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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 335 What’s missing

“…I heard that I have arrived at Gushu.”

As soon as he entered the bedroom, he heard a girl talking about something.

“What’s wrong with me?” Cheng Jinyang asked, “Is it a demon?”

“No, it’s the refugee army from Liyang.” Chu Qingqing said, “Just now, taking advantage of the night of New Year’s Eve, they secretly crossed the river for a sneak attack and captured Gushu Town.”

“Due to the information blockade, no one in Jiankang City knows about this matter, except for Taicheng and a few aristocratic families.”

“What’s the combat effectiveness of the refugee army?” Cheng Jinyang asked again.

“It’s hard to say.” It was Li Qingwan who answered this time, “It’s not the same style as Long Xiangjun.”

“Oh, what do you say?”

“The overall strategy of the Longxiang Army is to revolve around the war mothership + drone swarm, forming an almost crushing air and sky suppression force, while the ground is advanced by superpowers + infantry.” Li Qingwan explained, “Because air superiority is completely lost, Jiankang City can only defend it through city shields.”

“As for the refugee army, its main combat force is composed of northern refugees. In addition, due to the long-term exploration of military industrial facilities in the north and the recovery of a large number of technologies, the army will be more mechanized, but there will not be a crushing force like a war mothership. There will be no superpowers in military weapons.”

“That’s a good thing.” Cheng Jinyang said.

“But the city shield is gone.” Cui Jinqi sighed, “Sister Xiaopei said that her uncle has not yet recovered basic computing capabilities.”

“So Jiankang City can only fight street battles with the refugee army.” Chu Qingqing concluded.

Cheng Jinyang:………………

As we all know, street fighting in big cities is almost synonymous with meat grinders. Because of the complex urban environment, the superior side was unable to mobilize troops to quickly defeat the inferior side. Therefore, most of the time, the two sides fought hand-to-hand and fought hand-to-hand, life and death, until one of the sides could no longer accept the losses.

But as far as I know, even street fighting probably won’t be of that magnitude, because Yu Zhongshu will definitely ask the steel giant soldiers to dispatch.

Of course, the war situation is still unclear, and it is not yet time to play the final trump card, so I can still wait for a while.

“Sleep, sleep.” Cheng Jinyang waved his hand and said, “We’ll talk about it later when we call.”

The girls lay down and turned out the lights. In the dark room, there was only the faint sound of breathing one after another.

For some reason, Cheng Jinyang had some insomnia.

Sometimes he couldn’t help but think, why not just take everyone overseas? As for the Jin Empire and the fate of mankind… it has nothing to do with me!

Then he realized that Sister Xinnan would definitely not go with him, after all, her home was here.

Where is Su Lili? If he really left the mainland, he might never see her again.

“What are you thinking about?” Probably because he tossed and turned for a long time and couldn’t sleep, Qingqing hugged him tenderly from behind and coaxed in a low voice, “Sleep, be good.”

“Yeah.” Cheng Jinyang said.

However, Cui Xiaoniang on the other side also heard it, so she turned around:

“Are you worried and can’t sleep?”

“It’s okay.” Cheng Jinyang said.

“Go to sleep, good night.” Cui Xiaoniang reached out and patted his shoulder.

The result was a photo of Miss Qingqing’s left arm wrapped around his neck.

Cui Jinqi:? ? ?

Hum, I pinch!

Feeling the pain, Qingqing remained calm and stretched out her right arm that was under Cheng Jinyang’s neck, pinching the back of Cui Jinqi’s neck.

Cui Jinqi immediately panicked, hurriedly plucking her fingers with her hands, and struggled a few times uncomfortably.

Chu Qingqing sneered secretly and used her fingers hard.

Cui Jinqi felt the strength tightening, and quickly stretched her legs from Cheng Jinyang’s body and kicked her abdomen hard.

Chu Qingqing stretched out his left arm again, grabbed Cui Jinqi’s stretched leg, grabbed the knee socket and pulled it this way.

So Cui Xiaoniang was pulled up by her legs, squeezing Cheng Jinyang tightly in the middle – the latter felt like the fillings of a sandwich, almost out of breath, and quickly lowered his voice and said:

“You two, stop making trouble!”

“You ask her to let go first.” Cui Xiaoniang said angrily.

“Let go first.” Miss Qingqing didn’t give in at all.

“You grabbed my legs and choked my neck.”

“You’re still holding the hand I’m using to strangle you. Besides, who made the move first?”

“You attacked Jinyang first!”

“Okay, okay.” Cheng Jinyang was worried about waking up the other girls, so he quickly stretched out his arms to hug the two of them, “Give me some face, everyone takes a step back, can everyone sleep peacefully?”

Then the soft flesh on both sides of the waist was attacked at the same time.

It’s amazing. They were fighting fiercely just now, but in the blink of an eye, they formed a common understanding. Even the position and force of the attack are exactly the same.

Cheng Jinyang, who grimaced in pain, retracted his arm and said with a wry smile: “Then can you sleep well now?”

No one paid any attention to him.

However, the conflict with the person next to him was finally resolved, so he closed his eyes with peace of mind and gradually fell into a soft sleep.


“Xiao Pei, Xiao Pei?”

A faint calling sounded in my ears.

Cheng Jinyang opened his eyes… To be more precise, it would be better to say that the body he possessed opened his eyes.

Young Zheng Qiupei woke up slowly, climbed out of bed with the help of the maid, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Her parents died unexpectedly when she was young, so she stayed at her uncle’s house. Her uncle is the head of the Zheng family and rarely comes home. Currently, her cousin Zheng Wengong is in charge of the family.

Although Zheng Wengong is of the same generation as her, he is already over thirty years old, a full twenty years older than her. As the saying goes, an elder brother is like a father. Zheng Qiupei respected his cousin very much and regarded him as a real brother, but his relationship with his cousin Liu was not very good.

The reason is simple: the results of Zheng Wengong’s pedigree appraisal are not very good, and he only has the talent to guarantee the fifth level and sprint to the fourth level, while Zheng Qiupei’s talent is the minimum talent of the fourth level and sprint to the third level, which is far better than his cousin.

Therefore, it is rumored that the patriarch Zheng Junming intends to adopt Zheng Qiupei from his sister’s house as his daughter, and make her the heir of the clan leader – which is equivalent to taking away the position of heir of Zheng Wengong’s lineage, so of course she becomes the Liu family A thorn in the side.

“…So how long do you want to endure it?” Liu’s roar suddenly sounded outside.

“Keep your voice down, keep your voice down, don’t let her hear you.” Her cousin quickly stopped her.

Then the voices outside gradually became lower. In the room, the maid was still selecting clothes next to the wardrobe, and seemed not to hear the movement outside.

As a maid trained by a noble family, it is a very important professional ethics to keep a distance from the private affairs of the master’s family. In the past, Zheng Qiupei was troubled by these things, and occasionally he would confide a few words to her, but she would remain silent and just give her a perfect and helpless smile.

“Miss, what do you think of this dress?” The maid picked a bright yellow dress from the clothes rack and thought it matched Zheng Qiupei’s gentle and approachable temperament.

Zheng Qiupei looked at the dress without saying a word, and the look in her eyes seemed a little dim.

“Change the innermost one.” She said suddenly.

The maid was startled and followed her gaze to the depths of the closet.

Hanging on the innermost side of the clothes drying rod is a gray, plain piece of clothing that is inconspicuous at all.


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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