she raised her head and glanced at her.

His eyes fell on her hairstyle, making Cui Xiaoniang slightly distracted.

“Why don’t you tell me about it.” Wang Wanrou said with a smile.

“Do you understand what ‘cheating’ is?” Cui Jinqi said in a low voice, probably because of her hairstyle.

“Uh.” Wang Wanrou raised her eyebrows, “Use words to guide the other person’s thinking, even if it goes against reality.”

“Why is there deception in the world?” Cui Jinqi said sadly, unable to hold back her tears.

She chose to tell the truth to her mother, but her mother clearly said that she “understood her”, but went behind her back and asked people to “eliminate the roots”, which made it clear that the former was just a lie to excuse her.

“Because there is a game.” Wang Wanrou said.

Cui Jinqi:?

She tilted her head in confusion, waiting for the other party’s explanation.

“In order to win the game, it is necessary to use deception to create an unequal information gap.” Seeing that the other party did not understand, young Miss Wang lost interest and explained impatiently, “Deception is not the result, it is just A means used to achieve results. So your question has no value. The purpose of any means and tools is just because it is useful enough.”

Cui Jinqi fell silent.

She probably understood, so she cried and said:

“You are laughing at me for being stupid. Because I don’t know how to deceive, I am responsible for all this.”

Wang Wanrou was a little surprised (this guy actually understood it), the corners of her mouth slightly curved in an imperceptible arc, and she smiled softly:

“I didn’t say that. However, it seems that you have found the answer yourself?”

“I…” Cui Jinqi opened her mouth, and then bit her lower lip hard.

She finally got out of the horns that had troubled her for more than a month, and was led by the irresponsible Wang Wanrou into another even bigger dead end:

“I won’t make the same mistake again.”

Wang Wanrou:?

“I can do it too.” Cui Jinqi seemed to be possessed, murmuring over and over again, as if she was brainwashing herself, “I won’t make the same mistake again.”

“Uh.” Wang Wanrou felt that something was wrong with this girl.

However, she didn’t care what the other person thought, so she just smiled and said:

“Well, now that you’ve figured it out, my mission is accomplished.”

“A mission?” Cui Jinqi immediately understood that the other party was entrusted by her parents and came to try to guide her out of the predicament.

And she finally found the “right” way out.

“Yes, thank you.” She wiped away her tears and showed a fake, grateful smile.


Cheng Jinyang woke up from bed.

Only then did he realize that he was holding one in his left hand and another in his right hand, as if he were the owner of two big cats.

Forget it, Wang Wanrou, she agreed to hold me to sleep, what about Miss Qingqing? Why did you wake up and it was me hugging you?

After carefully removing his arms from under the two of them, Cheng Jinyang went to the bathroom to wash up.

When he came out again, he saw Miss Wang sitting up and yawning. The collar of her clothes was loose, revealing half of her shoulders that were as white and as warm as ivory.

Noticing Cheng Jinyang’s gaze, she straightened her collar casually and asked:

“Why didn’t you drag us in last night? Whose dream did you fall into again?”

“Cui Jinqi.” Cheng Jinyang replied.

It turns out that Cui Xiaoniang’s problem is caused by you! Qinghe Cui really should give you a one-ton medal.

“Oh.” Wang Wanrou nodded, seemingly without any awareness of misleading her disciples, and just waved lazily, “Come here.”

Cheng Jinyang walked to the bed, and Miss Wang stood up from the bed and touched his head condescendingly.

“I originally wanted to study it in my dream, but you didn’t drag me into it, so let’s do it like this for now.”

“What did you do to me?” Cheng Jinyang asked in confusion.

“I copied your current mental state.” Wang Wanrou said calmly, “I will study it slowly when I get back.”

Cheng Jinyang was startled for a moment, and then he remembered that the Taiyuan Wang family was leaving Jiankang today and going to Lin’an for refuge.

“when are we leaving?”


“Okay, remember to call me when you get to Lin’an.”

“The Wang clan in Taiyuan does not allow mobile phones to be brought into the clan, even the clan in Lin’an.” Wang Wanrou said slowly and calmly, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

“It’s a flag to say something like this before leaving.” Cheng Jinyang sighed.


“It’s just…” He then remembered that there seemed to be no word for flag in this world, “It’s something like a word spirit. For example, before going to the battlefield, he said, ‘I will go back to my hometown to get married after the battle,’ and then die in the war forever. Can not go back.”

“Oh.” Wang Wanrou said boredly, “I’m not interested in these feudal and superstitious knowledge.”

“Then I’ll leave first.” Cheng Jinyang said.

“Don’t get carried away in the heat of the moment on the battlefield.” He pushed open the bedroom door and heard Miss Wang saying from behind, “Don’t forget that your counterinsurgency this time is for political purposes. It’s not a military or private drive.”

“Well, of course.” Cheng Jinyang replied.

Miss Wang is right. For political purposes, that is to say, it only needs to be “performed for Yu Zhongshu to see”, and it does not really have to put down the rebellion (military purpose), or rescue the uncle’s lineage (private purpose).

When Jiankang City is no longer defensible, there is no need to sacrifice the family to fight for the imperial court.

“As long as you know what’s going on, that’s fine.” Wang Wanrou said.

I heard everyone’s voices. Let’s see if we can make up for the debt owed to the leader this weekend.


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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