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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 58 How many floors does a bag of rice have to carry?

Cheng Jinyang suddenly woke up from his nightmare.

It was around 6 p.m., and he slowly got up from the sofa. He felt that the headache caused by the conflict of thoughts seemed to still remain in his mind.

Ah Zhi hasn’t come back yet, so he should wait for her at home.

However, what we learned last time shows that when a dream communicates with another person, there is a chance that the other person will discover his existence.

So if Wang Wanrou was standing outside the door later, staring at the peephole with bloodshot eyes, it would be too late for her to escape… She might as well go to the Xing clan to find Ah Zhi now.

So Cheng Jinyang hurriedly set out, took a taxi and went straight to Pukou District.

At the door of the Xing clan, Xing Yunzhi hurried out after receiving the news and asked him strangely:

“Why don’t you wait at home for me to come back? What happened?”

Cheng Jinyang asked her to come over and tell her what happened in the dream.

Although he tried to downplay what happened, Xing Yunzhi was still shocked when he heard Wang Wanrou’s eyes reflected in the mirror and saw Cheng Jinyang’s face.

“How could you…” She quickly paid attention to her surroundings, then lowered her voice and asked him emotionally, “How could you… do you know what kind of person Wang Wanrou is!?”

“I don’t know!” Cheng Jinyang said helplessly, “But this is beyond my control! As soon as I entered the dream, I was attached to her body and I couldn’t control myself at all!”

“Wait a minute.” Xing Yunzhi asked him to wait at the door, and hurried back to the clan.

A few minutes later, she ran out again, wearing two mechanical gloves wrapped in black cloth.

Coupled with her long straight black hair and cool temperament, she has a very familiar feeling of the heroine Tifa in “Final Fantasy 7”.

“What are you doing?” Cheng Jinyang no longer had the interest to appreciate Ah Zhi’s beauty and asked in confusion.

“This is the Wan Zhong Fist, for self-protection.” Xing Yuanzhi struck his fists together, making a crisp sound of gold and iron hitting each other. “There is also a peacock feather backpack that I didn’t take. It’s too destructive.”

“Anyway, let’s go back first. If she doesn’t move tonight, we’ll visit her again tomorrow.”

“What, do you think there will be danger tonight?” Cheng Jinyang was a little worried.

“I made the decision to kill you if you resisted.” Xing Yunzhi sneered.

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Well, Xing Yunzhi’s secret, at best, only involves her own reputation and that of her father.

And Wang Wanrou’s secret that was revealed is even bigger: apparently, all members of the Wang family in Taiyuan must be given a ideological seal by the patriarch during the ancestor worship ceremony when they are 12 years old, strictly ensuring that “family interests come first”. ”, and “Do not harm family interests.”

Under such circumstances, Wang Wanrou used the conflict loopholes of the ideological stamp and her own powerful computing power to manage to wear and remove the ideological stamp, which is undoubtedly a blatant challenge to this family system.

By analogy, it’s like the Hinata family in Naruto suddenly having a separate ninja who unlocks the caged bird. Once the secret is exposed, the next step will most likely be a “whole family hunt” drama.

If you want to avoid being “hunted by the whole clan”, you have to get rid of the insider Cheng Jinyang. Isn’t it a very reasonable motive?

So what kind of cheat is this nightmare of mine? You’ve been causing me all kinds of trouble all day long, and even a retarded system doesn’t mess you up!

While Cheng Jinyang couldn’t help but blame everyone, he could only follow Ah Zhi towards Wujiang Town.

Instead of taking a taxi, the two chose to take a suburban bus.

On the way to the bus stop, Cheng Jinyang even imagined that a car would suddenly drive out from in front, and then jump out of three men in suits and sunglasses holding assault rifles, and then Ah Zhi turned around and hugged him. , take all the bullets for him, and then sing a flower of hope.

Well, maybe the actual situation is the other way around. If her own blood sprayed on Ah Zhi’s face, she would definitely have a twisted expression of “stained”.

Cheng Jinyang, who was thinking so wildly, was surprised to find that he didn’t feel any nervousness or fear.

In other words, compared with the intimidating monsters in the dream, if Miss Wang just brought out a car of killers in suits… it would not be very scary, as long as they could find cover, they could fight.

The journey to the bus station went very smoothly. The two took a suburban bus and arrived in the center of Wujiang Town 15 minutes later.

Get off the car and walk to the community where you live. A few minutes later, he was stopped in an alley.

The community where Cheng Jinyang lives is in the southeast corner of Wujiang Town. To get to the community from the bus station, you need to pass through an alley connected to the highway.

The alley is not wide, barely enough for two cars to pass side by side. It’s just that probably because no cars have passed by for a long time, the surrounding restaurants have moved tables and chairs out to occupy the road for diners to sit in the open air and enjoy their meals. The whole alley looks lively and has a pyrotechnic atmosphere.

At this time, several muscular men surrounded the two of them with unkind expressions on their faces. Their eyes were cold and they did not speak, as if they did not want to explain the reason for the trouble.

Cheng Jinyang glanced around subconsciously, but found no cars… only a few battery cars parked casually on the roadside.

Forget it, just use a battery car as a battery car. You can also use pendulum shells to hit people to clear the way.

He was still thinking about which direction to break through when he heard Xing Yunzhi say next to him:

“Don’t use kinetic artillery shells, it won’t be good if it kills people…let me do it.”

Cheng Jinyang suddenly realized that he was using innocent people to provoke him, causing casualties and sending himself to a detention center. He slowly concocted it. Miss Wang’s vicious scheme!

Xing Yunzhi suddenly made a vertical jump. With the Light Body Technique reducing her own weight, her legs and feet were able to explode at a faster speed. In the blink of an eye, she crossed a distance of two or three meters and rushed in front of the leading man.

Xing Family Boxing. Tiger Roar!

She leaned down and punched the opponent in the abdomen. The tall man, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall, was sent flying more than ten meters away by her punch. The moment she punched, the opponent was added with the lightening technique by her, which made him stronger. The mechanical glove “Wanzhong Fist” has a built-in impact amplification, so that the moment it hits, the opponent is beaten as rickety as a shrimp and completely loses his fighting ability.

The big man next to her stretched out his palm as big as a cattail fan (an exaggeration) and grabbed her without any explanation. Xing Yunzhi turned around and raised her legs high, performing a tornado kick!

The big man seemed to have practiced Sanda. He was about to use the opportunity to throw his legs, but he suddenly stumbled.

As soon as he stepped out with his right foot, Xing Yunzhi’s chaos algorithm locked onto him. The weight of the right half of his body increased sharply, and the left half of his body quickly became lighter, so that the center of gravity of the entire body shifted seriously to the right, and he was completely unable to maintain balance for a while.

The moment Xing Yunzhi’s whirlwind kick hit him, the mass of his legs was correspondingly increased, so that the big man seemed to have been hit in the side by a long steel stick. His mouth was broken and blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground unable to get up.

She was fighting and beating her in various ways in front, and several big men behind her also jumped on her, trying to seize the lone Cheng Jinyang and subdue her.

Cheng Jinyang sighed, so Ah Zhi, you are having fun fighting in the front, so you don’t want to worry about me being attacked by people from behind, right?

Relying on the keen intuition he had honed over the years, he quickly turned around and asked coldly towards the two big men rushing towards him from the left and right:

“How many floors does a bag of rice need to be carried?”

Before he finished speaking, the two big men seemed to be hit by some invisible force and were involuntarily violently thrown back.


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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