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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 289 The art of controlling subordinates

The girls were desperate.

Going back to your parents’ house, only to find that there is an extra person after you return. Is there anything more desperate than this?

Li Qingwan was very open-minded here. He saluted and said hello to everyone, saying “I am new here” and “I hope you will give me your advice in the future.” He also served tea one by one, and everyone looked better.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yang Wangshu came out and said arrogantly, we are not just people who can join us if they want. Since you have joined our team, you must be polite and understand the rules. Do you understand?

Cheng Jinyang looked at him in bewilderment. Are you playing a scheming game or something?

Li Qingwan then asked with a smile: What kind of etiquette does this Miss Yang have? What rules?

Yang Wangshu immediately got stuck. She copied the above line from an online novel. How could she really understand the meaning of palace and house fighting? So he turned his attention to Xing Yunzhi for help.

Xing Yunzhi could only stand up and said, there are no rules, just respect each other.

Cheng Jinyang smiled and smoothed things over and said, Yuan Zhi’s words are absolutely right. From now on, we will live together in dreams, and we should usually love each other.

Cui Jinqi also came out and said with a smile, we also have an activity here that can enhance the relationship between sisters. It’s called a naughty man. Would you like to know about it, my frivolous sister?


Putting aside the joking matters, in short, Li Qingwan’s joining has indeed brought about a qualitative change to the team’s overall combat strength, especially its survivability.

Physical activation is a rare passive ability that can control body cells to undergo various changes, such as accelerating wound healing, improving muscle endurance or explosive power, etc. It sounds a bit like the “life” in One Piece “Return”, the actual effect is even more exaggerated, it is the solid foundation of the Longxi Li family as a family with five surnames.

Of course, what girls envy the most is its ability to control the burning of fat cells and maintain body curves.

“That’s great.” Seeing them chattering there, Cheng Jinyang sighed, “Wanrou, it’s all thanks to you this time.”

Wang Wanrou didn’t speak, she just stared at the phone screen in a daze.

“What’s wrong?” Cheng Jinyang asked after noticing something was wrong with her expression.

“Yu Zhongshu invites Su Zigao to come to the pilgrimage.” Wang Wanrou sneered, “A formal edict has been issued.”

The so-called pilgrimage to the imperial court was a common practice of the Jin Dynasty for the generals in Jiezhen, asking them to return to Beijing to report on their duties after handing over their troops. After all, His Majesty Sima Zhongda, Emperor Xuan, once said, “The emperor holds a gun,” and the generals only hold it on their behalf. You held the gun for a long time and refused to return it. Do you want to rebel?

After the general reports on his duties, he often changes to another military town in another place to avoid staying in one place for a long time. He will manage it as the general’s private steel territory, and the tail will not be lost.

In peacetime, generals are certainly loyal. Nowadays, in troubled times, it would be false to say that there is no ambiguity at all. Who doesn’t want to be a local emperor? But rebellion is another matter. After all, the northern monster is still watching, and it would be uneconomical to fight with the imperial court and lose both sides.

Therefore, most people on the gentry side have a tolerant attitude toward Su Zigao from Liyang in Beizhen. After all, we can’t defeat him, and the other party has not explicitly expressed rebellion, so let’s stabilize the situation first.

As the patriarch of the Cheng family in the divine capital who suffered a lot from Wang Chuzhong’s rebellion, Cheng Jinyang is of course also a “big picture party”. How can those in power be quick and quick? Of course they must put the overall situation first, right? Anyway, my Cheng family doesn’t support fighting and I don’t have the strength to fight.

However, Yu Zhongshu didn’t seem to think much about it. This can be regarded as the hawkish leader of the imperial court. He believes that Su Zigao has become unruly and rebellious. If he doesn’t try to get rid of him now, when the refugees in Liyang become stronger in the future, he will really be unable to defeat him. .

