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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 467 Decision

“You said, His Majesty will plant spies here?”


“What’s the proof?”

“It’s unnecessary.” Wang Wanrou said calmly, “Meng Zhang has learned from his past mistakes, and we can know Ziwei’s heart.”

Lord Zhi Ming showed an uncertain expression.

Does Emperor Ziwei have this ability? Of course there is, just look at what happened to Shenjun Meng Zhang.

Does she have this motive? Also, at least the God Lord Zhi Ming puts himself in the other person’s shoes and will never easily trust any one of the Four God Lords.

Therefore, the so-called evidence, as Wang Wanrou said, is no longer necessary. You have the ability and motivation. If I don’t be wary of you, wouldn’t I be a fool?

“How to get rid of these traitors?” Lord Zhiming asked coldly.

“If you don’t get rid of it, get rid of it.” Wang Wanrou said leisurely.

Lord Zhiming:………………

“There are two kinds of people I hate the most in my life. The first is the one who is prettier than me, and the second is the one who makes me play guessing games.” She said ruthlessly, “You have both, what should I do with you? Woolen cloth?”

“Thank you God Lord for the compliment.” Wang Wanrou said neither humble nor arrogantly, “But among these two types of people, one type is an exception.”

“Why the exception?”

“That’s the person the Lord needs most right now.”

“Okay!” Lord Zhiming laughed heartily, “Then, humans, come and prove your worth. What does ‘eliminate if you don’t eliminate’ mean?”

“The so-called eyeliner is secret surveillance.” Wang Wanrou said lightly, “Since it is in the dark, there is no way to show it on the table.”

“Even if Shenjun finds the traitor around him and gets rid of him, for Emperor Ziwei, it is just a loss of eyes and ears. She can send new secret agents to continue trying to infiltrate Shenjun.”

“That’s right.” God Lord Zhi Ming muttered, “This kind of secret is the most annoying, and I can’t possibly fall out with His Majesty because of it. And His Majesty, knowing this, will unscrupulously plant spies around me, killing as many as they can.”

“It’s useless to eliminate it, that’s it.” Wang Wanrou said in a low voice, “Do you know the allusion of ‘Jiang Qian stealing books’? If you know who is the hidden man, you can put it in the palm of your hand, turn it over and over again, and have a panoramic view of it. It’s ‘if you don’t get rid of it, get rid of it’.”

“Wonderful.” Lord Zhi Ming suddenly realized it and clapped his hands and sighed, “If Anzi is known to me, what she sees is what I let her see, and what she hears is what I let her hear. It’s equal to Your Majesty. Their ears and eyes are under my control.”

Wang Wanrou sneered in her heart and said respectfully: “That’s exactly it.”

Zhi Ming Shen Jun’s IQ is not low, but it should be because he doesn’t use his brain very much. He can understand these simple reasonings at once, and he will be kept in the dark if he doesn’t. He is really suitable for manipulation – there is no need to use her. of superpowers.

“What’s your name?” Lord Zhiming leaned forward slightly, showing an interested smile.

“Wang Wanruo.” Miss Wang lowered her head and replied.

“Okay, Wanruo.” Lord Zhiming laughed and said, “Tell me, how do you find this secret?”

“If my prediction is correct, this Anzi should be one of the seven star officials.” Wang Wanrou replied.

“Why do you say that?”

“Below the Star Officer, there is no way to spy on the Divine Lord all the time. Is the Divine Lord the kind of person who will confide his thoughts to his servants? Only the close associates of the Star Officer have the opportunity to eavesdrop on secrets. Furthermore, if something unexpected happens to the Divine Lord, the direct beneficiary will be If the subordinate star officers get the secret promise from Emperor Ziwei, they will be more confident in inheriting the fire of the God-bearing God, so they have the highest probability of betrayal.”

“According to what you say, An Zi is quite brave.” Lord Zhi Ming sneered, “If I imprison them all and interrogate them one by one… No, if I do this, Emperor Ziwei will know that An Zi has been exposed. So what should be done?”

“Isn’t Shenjun looking for the new Beidou recently?” Wang Wanrou said lightly, “Why not continue the search with great fanfare. If we really find traces of the target, An Zi will definitely hide it from Shenjun and inform Emperor Ziwei, and clues will naturally be revealed. .”

