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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 41 Sister takes you to rush

In a dream.

“So this is the new algorithm your sister Xinnan gave you?” Xing Yunzhi asked speechlessly.

The two of them were lying on the wall in the middle of the alley, with cars whizzing by below them. After almost 5 seconds, the car returned at high speed again and rushed towards the other end again.

The length of the alley is about 125 meters. With the newly mastered time function, Cheng Jinyang set a new algorithm for the car that inverts the direction of gravity every 5 seconds.

The effect is that the car keeps reciprocating in the alley, flying here and there automatically. There is no need to run to the end of the alley and re-shoot the car in the opposite direction every time.

There was another scream ahead, and the clawed demon appeared from the alley. It had just rushed in for about thirty meters, and was directly crushed by the car whizzing away.

“Let’s go!” Cheng Jinyang reminded quickly.

The two of them ran quickly on the top of the wall and successfully arrived at the scene where the demon was crushed – of course, this was also due to the good quality of the citizens of Wujiang Town who did not set any vicious things like glass shards on the top of the wall.

When he almost finished absorbing the blood, the screams of demons sounded from both sides of the alley again.

“Both sides!” Xing Yunzhi’s expression changed.

Monsters will usually be reborn near two people, but if there are multiple monsters, the rebirth locations may be different.

For example, if one is in the east and the other is in the west, if you shoot the cannonball to the east, the one in the west will come over to kill. Considering how fast the monster travels, you usually won’t be given the time to run to the east to retrieve the shells and reset the function.

However, this new algorithm with time function solves this problem.

The two of them walked along the top of the wall and quickly moved forward in the direction of the car… Of course, they were definitely not as fast as the car. Soon they saw the car hit the monster far ahead, knocking it away. .

Then the car quickly slowed down and flew back, blasting the demon that was rushing toward the two of them from behind again.

“It’s surprisingly useful.” Xing Yunzhi commented unexpectedly, “The time function is much more powerful than the mass effect in the application of gravity.”

There is also an algorithm in Mass Effect called Dislocation Technique, which uses high-frequency irregular increases and decreases in the mass of the target’s torso and limbs, thereby quickly disrupting the target’s body center of gravity and causing it to lose its sense of balance when standing or walking.

Of course, compared to “cruise missiles” like gravity, the effect is still poor.

After killing two demons, it’s time to harvest blood.

After staying next to the demon’s corpse for a moment, Xing Yunzhi showed a satisfied expression, as if he had eaten a big meal.

“Let’s not go to the safe house today.” She suggested in a timely manner, “Kill more demons and let you enter the ninth level as soon as possible. This way, when you return to the Cheng family in the capital of gods tomorrow, you can be considered safe.”

Although Cheng Jinyang missed Su Lili a little, Ah Zhi was right after all, so he could only step up his leveling.

In the safe house, Su Lili sat blankly on the sofa, wondering why Jinyang didn’t come tonight.

She stared at the coffee table silently. After a while, a basin of washed grapes appeared on the coffee table.

When he comes, I will peel the grapes for him to eat.

After waiting for about several hours, Su Lili, who still didn’t see anyone, finally couldn’t sit still.

She stood up and walked carefully to the door, planning to go out and find him.

No, there are… monsters out there.

Disgusting, evil, bloody, ugly… monsters that should not exist in this world.

Her hand on the doorknob convulsed violently as if she had been electrocuted.

I can’t go out.

I… can only live in this room, waiting for him to come to me.


She thought a little absentmindedly, and sat back on the sofa, and gradually a strong sadness came over her.

Woo, where are you?

early morning.

Getting up from the bed, Cheng Jinyang went to wash up immediately, because Ah Zhi would soon come over to occupy the bathtub.

He quickly brushed his teeth and washed his face. When he came out, he saw Xing Yunzhi waiting at the door, with a tired look and hazy eyes. The collar of her pajamas was loose, revealing half of her shoulders and a slightly undulating hemisphere.

“Ahem, um, I’ll leave first.” Cheng Jinyang said awkwardly.

“Hmm.” Xing Yunzhi nodded sleepily.

In order to help him level up as quickly as possible, Ah Zhi worked very hard last night. The two of them were killed countless times by the ghosts in the second round, which made Cheng Jinyang feel a little embarrassed.

Let her catch up on her sleep later.

Xing Yunzhi entered the bathroom without closing the door, and began to take off her clothes in a daze. Cheng Jinyang was so frightened that he quickly closed the bathroom door.

But I just took a quick look before closing the door and realized that my girl Ah Zhi’s waist is really thin…

Back in the bedroom, Cheng Jinyang took another blood test.

152 horses, promoted to the ninth rank.

