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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 238 Open your eyes!

“I understand.” Cheng Jinyang whispered, “Although you prefer that I am just an ordinary person, you have never ruled out the last possibility, so you chose to kill me here to avoid accidents and future troubles.”

“Not bad.” Wang Chuzhong admitted frankly.

“In that case.” Cheng Jinyang took a deep breath, “Cui Jinqi and my tribe, although they are not on your side, they are very weak and do not have enough value to the court.”

“Can you let them go?”

“No.” Wang Chuzhong still kept smiling, admiring his last expression with great interest, “I had sent out half an hour ago the troops that went to destroy the Cheng family in the divine capital – of course, I was not there at that time. I knew I would meet you here in advance.”

Cheng Jinyang’s breathing suddenly became rapid.

“As for this little lady Cui, she is from the Cui family in Qinghe, so she may not be able to take charge of the family in the future.”

“She has such a close relationship with you. If I kill you here, she will definitely bear a grudge against me. Do you think I will leave behind a descendant of the fifth surname who has a grudge against me, so that she may become my enemy in the future? ?” Wang Chuzhong asked lightly.

“No.” Cheng Jinyang defended in a low voice, “She and I are not the kind of relationship that the Duke imagined.”

“Jinqi, tell me.”

If the tribe cannot be saved, at least Miss Cui…

You must not die because of me!

Hearing Cheng Jinyang defend her, Cui Jinqi fell silent on his back.

Of course she understood what Cheng Jinyang meant by what he said.

Wang Chuzhong looked at her leisurely, and everyone present focused on her, waiting for her next clarification and self-protection.

“Me.” Cui Jinqi raised her head, with clear tears on her face again, “I am a member of the Cui family of Qinghe!”

Her voice was not high, but her tone was extremely firm:

“If you want to kill Jinyang, I will activate my supernatural power to explode and die with you!”

Cheng Jinyang stood there stunned, the last glimmer of hope in his heart shattered.

She is lying.

She actually chose to lie again.

You and I obviously don’t have that close relationship, but you deliberately said that you are willing to die together with me…

“What are you talking about!” He growled through gritted teeth, “Cui Jinqi! What is my relationship with you? Is it worth it for you to offend the county magistrate for me?”

It is impossible to self-destruct and die together with the other party. Cui Xiaoniang doesn’t even have seventh-grade abilities. Wang Chuzhong’s side, Shen Shiju and Xie Yongye, are already fourth-grade supernatural beings. How can you possibly hurt the opponent?

“I, I…” Cui Jinqi’s tone was urgent and her voice was anxious, “I can’t just watch you die…”

“Whether I die or not is none of your business!” Cheng Jinyang tried to throw her to the ground and roared, “Get off!”

“I don’t! I don’t!” Cui Xiaoniang hugged him tightly like an octopus, tears flowing down uncontrollably, “I have lost Sister Heng, I won’t… I won’t be stupid again this time. …”

Wang Chuzhong looked at the two of them quietly, watching Cheng Jinyang try every possible means to act evil and try to save Cui Xiaoniang’s life; but Cui Jinqi clung to him and would rather die with him.

He couldn’t quite understand why this kind of love between a man and a woman could have such a magical power that made people forget about life and death.

In his early years, he had dozens of maids and concubines in his family. Some people advised him not to indulge in women. On a whim, he handed over the deeds of prostitution to them and let them go freely.

Women, aren’t they used to reproduce?

So he completely lost his last interest in speaking and waved his hand in boredom:

“Kill them.”


In the subway car.

Wang Wanrou was still sitting with her eyes closed, and her mental vision was densely packed with Cheng Jinyang’s spiritual codes.

About a few minutes ago, a large amount of negative emotions suddenly came from the communication of the thought interface.

Fear, unwillingness, despair… It seems that something unexpected is happening to Cheng Jinyang.

However, the corresponding so-called “connection synchronization value” also began to rise rapidly, reaching a height that she had never observed before.

I see.