“Well,” Zhiming Shenjun nodded slightly and suddenly asked with a smile, “Anzi betrayed me because he was plotting against my Zhiming Shenjun’s fire. You are so weak, and you volunteered to help me, what are you planning on me? ?”

Wang Wanrou was silent for a moment and said:

“I came to help the Lord God, so naturally I have selfish motives.”

“My husband was kidnapped by Nandou Xie Guyan. His whereabouts are unknown. I only know that Beidou Four and Beidou Seven are also trapped in it. They secretly reported the news to the outside world for my husband. I got the news and was helpless. I could only Seek help from the Lord God.”

“Then why should I help you?” The smile on Lord Zhi Ming’s face turned cold instantly.

“If Shenjun wants to find Anzi around him, he must lure the snake out of the hole. Attack Xie Guyan’s residence and let Anzi inform Emperor Ziwei. Only then will Shenjun observe carefully from behind and have a chance to find Anzi’s true identity.” Wang Wanrou said calmly, “Ziwei The emperor and Xie Guyan fought, and my husband had a chance to escape.”

“What a win-win strategy.” Lord Zhi Ming laughed loudly, “How about this? I will kill you first, and then act according to your plan. When your husband escapes from Xie Guyan, I will kill him as well. Now, it won’t be a problem to send him down to keep you company.”

“Killing my husband and I is easy for the Divine Lord.” Wang Wanrou smiled lightly, “What’s the point of just killing me? The Divine Lord’s enemy, Emperor Ziwei, is the first to bear the brunt, and the traitors of the star officials are waiting behind them. The Divine Lord doesn’t think about how to deal with them. , but he was too busy to kill the insignificant couple like me… It must be a joke, how could the Lord God be so unwise?”

“It’s true that there is no benefit in killing you, but you are so beautiful, which makes me unhappy. This is also a reason.” Shen Zhiming said Youyou, lying back on the bench again, “You are so smart and smart, I originally wanted to accept you as my confidant, but you are obsessed with your husband, and presumably you are not willing to be loyal to me.”

Wang Wanrou raised her eyebrows slightly.

Seeing that she didn’t say a word, Lord Zhi Ming smiled again and said, “Since you risked your life to come to me for help in order to save your husband, you are a very sincere character. I have benefited from you, so naturally I will not backtrack. kill you.”

“I’ll give you two choices: either I transform you into a demon, and you will serve me from now on, and forget about your human husband. I will treat you like a biological sister, sharing joys and sorrows together; or you will stay here How about I disfigure myself and act according to your plan and let you go to save your husband?”

“If your husband still loves you after being rescued because of your kindness, don’t mention it. If he ignores you because your appearance is ruined, it proves that he is not worthy of your sincere treatment. You can come back to me at any time and let me If you transform into a demon, it will not be difficult for me to teach you the magic of rebirth and restore your beauty, even better than before.”

As Lord Zhi Ming said this, he condensed an ice knife from his hand and threw it at Wang Wanrou’s feet. There was a bluish-purple vicious brilliance flowing on the blade. It was obvious that some kind of magical power was condensed in it, and even technological means could not remove it.

Its intention is almost obvious: Zhi Ming Shenjun is in love with talents and wants her to transform into a demon and stay by his side.

Wang Wanrou picked up the ice knife and pressed it against her almost perfect cheek. She slashed a few times without hesitation. The skin and flesh immediately rolled away, but there was no bleeding. However, the surrounding area turned purple, and there were large traces of necrosis, which was hideous and ugly. It’s unbearable to watch.

Seeing that her movements were so decisive, Lord Zhi Ming suddenly lost his original good mood and roared angrily:

“You’re just a man, and you’re actually willing to do this for him? Do you, do you know that you look like this…”

She wanted to say, “Do you know how beautiful you are?” When the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back.

How could Wang Wanruo not know this? The arrogance in her words and deeds seems to have been cultivated by being proud of her beauty since she was a child. Even at this time, she refused to bow her head when she met the Four Gods.

But for that man, he could destroy his appearance… he could destroy his appearance…

After being choked for a long time, Lord Zhi Ming became angry. With a forceful flick of his right hand, he broke the ice that blocked the hall. With his left hand, he covered his face and supported his forehead, and said in a disappointed tone:

“Go away! If your husband is really evil and you come to me to restore his appearance, remember to bring his head too! I want to see if he has three eyes or six ears. , is it worth having you sacrifice for him like this!”


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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