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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 367 Teacher Li, you beauty is a disaster

As time entered May, the pressure on Jingkou suddenly increased.

A large number of northern refugees arrived in Jingkou and settled in Jingkou at a much higher frequency and quantity than usual.

The shogunate team was very busy with this. After investigation, they learned that: on the one hand, it was because of the war between Liyang and Jiankang, which caused the middle route of the refugees to go south to be cut off; on the other hand, it was because the northern demons were engaged in a large-scale war. .

Wubao is a simple military structure popular in the northern Central Plains, used to resist attacks by large-scale puppet groups. However, for those high-level demons, Wubao’s defense capabilities are simply vulnerable.

When several docks located on the demon’s advance route were easily pulled out by high-level demons, a large number of refugees living in the surrounding docks quickly sensed the uneasy atmosphere on the eve of the war, and therefore had to assemble in tandem with each other. They got up, abandoned Wubao and headed south collectively to avoid the war and protect themselves.

The usual northern refugees are poor people who have lost their settlements and have nothing but their own labor force. The refugee team that escaped the war and went south this time not only brought a large amount of production materials, but the quality of the personnel was also much higher than the former.

Therefore, Master Sima of the other departments… no, Cheng Jinyang, who is now the governor of Jingkou Chijie, has given an order to eat this group of refugees at all costs, and not to allow them to cross the river and transfer to Jiankang.

Let me eat as much as you want!

Just at the end of last month, due to the extremely intense battle with the Liyang Army, the Taicheng Center had to mobilize the effective forces of the Shenwu, Feixiong, Longxiang, and Xiaoqi armies on a large scale, which led to increased pressure on the frontline defense against the demons.

On the one hand, the professional national military force has been stretched thin; on the other hand, a large number of northern refugees who are full of military virtue are idle, but lack sufficient equipment and training, and cannot be transformed into effective combat effectiveness by the court in a timely manner.

Therefore, the reform of the wartime military system came into being.

Generally speaking, it is to learn from the example of the pilot test field of Jingkou Bebu Sima, improve it and promote it to various refugee camps in Jiangbei, and mobilize the power of northern refugees to strengthen frontline defense.

These recruited refugee commanders had a special official position: the Commander-in-Chief.

They govern the refugee camps according to the emperor’s rules. They are local governors who integrate military, civil affairs, and financial resources at the same time, so as to adapt to the needs of the high-density war situation on the front line. Of course, whether this will lead to the dilution of central power, or even lead to future secession and rebellion in the empire, is another question.

If you set up a governor to hold the festival, no matter how big the hidden danger is, it will be in the future; if you don’t set up a governor to hold the festival, if the demons take advantage of the civil strife of mankind and break through the Jiangbei defense line, the Jin Empire will be completely finished. Either survive or die quickly, no matter how stupid you are, you will have to make a choice.

Of course, with Wang Maohong and other veterans planning from the side, the current Governor-General is not that threatening. The main reason is that there are too many people in the refugee camps, per capita resources are too scarce, and production activities to sustain survival cannot be established. , so he had to rely on the imperial court to live.

If any commander dared to rebel, the imperial court would only impose an economic blockade, and the hungry refugee militiamen would probably kill the commander immediately and offer his head to the court in exchange for some relief.

So strictly speaking, today’s Governor-General is more like a mercenary leader than a lord, and does not have the ability to form an internal cycle system – let alone a modern and complex industrial system. Latecomers have to start from scratch to overtake the forerunners. It is also almost as difficult as climbing to the sky.

However, Jingkou is excluded.

Because Cheng Jieshuai is not fighting alone, he has the support of countless aristocratic families behind him.

The capital injection of the Cui family of Qinghe, the policy support of the Wang family of Taiyuan, the raw materials of the Chu family of Yangzhai, the logistics capacity of the Xing family of Hejian, and the military reserves of the Cheng family of Shendu have made the Beifu Army a well-deserved leader among the refugee forces. The strongest army and the surrounding governors came spontaneously to pay homage to the dock and humbly requested to establish friendly relations.

The data report for March has been released. Due to the rapid increase in the population of Jingkou, the grain reserves have decreased sharply. Cheng Jinyang called Li Qingwan together and planned to go to Longxi to purchase supplies from the Li family again.

