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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 249 My Beautiful Teacher

“Continue to learn fighting skills?” Cheng Jinyang asked in surprise.

“Yes.” Wang Wanrou said, “Your marksmanship and combat awareness are both good, but close combat is your weakness. You can’t rely on Yuan Zhi to protect you around the clock in the future, right?”

“I understand what you mean.” Cheng Jinyang looked at Wang Wanrou.

I understand everything you said, but what I don’t understand is why you want to drag her in? Unlike Yang Wangshu, we are not blocked in our dreams now!

The other three girls also showed vague dissatisfaction, which made Li Qingwan a little nervous and uneasy.

“Longxi Li’s body is activated and has special expertise in defense.” Wang Wanrou said leisurely, “Having her train you will be very helpful to your growth in combat power.”

Translation: Very helpful to our combat power.

So Cheng Jinyang looked at Li Qingwan again. The difference from last time was that this time he looked more carefully.

Li Qingwan is about 1.7 meters tall. Although she looks thin, if you look closely, she is still quite muscular. She has a healthy figure with relatively solid muscles.

She was dressed almost the same as the last time we met. This girl was still wearing a simple single ponytail, a sports jacket, shirt, trousers, and running shoes. She had a bare face, fresh and very clean appearance. In addition, if he remembered correctly, Li Qingwan’s body temperature seemed to be slightly lower than that of ordinary people, and he felt cold and smooth to the touch, which was particularly comfortable… Well, the last time he waved to her, the touch was still fresh in his memory.

“That’s okay.” Since the other party’s ability and appearance were on the passing line, and Miss Wang was the guarantor, Cheng Jinyang had no objection. But of course he will not forget to ask the parties for their opinions:

“Qingwan, although Wanrou said so, I still want to confirm that there is no problem with your time and energy in teaching me fighting skills?”

“No problem.” Li Qingwan smiled gently.

The Li family in Longxi asked her to spy on information. Now that she had a legitimate opportunity to get close to Cheng Jinyang, why wouldn’t she be willing?

The two hit it off immediately, leaving the other girls helpless.

Xing Yunzhi was the first to accept the fact. After all, Miss Wang was right. It would be good to improve Jinyang’s close combat skills.

So she walked forward and introduced her formally:

“Hejian Xing family, Xing Yuanzhi.”

“Hello.” Li Qingwan responded quickly, without the airs of a girl with the fifth surname, which made Xing Yunzhi feel better about her, “Longxi Li family, Li Qingwan.”

“Well, I am Chu Qingqing from the Chu family in Yangzhai.” Miss Qingqing also introduced herself, and then said enthusiastically, “Your fighting skills are very good? Let’s practice some time.”

She had been coveting it for a long time after hearing that the Li family in Longxi could not be killed no matter how much she was killed.

“Yeah.” Li Qingwan didn’t know the hidden violent tendencies of the person in front of him, so he responded politely, “I don’t dare to be too powerful, but I just have a little experience.”

The third person to come up was Cui Jinqi. This young lady and Li Qingwan had known each other for a long time, and they complained familiarly:

“You haven’t contacted me much recently!”

“Something happened at home recently…” Li Qingwan muttered a few words to her.

“Is this so?” Cui Jinqi was secretly surprised. She didn’t expect that the Li family in Longxi was also eyeing Cheng Jinyang.

However, even if Qingwan joins, it shouldn’t threaten my status ranking… right?

“Okay, let’s play together later.” She then showed a friendly smile.

“Yeah.” Li Qingwan nodded.

“There is another Yang Wangshu.” Cheng Jinyang looked around, “Forget it, she may be playing games somewhere.”

“You haven’t introduced me yet.” Xing Yunzhi reminded him.

“Me? I don’t need it…” Seeing everyone staring at him, Cheng Jinyang could only sigh and said, “Cheng Jinyang, next is your student, hello Teacher Li.”

“You can’t be a teacher, let’s make progress together.” Li Qingwan still responded gently.


On the training ground, Cheng Jinyang also temporarily left his wheelchair and stood firmly on the field.

“Jinyang, last time I gave you the URL of the virtual fighting club, have you ever logged in?”

Hearing Li Qingwan ask this, Cheng Jinyang felt a little embarrassed:

“Well…then I suddenly became the clan leader. I was too busy, so I didn’t log in much…”

Li Qingwan:………………

Suddenly became the clan leader? That’s great, I also want to be valued by my family…

She restrained her gloomy mood and forced a smile:

“It’s okay. Let’s play a few games first and let me see your current level.”

Li Qingwan raised his arms to protect his chest and signaled:

“Punch me first and see?”

“Okay.” Cheng Jinyang clenched his fists and hit her arms with precision.

“Too light.” Li Qingwan received a punch, his expression remained unchanged, and he shook his head, “You have just been discharged from the hospital and your body has not recovered yet? Try harder.”

Too light? Cheng Jinyang was a little surprised, and the strength of his next punch increased.

“It’s still too light.”



“Don’t worry, my body can handle it.”

“Faster, faster, harder! Harder!”

“Wait!” Cheng Jinyang stopped panting, “Can you stop saying those ambiguous words?”

“What’s the ambiguity?” Li Qingwan asked strangely.

Looking at her with innocent eyes, Cheng Jinyang couldn’t explain in detail, so he could only say helplessly: “It’s nothing, I will try my best.”

The two continued to fight for a while, mainly Cheng Jinyang taking action, while Li Qingwan defended and received beatings. Probably because she was physically active, there was a strange blush on her face, and her mood seemed to be brighter:

“I’ve probably figured it out. Jinyang, your durability is good, but your explosive power isn’t very good.”

Cheng Jinyang:……

It’s humiliating to be told by a girl that I don’t have enough explosive power!

“I think I can still fight.” He said unconvinced, “How about we try again?”

“No need.” Li Qingwan said with a smile, “Only explosive power that can be output stably is useful. If you are powerful occasionally, but cannot perform stably when you are on the field with real swords and guns, it cannot be regarded as strength.”

She took off her sports jacket and threw it to the ground, revealing the sports vest underneath and her beautiful white arms, and said with a smile:

“Real explosive power…”

Before she finished speaking, her fist had stopped in front of Cheng Jinyang’s nose – the latter didn’t even see when she punched.

“Just like this.” Li Qingwan retracted his arm and smiled, “When I was hit, you didn’t react at all, let alone use your powers.”

“Please teach me, Mr. Li.” Cheng Jinyang was convinced, clasping his fists and saying.

“If you don’t want to be a teacher, just call me ‘Qing Wan’.” Li Qing Wan said humbly, “You can only be regarded as a beginner now, so I won’t teach you how to loosen, move, and bounce. First, I will teach you how to penetrate the strength. Let’s finish the basic skills first. Well, you can do a horse stance and show it to me.”

So Cheng Jinyang took a steady stance.

“The function of the horse step is to lower the center of gravity and stabilize the body’s balance.” Li Qingwan walked around behind him and said, “People with a stable center of gravity can better overcome the recoil when shooting with a gun.”

She held Cheng Jinyang’s waist from behind and signaled him to continue sinking:

“When doing daily exercises, try to keep your thighs as level as possible with the ground. It is very helpful to help you develop the ability to stabilize your center of gravity.”


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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