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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 3 An unexpected reversal

In the evening, Xing Yunzhi returned to Xing’s house and told her father about breaking off the engagement.

“Oh, why is this happening? Why is this happening?” Xing Wenxing is a middle-aged man with a cowardly personality. He actually doesn’t really agree with canceling the marriage – he always feels sorry for his old friend Cheng Qinghe.

However, his daughter is known as the “Qingfeng of the Xing family”, and she is in the ninth rank even before she is a minor. To be honest, the son of an old friend who has been reduced to a poor family is really not worthy.

There is a saying, how can a cold bird be matched with a clear phoenix? Even if the agreement made by the parents is now in danger, why should the children bear it?

Seeing his father’s hesitant expression, Xing Yunzhi talked about the compensation, mainly a monthly living compensation of 10,000 yuan.

So Xing Wenxing’s face softened, he nodded, and let his daughter make the decision.

Since his wife’s death, Xing Wenxing has basically stopped participating in family and clan affairs. He just lies on the sofa and watches TV like a useless person every day, leaving all external affairs to his daughter to handle.

Of course, Xing Yunzhi is also very opinionated and skillful. Since she plans to terminate the engagement and the other party agrees, then so be it.

After saying good night to her father and washing herself with the maid, Xing Yunzhi asked them to leave and went to bed to rest.

Closing his eyes, Cheng Jinyang’s dull eyes suddenly flashed in his mind.

For a moment, she felt slightly unbearable, but she was quickly dispelled by reason.

Marriage is all about a well-matched match. Since Cheng Jinyang’s family background is no longer worthy of her, then of course it is better to get married as early as possible.

Even if he managed to do it reluctantly, without the support of the Cheng family, his status in the Xing family would be equivalent to a son-in-law, which would be an even greater humiliation for the late Uncle Cheng Qinghe.

Thinking like this, Xing Yunzhi quickly convinced herself rationally and fell asleep with peace of mind.

Consciousness gradually fell into the abyss.

Cheng Jinyang opened his eyes in his dream.

He rolled on the spot, dodging possible attacks.

In the past, he had the experience of being killed immediately after entering a dream, which made him completely frightened in nightmares, and he had to be on guard against any possible crisis.

However, this nightmare was different from the previous scenes: it was not the night when Su Lili died, which was filled with blood, fire, demons and desperate humans.

Rather, it was a dark, airtight room.

After rolling away from his original position, Cheng Jinyang immediately controlled his breathing and crawled carefully on the ground, taking care not to make any noise when moving.

Then, he heard a weak cry with some kind of suppressed whimpering.

On the right… about two meters away.

Cheng Jinyang silently avoided the opposite side, crawled to the left until he touched the wall, and then began to fumble for a weapon.

Suddenly a flattering voice sounded outside, and it sounded like a woman:

“I didn’t give birth to that bitch. Dear master, you have to know that I only have you in my heart…”

“Then why did you marry Xing Wenxing!” Then a furious male voice sounded, and the tone of the voice was already hysterical.

“It’s not what I want, it’s a family member…” The woman burst into tears, while the man mercilessly insulted her with all kinds of vicious words, as if he wanted to completely destroy her dignity.

Nima, is this not a nightmare? What the hell!

Suddenly the male voice sounded again:

“No! When I think about you and Xing Wenxing having a daughter, I wish I could kill you right now, and then myself!”

The woman hurriedly begged for mercy and tried to please her. Her words were so despicable that they could hardly be heard. While the man continued to insult her with words, he gave her several loud slaps and shouted:

“You bitch, ask your daughter to come out and serve me!”

So the woman touched the door and began to turn the locked door handle while begging:

“Ah Zhi… Ah Zhi, can you come out for a moment? Mommy will show you something good…”

“Mom, don’t be like this!” In the darkness of the room, not far from Cheng Jinyang, a panicked and childish voice immediately sounded, with a faint suppressed cry, “Where is Dad? Why did you bring a stranger into the house? You Call dad back quickly!”

“Ah Zhi, he is not a stranger! He is my mother’s friend!” It seemed that the male voice was complaining impatiently again. The woman outside quickly patted the door panel, her tone gradually became anxious and stern, “Open the door! Open the door quickly, Ah Zhi. !”