If it were any other girl, if she had just told her family what she was missing, it would have been paid to her account or shipped over immediately.

However, Teacher Li’s status in the family was too low to directly deal with the family, so he had to ask Cheng Jinyang to accompany him.

The two of them entered the purchasing department to pick up the order, and had to queue up like other small business customers. Li Qingwan felt a little embarrassed. However, Cheng Jinyang was considerate and comforted Teacher Li with kind words, which also relieved the gloom between her eyebrows.

After waiting for about ten minutes, I suddenly heard a surprising voice from outside:


Li Qingwan turned around in shock and said in surprise: “Miss?”

“We haven’t seen each other for a long time, and everyone has started to use honorifics for me. Are you so polite?” Miss Li said with a smile, coming over to hold Li Qingwan’s hand, and turned to Cheng Jinyang, “Who is this?”

“Cheng Jinyang from the Cheng family in the capital of the gods.” He quickly introduced himself.

“Hey, I have an impression of this name.” Miss Li said thoughtfully, “It seems to be the refugee commander guarding Jingkou?”


Cheng Jinyang keenly felt that under the smile of Miss Li, there seemed to be a hidden and deep malice towards him.

“I don’t dare call him marshal, I just have a few people under my command.” He said with a false sense of humility.

“Really?” Seeing that he was showing weakness, Miss Li was too lazy to pay attention to her and continued to talk to Li Qingwan, “Qingwan, a few days ago my second brother was still saying that he hasn’t seen you for a long time. He was very Miss you.”

“Miss.” Li Qingwan looked troubled, “Your brother and I have already explained this.”

Then she looked at Cheng Jinyang and took the initiative to introduce:

“This is the daughter of the patriarch of our Longxi Li family, Miss Li Jingai Li.”

“Disrespect.” Cheng Jinyang saluted.

Li Jingai still kept smiling, but from Li Qingwan’s familiar tone when he introduced Cheng Jinyang, he could tell that something was wrong:

It seems that these two people are having an affair!

Wait, what about my brother? He has been pursuing Qingwan for so many years, how can he tolerate her plump cabbage being fucked by a wild boar that comes from nowhere?

“Qingwan is queuing up here, but do you want to purchase supplies?” After thinking for a moment, Li Jingai rolled his eyes and smiled.

“Yes.” Li Qingwan did not doubt his presence and said frankly, “I will accompany Jinyang to purchase grain and oil.”

“That’s it.” Li Jing was impressed and narrowed his eyes slightly, “In that case, why not let me take you in.”

She went over and said a few words to the people in the purchasing office, then asked the two of them to come in quickly and jump in line to handle the business in advance.

Cheng Jinyang filled out the form, and Li Jingai stood by and watched, saying in surprise:

“So much? Are you buying these for your own use, or are you doing a wholesale business of grain and oil?”

“For personal use.” Cheng Jinyang replied with a smile and secretly cast a questioning look at Li Qingwan.

Li Qingwan frowned slightly, and he knew that there was something wrong with it, and it was not just a matter of human relations.

“Really?” Li Jing’ai said playfully, “But the amount of this purchase is too much. That refugee commander from Guangling came to our Li family through connections some time ago and purchased three months’ worth of grain, which is your ten Just one percent.”

“With all due respect, how much does this customer purchase? Is it important to the Li family?” Cheng Jinyang asked carefully.

“Of course.” Li Jingai put away his smile, “If he is the military governor appointed by the imperial court, our Li family has no reason to embarrass our customers. But with such a large share, looking at the entire Jiangbei region, except for the rebels in Liyang , which other force can eat so much food?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding Li clan people also looked nervous.

Li Jingai stared at Cheng Jinyang, whose expression remained unchanged, and Li Qingwan, who looked ugly next to him, and said coldly:

“Selling grain to traitors without permission is a serious crime that involves beheading one’s head and destroying one’s entire family!”

Oh, Tuqiongdagger is here.

This plot will be explained later, please don’t “slap ptsd in the face”, and let’s see how Jinyang will turn disaster into good fortune and prosper, like a fish in water, the fish will jump over the dragon gate, soar into the clouds, become the dragon, sing in the sky, the dragon and the phoenix will be auspicious, and the dragon will give birth to a hundred sons… …


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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