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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 257 Soul Torture

“Since I can remember, your mother has become a human being and is also my teacher. And what happened before that are just fragments of words that I learned from your mother, and I slowly put them together later.”

“Anyway, at that time, your mother joined our royal family and became an academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, studying how to reversely transform demons into humans. According to her, her own method cannot be universally used, so she needs to develop a method that can be effective against all demons. An effective solution. As a reward, our Sima family is responsible for protecting her safety on the human side.”

“After my grandfather passed away, it was my father’s turn to take the throne and continue to fulfill the cooperation between the Sima family and her.”

“Then your father showed up.”

After Princess Nankang said this, she sat down on the bench by the corridor, and Cheng Jinyang guessed the answer from what she just said.

My mother was once polluted as a human and became a demon, and then successfully transformed from a demon back into a human. This experience was undoubtedly unprecedented. That’s why the Sima family ignored her former identity as a demon (and the hidden dangers it might bring) and asked her to study a way to eliminate the demon once and for all.

However, after her father appeared, she lost the protection of the Sima family and was later killed in a demon attack, which shows…

“That is to say, she gave up her status as an academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences for my father, right?” Cheng Jinyang sat down next to her and expressed his guess.

“Most of the nobles don’t know your mother’s true identity.” Princess Nankang sighed, “They only look at the faces of the five surnamed families, and subconsciously think that the five surnamed families are afraid of your mother’s royal background. .”

“Your father received a lot of pressure from the family in order to be with her, so in the end they were forced to withdraw from the royal family/family circle at the same time, and then they got married in Wujiang Town and lived in seclusion.”

“But I didn’t expect that something like that would happen later…”

“Sister Xinnan.” Cheng Jinyang was silent for a long time and finally asked, “Was the disaster in Wujiang Town three years ago really just an accident?”

Princess Nankang was stunned for a moment.

“I don’t know,” she said, shaking her head.

“Three years ago, I was not in Jiankang City. When I came back, all parties agreed on the matter and said it was an accident. I also tried to investigate some situations, but…”

She couldn’t speak anymore, so she could only lower her eyes and stare at the ground, speechless for a long time.

Cheng Jinyang tried to read the message from her silence:

Obviously, Sister Xinnan’s investigation did not yield any useful information, and she encountered strong resistance.

As a royal princess, but she encounters resistance that she cannot break through, then the opponent is either from a family with five surnames or from the royal family. However, if it was a family with the fifth surname, she could have told herself in private at this time, but why did she remain silent?

So, the other party is…

“Is that what your Majesty means?” Cheng Jinyang asked carefully.

“Tonight, my father has passed away.” Princess Nankang whispered.

The emperor is gone? ! ! Cheng Jinyang was shocked on the spot and speechless.

“When he died, he destroyed all the data in the server.” Sister Princess sighed, “I don’t know why he refused to leave the truth to me until the end…”

There was a trace of uncontrollable sadness in her voice, which made Cheng Jinyang feel a little uncomfortable.

So he subconsciously reached out his hand and put it on the shoulder of the princess sister beside him:

“Sister Xinnan.”

Princess Nankang held his hand, turned around, hugged him, and put her forehead against his chest.

“I’m sorry, Jinyang.” She leaned into his arms, her voice low, like a little girl’s pitiful plea, “Let me lean on you.”

Cheng Jinyang couldn’t refuse.

The princess sister’s golden curly hair fell randomly on her chest, and there was still a faint fragrance of alcohol lingering in her nose. Did she drink some wine before coming here?

Cheng Jinyang lowered his gaze and saw that there was indeed a light red mark of wine on her neckline, and deeper down, there was a round, milky white mysterious organ.

So he forcibly suppressed his charming thoughts, moved his gaze upward again, and then faced Cui Xiaoniang at the bedroom window.

Cheng Jinyang:? ! !

For a moment, he even had the urge to push the princess sister away immediately, but after all, he considered himself not a disdainful man, and his sense of male responsibility forced him to give up the idea of ​​​​escape. When he raised his gaze again, the pretty face behind the window had disappeared.

So he blinked in confusion.

What just happened… was it an illusion?

In the room, Cui Jinqi lay quietly on her side on her bed, eyes open, looking at Xing Yunzhi lying on the bed next to her.

She suddenly had the urge to cry, but her rationality told her that there was no need to shed tears, because that would be too ridiculous.

There is no betrayal, because I have no relationship with him at all.

There’s no such thing as lovelorn, because I’m not sure whether I like him or not.

So, now my chest is so blocked, what’s the reason?

She curled up and slowly got into the quilt.

After another moment, she could no longer suppress the emotions surging in her chest. She grabbed the quilt with her right hand and put the back of her left hand against her mouth, whimpering sadly.


early morning.

Cheng Jinyang woke up slowly and found that he was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt.

Recalling last night, the princess sister said “come closer”, but she actually let him hug her for almost the whole night. Women’s words are really untrustworthy, especially beautiful women.

Looking around again, he found that all the girls’ beds were empty. Looking at the time again, he found that he had only slept for half an hour since he came back.

To be precise, I squinted for half an hour in the vague consciousness between half asleep and half awake. Neither fell asleep nor noticed the girls getting up…

Wait, Cui Jinqi!

Thinking again of the figure he saw behind the window last night, he sat up in excitement.

However, there was no one in the room.

Cheng Jinyang changed his clothes and carefully went to the bathroom, hearing the crisp sound of water coming from inside.

“Azhi?” he called tentatively.

“It’s Yuan Zhi.” Xing Yuan Zhi inside corrected his title first, and then sighed, “Wait a minute, I’ll be done washing it soon.”

“Ah, no, no, no, I’ll go to the public bathroom outside to wash up!” Cheng Jinyang quickly signaled that she didn’t need to come out, and then quickly left the bedroom.

The Cheng family, the majestic capital of the gods, can’t even provide a toilet for Ah Zhi to use with confidence. As the leader of the clan, don’t I have no face?

Another half hour later, Xing Yunzhi left the bathroom after taking a bath, and saw Cui Jinqi standing at the door of the bedroom, looking distracted.

She raised her eyebrows and was about to speak when she heard Cui Jinqi suddenly ask:

“Yuanzhi, do you like Jinyang?”

“I am his fiancée.” Xing Yunzhi said in a cold tone.

“No, I’m not asking you this.” Cui Jinqi took a deep breath, her voice trembling, “I’m asking… do you like him?”

Xing Yunzhi subconsciously wanted to say “It has nothing to do with you”, but when the words came to her mouth, she saw her miserable expression that was so uneasy that she seemed about to cry, so she couldn’t help but hesitate and replied:


“What about him?” Cui Jinqi asked in a low voice, holding on to the threshold with her right hand, “Does he like you too?”

This time Xing Yunzhi was silent for a long time:

“I have no idea.”

“Yes, really?” Cui Jinqi showed a smile that was uglier than crying, murmured and turned around, “So you don’t know either…”

“What about you?” Xing Yunzhi’s voice came from behind, and there was a rare hint of anxiety in the cold voice.

“Do you like him too?”


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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