“No, I won’t open it!” The voice also shouted, and Cheng Jinyang felt strangely familiar in his voice, “Please, Mom. I know what you are going to do, please…”

She sobbed and cried, begging the woman outside to let her go, but the other woman turned a deaf ear and continued to slap the door panel hard and kept turning the locked handle. Trying to coax her into opening the door.

Until the man behind finally became impatient:

“Go away, let me come!”

Then there was a loud noise, as if something hit the door handle.

The girl in the room screamed with tears, while outside there was a continuous and violent slamming of the door, mixed with vicious insults from men and stern orders from women.

Cheng Jinyang huddled in the corner of the room and continued groping, and finally touched a small object on the floor. Judging from the shape and weight, it seemed…

Iron marbles?

At this time, with an overwhelming sound of shattering, the door was smashed open.

Light suddenly shone into the room from the outside, and Cheng Jinyang saw two monsters standing at the door of the room, two squirming, indescribable things composed of huge pieces of flesh.

As for the corner of the room, where the girl’s voice originally sounded, Xing Yunzhi was kneeling on one knee.

Her eyes were red and bloodshot, and her beautiful face was covered with crisscrossed tears. She clenched her teeth tightly, holding a slingshot in her left hand and two steel balls in her right hand, stretching the polymer rubber elastic to the extreme. , aiming firmly at the two monsters at the door.

Throughout the dream, she gnashed her teeth and roared:

Ten baht. Royal iron shot!

Then, some kind of enlightenment from the dream owner came into his mind:

Ten Baht. Controlling Iron Shooting is a superpower algorithm that Xing Yuanzhi mastered when he was about ten years old. Its effect is to increase the mass of a 2g steel ball to 20g.

The steel ball was shot out by the rubber elastic band. When flying, it was affected by the [Mass Effect] ability, and its mass instantly doubled by 10 times.

However, the speed of the steel ball itself remains unchanged, which means that the specific kinetic energy instantly increases by 10 times, which is completely enough to penetrate the human skull.

As a result, the two monsters were immediately pierced by steel balls, and dirty flesh and blood flew everywhere, blowing up the entire room.

The indescribable piece of flesh collapsed to the ground, while Xing Yunzhi was stunned for a moment, then grabbed the knife hidden on his body and rushed forward screaming.

She knelt down on the meat monster, crying like a crazy beast, and at the same time roared hysterically, holding the knife tightly with both hands, and activated the [Mass Effect] ability again, rapidly amplifying the mass of the blade. .

Then it stabbed downwards with chaotic bloody light.


Cheng Jinyang suddenly woke up from the bed.

Oops, that’s scary! But luckily I’m fine.

He silently touched his whole body, finally confirming that he had returned to reality and was not still stuck in a dream.

So my nightmares have degenerated from VR games into horror movies?

Cheng Jinyang, who was thinking this way, did not dare to lie down on the bed again. Instead, he sat silently in the darkness for a few minutes before he remembered another thing.

Xing Yunzhi…why did she appear in my dream? I’m not familiar with her!

And in the dream, she looked like a perverted murderer!

He suddenly couldn’t sit still, took out his cell phone from the side of the pillow, and began to quickly collect Xing Yunzhi’s information.

After browsing countless fan websites, Cheng Jinyang confirmed that Xing Yunzhi’s mother had indeed passed away when she was in elementary school. However, the Xing family claimed that she died of a sudden illness.

However, Cheng Jinyang was extremely certain that he had never known about this matter before.

So…why on earth would you dream of such a scene?

He quickly changed his clothes, climbed out of bed, and turned on the light.

The electronic clock on the wall points to 3:30 in the morning, which is when people are most asleep.

According to the previous rules, I should be fighting with the monster at this time. Although he had a chance to escape tonight, Cheng Jinyang did not feel surprised, but instead felt a strange and scary feeling.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of instant noodles to calm my nerves, and cracked an egg into it. He ate the noodles in the living room, drank the steaming soup, and felt that his frightened mood had finally calmed down.

Then the doorbell rang suddenly, making him almost jump out of his chair.

“Who is it?” Cheng Jinyang asked tentatively, walking towards the door and looking out through the peephole on the door.

“Classmate Cheng, I am Xing Yunzhi… I want to talk to you about something that I didn’t finish last time.”

Inside the cat’s eyes, Xing Yunzhi stared with bloodshot eyes, staring straight at herself in the cat’s eyes, revealing a cold, beautiful, yet chilling smile.


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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