Sure enough, after relying on the “pendulum cannonball” of the time function to ensure that the last four monster-level monsters in the first round can be stably harvested, the blood energy extraction efficiency increased to four times the original, which is an increase of about 10 horses per night.

10 horses a day… is equivalent to more than a month of natural growth for a child from an ordinary family, but this thing is so terrifying.

After I return to the Cheng Clan, the capital of the gods, I will develop my brain and increase my computing power. Coupled with this heaven-defying blood concentration, I will embark on a heaven-defying road from now on!

Thinking of the future for himself and Ah Zhi, Cheng Jinyang felt a little excited, as if he had already seen himself ten years later: a first-class strong man, with peak powers, hundreds of thousands of soldiers swarming in, proclaiming himself emperor in the south, conquering the Central Plains in the north, and nine tripods united. Gather together and unify the world…

Just as he was thinking about San Gong and Sixth Hospital, Sister Xinnan called.

Very good, my elder sister, Her Royal Highness the Princess, has already come to pick you up.

So Cheng Jinyang went downstairs and saw Sister Xinnan wearing sunglasses and driving her luxury car parked downstairs in the community.

Passers-by kept coming over and trying to strike up a conversation, but they were all forced back by her indifferent attitude. They could only hide in the distance and keep taking pictures, pointing with envious eyes.

Cheng Jinyang opened the car door and sat next to her.

The car drove out of the community and drove slowly along Puwu Road.

“Are you nervous?” Cheng Xinnan put his hands on the steering wheel and asked suddenly.

“Should I be nervous?” Cheng Jinyang asked her back.

Cheng Xinnan choked on his words. After a while, he patted his head and said with a smile:

“Where did we talk last time?”

“Speaking of today, you will help me take care of the family…” Cheng Jinyang reminded her.

“Ah, that’s right.” Cheng Xinnan changed his tone, “Speaking of which, why don’t I tell you a story.”

Cheng Jinyang:? ? ?

I couldn’t keep up with this sister’s thoughts for a while.

“Well, let’s tell the story of Emperor Xuan, the great ancestor of this dynasty.” Cheng Xinnan tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “In the past, Emperor Wei Ming was about to die of illness. He was afraid of the great ancestor who held military power and was about to leave the town of Guanzhong. He launched five consecutive attacks in three days. Issue an edict and recall him to the capital.”

“Before his death, Emperor Wei Ming asked Taizu and General Cao Shuang to assist his eight-year-old adopted son Cao Fang. Taizu cried bitterly before his bed and kept agreeing.”

Cheng Jinyang listened silently, thinking that if it were me, I would cry too. If he hadn’t frightened the dying emperor, he might have been killed by a posthumous edict.

“Then Cao Fang came to power, and the young minister was suspicious.” Cheng Xinnan continued, “Cao Shuang, in order to gain sole power, used the plan of ascending and descending in secret to eclipse Taizu. Taizu remained silent, pretending to be ill, and did not go to court for many days. He ordered his clan members not to serve in official positions, in order to paralyze Cao Shuang’s followers.”

“Later Cao Fang moved to Gaoping Mausoleum to worship Emperor Wei Ming, and Cao Shuang and his party members followed. Taizu immediately launched a military coup in the capital, taking control of the gates, arsenal, Luoshui floating bridge and palace confinement. According to the Queen Mother’s decree, Cao Shuang’s crimes were detailed and Situ was sent Gao Rou led the envoys out of the city to take over Cao Shuang’s army with the banner of the general.”

“Cao Shuang was horrified after receiving the news, so he took the emperor hostage and went to Xuchang, recruiting soldiers from all over the world to help the king. As a result, Taizu arranged dead soldiers in Situ’s envoy team, shot him with concealed firearms, and killed him on the spot… …From then on, the general trend of the world passed from Cao Wei to the Sima clan.”

After hearing her tell this story, Cheng Jinyang pondered.

So what does Sister Xinnan want to explain?

Fortunately, Cheng Xinnan didn’t intend to sell it out, and concluded:

“The time has not come yet, don’t be impulsive, try to be dormant and patient; when the time is now, don’t hesitate, it’s best to strike with thunder.”

“In the past three years, you have not looked for the Cheng family in the capital city once, which is good. Otherwise, even if I want to help you, it will take a lot of effort. But now is the time, an undercurrent is surging in Jiankang City, The nobles are suspicious of each other, and this is when you and I take advantage of the fire.”

“This trip to the Cheng family in the divine capital will not go smoothly. But you must remember not to shrink back. You need to be brave and diligent along the way. I will naturally help you clear the obstacles so that the old men in your family will accept you even if they hold their noses. !”


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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