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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 374 This is the last time


When Cheng Jinyang came back from the office, he saw that the girls had gathered in the bedroom, each doing something to pass the time.

In Jingkou in May, the weather has turned hot, so even if the air conditioner is turned on in the room, everyone is wearing cool clothes. There are white flowers everywhere, which makes Cheng Jinyang feel as if his eyesight is declining.

My eyes are tired, my eyes are tired.

Cui Xiaoniang was still watching dramas, huddled on the sofa and laughing with her tablet. She didn’t know where there were so many dramas to watch.

She was wearing a simple tank top and hot pants, and her slender white legs were dangling in the air, making people want to grab her ankles and pull her off the sofa.

I’ll probably cry for a long time if I’m bullied.

Girl Qingqing sat next to her, wearing pajamas and pajamas, which did not give anyone a chance to observe carefully.

Every time Cui Jinqi pulled the progress bar, Qingqing watched from the side and complained to her, “This male protagonist is so greasy”, “That male supporting actor is so wretched”, “This female protagonist is so pretentious”, “Why does that female supporting actor act like that?” , which made Cui Xiaoniang so happy that she almost fell off the chair.

Miss Wang huddled under the quilt and strangely fell asleep early tonight. Little Wangshu was wearing a black and white hooded panda pajamas, huddled in the corner of his little bed, facing the wall and not knowing what he was tinkering with.

Teacher Li and Sister Xiaopei were both sitting on chairs, seemingly eating something. Miss Qingwan had already put on the sports vest she had seen at this time last year. Her hair was still tied back in a simple ponytail, and she was chewing the cake slowly on the plate.

“It feels a bit soft,” she commented seriously, “I like it with a firmer texture.”

“Then I’ll change it next time.” Zheng Qiupei said thoughtfully, then noticed Cheng Jinyang coming in – Sister Xiaopei’s perception in this area is really keen, and she was the first to notice his return every time.

“Jinyang, would you like some midnight snacks?” She picked up the plate with a smile on her face.

“Okay!” Cheng Jinyang walked over and wanted to get a piece of cake, but was stopped by Li Qingwan.

“It’s better not to eat it.” Teacher Li said seriously, “Eating carbohydrates before going to bed is not easy to digest and is not good for the stomach.”

“Hey, Teacher Li, didn’t you eat it too?” Cheng Jinyang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“I have physical activation and can control gastrointestinal motility.” Li Qingwan said.

“I can open a connection and steal your abilities.” Cheng Jinyang said.

“Are you sure you want to drag everyone into your body for this kind of thing?” Li Qingwan smiled half-heartedly.

Ah, this… Cheng Jinyang hesitated.

“That’s what Qingwan said.” Zheng Qiupei smiled softly, “But I want to eat a small piece, that’s okay.”

Her sitting posture was dignified and soft, her long hair draped elegantly around her shoulders. Coupled with her gentle tone and watery eyes, a certain matriarchal temperament of a wife immediately overflowed, making Cheng Jinyang unable to refuse.

“Wait!” Cui Xiaoniang finally put down the tablet and rushed over with Miss Qingqing, saying enthusiastically, “I heard someone talking about midnight snacks!”

“Just don’t eat it.” Cheng Jinyang said seriously, “I’m going to bed later. I won’t be able to digest it after eating it.”

“It’s okay. I have another stomach for sweets. I can store them until I wake up tomorrow and digest them later.” Cui Xiaoniang said confidently and went over to pick up a piece of cake.

“Leave a piece for me!” Cheng Jinyang protested quickly.

“You want to eat too? I think you seem to have gained weight recently!” Chu Qingqing pushed him down on the sofa, then put her hand into her clothes and rubbed his belly, smiling, “How dare you eat late night snacks when your stomach is full?” !”

Cui Xiaoniang was chewing a cake when she saw Cheng Jinyang being pushed down by Chu Qingqing, and her movements suddenly froze.

After swallowing the food in her mouth in three mouthfuls, she rushed forward angrily, competing with Chu Qingqing for the right to rub her belly:

“Where are you fat? Take it off and give it to me! Hurry up!”

“You two, please don’t pull my clothes!” Cheng Jinyang protested in vain, but the two girls involuntarily took off his clothes and kneaded them.

“You’re really fat!” Cui Jinqi exclaimed in horror, “Oh my God, what’s wrong with you? Don’t eat too much if you only have one stomach!”

“God only has one stomach!” Cheng Jinyang was furious, “You are a cow and you have several stomachs!”

“Girls have multiple stomachs. If you don’t believe me, come here and touch them!” Cui Xiaoniang said arrogantly as she puffed out her stomach.

“Hey, I noticed that Jinqi seems to have gained weight recently.” Cheng Jinyang pretended to be surprised, “Qingqing, do you think her belly has become rounder?”

“Well, it seems a bit.” Chu Qingqing immediately agreed with a bad taste, “I’m still wondering why you are still wearing such thick clothes in summer. It turns out it’s the fat on your belly.”

“Liar!” Cui Jinqi shouted angrily, but her expression soon became stiff again, “Isn’t it…really? I’m fat!”

She screamed in disbelief.

The little farce ended quickly and everyone went to bed. Xiao Wangshu originally wanted to play games for a while, taking advantage of Sister Azhi’s absence, but was given a loving lecture by Sister Xiao Pei, and was unable to type anything to reply, so he could only go to sleep depressed.

Tonight or tomorrow night, everyone will be promoted to level five.

With such thoughts, Cheng Jinyang gradually fell into sleep and fell into a deep sleep.


On the other side, Lu Qingyun also changed into pajamas in her room and prepared to go to bed.

Today, there seemed to be an extra number of guests in the Admiral’s Mansion, and many members of the Li clan in Longxi were also seen.

What are they doing here? Is it related to what happened last time? Did Cheng Jinyang reach any agreement with them?

With such thoughts, she came to the bedroom window and quietly looked at her reflection on the window glass, with the lights in the distance in the background.

“Qing Yun.” She said in a low voice, as if she was having a conversation with herself, “Are you just going to go with the flow like this?”

“No, you have to make changes.”

“They’re coming.”

“How much time do you have left?”

“Think it through.”

After muttering for a long time, she seemed to suddenly come to her senses and let out the turbid air in her chest for a long time.


After saying something angrily, Lu Qingyun climbed onto the bed, got under the quilt, and turned off the light in the room.

She opened her eyes in the darkness, clutching the quilt tightly with both hands, as if staring at some creature.

After a long time, she closed her eyes again.

His consciousness gradually sank, returning to a certain memory in the past.

In the dream, she came to Wujiang Town again.

Surrounded by panicked crowds and surging fire, people everywhere were shouting monsters.

The mother and the guards were dispersed by the crowd. She was running around in a panic. Her little body was pushed and fell several times on the road. Her knees and legs were covered with bloodstains.

But she didn’t dare to stop.

Because the devil is coming.


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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