Wang Wanrou breathed a sigh of relief and smiled “That’s it”.

It turns out this is a life-saving mechanism.

Just like when a person is in a critical moment, adrenaline will surge sharply. This is essentially a body mechanism that humans have evolved to cope with fatal crises.

Because of this, when Cheng Jinyang was not in danger, no matter how much he researched, he could not find a way to activate it.


I was indeed right.

You will eventually go down this road.

This time, let me help you first.

Her mind began to work violently, and she continued to write, debug, and execute complex mental codes.

Quickly connect to other connections one by one.

In the Xing clan land in Hejian, Xing Yuanzhi was dealing with the evacuation of the entire clan from Lin’an.

Jinyang, you should lead the team to counter the rebellion in Jiangning District now, right?

I don’t know how he is doing…

Then, her spirit suddenly shook.

In the Chu family’s clan area in Yangzhai, Chu Qingqing was talking to his father Chu Jiye:

“Recently, my daughter has a new idea about how to deal with the phase transition between different metal crystal states…”

There was a strange pause in her voice.

“What’s wrong?” Chu Jinye asked strangely after noticing his daughter’s strangeness.

“It’s nothing.” Miss Qingqing smiled and said, “Father, I’m a little tired and want to go back and rest.”

Members of the Hongnong Yang family are waiting to board the train at the website. Listless Yang Wangshu, wearing a mask, is sitting alone in the waiting room playing with her mobile phone. Her brother Yang Siping is by her side.

She suddenly raised her head and looked at the ceiling of the waiting room confusedly.

Behind the battlefield in Jiangning District, Cui Jinqi, who was in desperate situation, hugged Cheng Jinyang tightly.

“Jinyang…” She panted lowly, her breath lingering on the back of his neck.

The surrounding Longxiang Army guards raised their guns, and the drone swarms in the sky blocked all the routes. High-level superpowers looked at them, like cold-blooded spectators outside the arena, waiting for the imminent death. , there is no warmth in his eyes.

“It’s okay.” Cheng Jinyang hugged her tightly and held her pale hands.

“We will die together.”

However, before the person on the other side could shoot, the flames in his heart had suddenly expanded, as if they were about to explode his chest.

In the north, in Luoyang, the divine capital, in the Zichen Palace.

Su Lili, who was standing in the palace corridor, suddenly raised his head.

Her eyes looked to the southeast, across a long distance of more than 600 kilometers, and connected with Cheng Jinyang in the northern part of Jiangning District.

At this time, all the latter’s thoughts poured directly into her mind, regardless of the length of the physical space.

Flowing into the hearts of all the connected girls:

There was no way back.

Just as Wang Chuzhong said.

In this troubled world, the weak can only serve as pawns in the hands of the superior.

To be eaten, to be abandoned, to be sacrificed…


Who is willing?

this life,

Just a chess piece? ! ! ! ! ! !

The cry before death exploded and roared like thunder in the spiritual space.

It made the girls’ hearts tremble violently.

The next second, the gunshots of Long Xiangjun rang out intensively.

Cui Jinqi closed her eyes tightly, but the pain she expected did not come.

There was only a rustling sound left in my ears, as if countless leaves were rolling and rubbing in the wind.

She opened her eyes carefully, only to see that… liquid metal had surged up from under the two men’s feet, blocking all the bullets fired from the front.

More metal crawled up along the clothes and skin of the two men.

They blocked everything out and enveloped the two of them inside.

They poured out from Cheng Jinyang’s collar and grew rapidly upward, from his chin to his cheeks, then to his cheekbones and forehead, and finally completely covered his face.

Only a pair of red alien eyes were left, with pupils radiating into the shape of novae.

Like splashes of blood.

And like a burning flame.

After changing it for a long time, it still wasn’t as perfect as expected. Forget it, just send it out like this. When I was writing this article, I forgot to turn on the BGM to brew up my feelings. My wife happened to be watching Wu Ha next to me. The BGM played was “Light Years Away”. It must have affected my state of writing this chapter…


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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