There is of course some truth to this. It’s just that the dispute between hawks and doves is not about who is more reasonable, but who has greater momentum. At present, it seems that Wang Maohong was afraid of the imperial power and did not dare to fight with all his strength. Naturally, Yu Zhongshu had the upper hand, so the court officially issued an edict asking Su Zigao to return to Beijing to report on his duties and hand over military power.

After listening to Wang Wanrou’s brief account, Cheng Jinyang deduced the above and couldn’t help but become worried again. What Liyang Su Zigao couldn’t see was something that even an outsider like him, the leader of a small fifth-grade family, could easily see?

Will he return to Beijing obediently to report on his duties, and then be arrested without mercy? impossible! Wouldn’t that mean we have to fight again?

“What is the strength of both sides now?” Cheng Jinyang asked in a low voice.

“If the imperial court goes all out, it can beat the refugee army by half.” Wang Wanrou said with a sneer.

The so-called “go all out” refers to the Jingzhou Longxiang Army, Yangzhou Shenwu Army, Xuzhou Xiaoqi Army, plus the Yulin Army stationed in Jiankang City, all assembled to fight against the refugee army in Liyang… In fact, Longxiang The army was severely weakened by Wang Chuzhong’s rebellion. The Shenwu Army wanted to defend the monsters in the Songjiang ruins in the east, and the Xiaoqi Army wanted to defend the monsters in the Jianghuai region in the north. It was impossible to draw out full strength.

Wouldn’t that lead to another tug-of-war? Yu Zhongshu, be a human being! Everyone is like this and you still want to continue fighting!

Although Cheng Jinyang denounced this policy of the imperial court, he is still a man of low opinion now. He has a seventh-level supernatural ability. Even among those fourth-level famous families, this level is at best an elite thug. He cannot influence the political situation at all. At most, he can only You can rush to the tower in private and make some sarcastic remarks about Zhongshu, but you have to be careful not to reach the ears of the princess sister. After all, he is his uncle.

“Now it seems that we can only seize the time to upgrade.” After thinking about it, Cheng Jinyang could only sigh.

Currently, monsters are spawned in the Songjiang ruins in the dream, with about a thousand horses every night. At this rate, it will take three months to reach the sixth level.

“That’s right.” Xing Yunzhi came over and said, “You must hurry up and become stronger, Jinyang. I have already caught up with you.”

“Are you also at level seven?” Cheng Jinyang asked in surprise.

“Of course, we just exceeded 10,000 horses this morning.” Xing Yunzhi said coldly. Although there was no expression on her face, Cheng Jinyang could feel that she was actually very proud.

“Huh?” Cui Xiaoniang came over and shouted, “I reached the eighth level last week, why does no one come to praise me?”

Although she shouted “no one”, her eyes were fixed on Cheng Jinyang, who could only praise and say:

“Jinqi, you are awesome!”

“Hmph!” Cui Jinqi puffed up her chest proudly, while Xing Yunzhi frowned.

“But Yuan Zhi is already at the seventh level, you still have to work hard to catch up.” Cheng Jinyang added.

So Cui Jinqi curled her lips again, and Xing Yunzhi’s brows widened.

The three girls behind saw the changes in the expressions of Xing Yunzhi and Cui Jinqi, and Chu Qingqing complained to Li Qingwan:

“Here, did you see that he is mastering the art of balance? This is the strength of Tan Nan.”

“The crumbs of crumbs, the crumbs of the world.” Yang Wangshu typed with a sneer.

“I think it’s pretty awesome.” Li Qingwan said with a smile.

According to Wang Wanrou, this should be called “the art of controlling subordinates”…

The outline of the first half of the book is as follows: The historical trend is vast, and Jinyang and the girls are just a few fish in it for the time being. They can only follow the trend to save their lives (referring to daily chatting with the girls). The outline of the second half of the book is that the fish will eventually turn into a dragon, and then the situation will be stirred up (meaning that I will start to monopolize power and I want it all). In fact, I have said before to specify the time of dragon transformation: the seventh rank is the node with basic military capabilities, and the fifth rank is the node with basic political status. But I think it doesn’t matter much if you reach the sixth level a little early…


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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