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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 647 Returning Home

Back to the negotiating table.

When Cheng Jinyang put forward the conditions, both Lingguang Shenjun and Jianbing Shenjun were speechless.

It felt… too smooth.

It can’t be a delaying strategy. The Supervisor God hinted at her with his eyes.

Lord Lingguang just smiled indifferently.

It doesn’t matter even if it’s a delaying strategy.

Because Lingguang Shenjun had no expectations in the first place, he asked Cheng Jinyang to marry her directly.

All she wants is a name.

After obtaining the official name, when His Highness is defeated and returned to his heart, he can go to His Majesty about this matter.

“His Royal Highness promised to let me pass.” With this name in hand, His Majesty will definitely include himself in the first batch of lists when choosing the Crown Princess.

Huh, you can’t think of it, right? My target has not been you from the beginning, Cheng Jinyang.

But your mother!

The two parties reached an agreement, and Lord Lingguang signed the contract happily.

Nanyang officially changed hands.

All the puppets were taken away by Lord Lingguang and headed to Hanzhong from the Hanshui Ancient Road, and then turned towards Guanzhong.

Lingguang Shenjun got the title “His Highness’s Fiancée” and happily sent his puppets to Hanzhong.

The news spread back to Jiankang, and the whole country was shocked.

For the people of the Jin Dynasty, it was that a corner of the Central Plains had finally been recovered.

Although it is only a corner of Nanyang, it is enough to inspire people… You must know that the predecessors of Longxiang Army, Yu Yuangui, Wang Chuzhong and others, had a very difficult time just holding the front line of Xiangyang.

After all, in the Jianghuai area with dense water networks, the valiant cavalry and refugee commanders can still fight guerrilla warfare against monsters. Once Xiangyang is lost, the demons will move south along the Jingxiang Corridor, reaching the undefeated Jianghan Plain.

Therefore, Jingzhou has always been the focus of competition with the north. The older generation of Jingzhou people even know that the Longxiang Army built two giant military fortresses in the north and west of Wuchang.

If Xiangyang falls, we must abandon the entire Jianghan Plain, then clear Wuchang, and use this giant fortress to guard the Yangtze River.

Now that Nanyang has been recovered, Wuchang has transformed from the frontline to the hinterland, which makes the people of Wuchang extremely happy.

Many restaurants even set up large banquets at the door, inviting passers-by to celebrate with a free meal, which is called “Chenglang Banquet”.

Among the passers-by who came to eat, many were unemployed northern refugees. They usually walked through the streets and knocked on conch shells to beg for food. If they didn’t give you food, they would block the door and sing funeral songs to curse you.

Now that they had a table to eat, the beggars were so happy that they composed a song called “Cheng Lang’s Eternal Song” and sang while eating.

When Cheng Jinyang found out, he was furious.

I’m not dead yet, and you’re already eating dinner and banging conchs?

So he quickly enacted legislation to ban food waste, and urban management patrolled and inspected everywhere, causing Wuchang citizens to scold the bureaucrats for their rigidity – Cheng Lang would definitely not issue such an inhumane order. It was all deliberate mischief by his subordinates.

It can also be seen from this that Cheng Jinyang’s reputation in Jingzhou has risen to a terrifying level.

When the popularity of the rear area was boiling, as a party involved in the Northern Expedition, Cheng Jinyang was naturally not idle.

On the Nanyang side, since Lord Lingguang is willing to cooperate and move the puppets along the Hanshui Ancient Road north of Bashan, there is no need to worry about the attack of the puppet cluster in the future, and human colonization can be resumed.

From this point of view, in an occupied place like the Songjiang ruins, can the abilities of high-level demons be used to artificially move the puppets away?

Cheng Jinyang communicated with Xiao Li and Ashu and learned that only the Sifang Divine Lord (the one with the Star Fire) has this ability.

Well, let Ash go to the Songjiang ruins and get rid of all the puppets in the future.

In this way, the Shenwu Army no longer has to deploy heavy defense lines on both sides of Changzhou Town and Taihu Lake.

In addition to the hinterland of Nanyang, the surrounding security passes are also rapidly restarting.

For example, the “Fangcheng Summer Road” in the northeast corner, as well as the mountain passes in the west, north and south directions, all the checkpoints, fortresses and fortresses involved are being rebuilt by engineering teams.

It has been lost for more than 100 years, and the concrete of many military facilities is covered with ivy, making it difficult to put them into use quickly.

Leaving the Northern Expeditionary Army in Nanyang to continue guarding, Cheng Jinyang took his wives and set off for Yangzhou to meet his father-in-law.

The successful recovery of Nanyang was just a very powerful shot in the arm for the people of the empire.

However, for father-in-laws and the helmsmen of aristocratic families, it is a political matter that must be dealt with – not to mention anything else, just publicity and momentum for their son-in-law, if they are not followed up in time, it will be a disaster for the Northern Expedition itself. Half the result with twice the effort.

After sending the other wives back to their parents’ home to visit relatives for a short stay, Cheng Jinyang took Miss Wang to visit Wang Maohong first.

At this time, Wang Maohong was in Taiyuan, the Wang family’s clan in Lin’an, taking exams for Wang’s disciples.

When he heard that his daughter and son-in-law were back, he asked Wang Xinzhi to go out and pick him up.

My eldest uncle, Wang Xinzhi, was married a long time ago and already had a son. Now when I saw my younger sister, who was already a married woman, walking in the door holding her brother-in-law’s arm, I felt a sense of change and the passage of time.

Thinking back to the time when Cheng Lang, who was from a humble family, first met at the Zhaixing Building in Jiankang City, he has now become his brother-in-law, and has already reached a high position… I am afraid there is nothing more unpredictable than fate.

“Have you chosen a name?” Cheng Jinyang asked with a smile when Wang Xinzhi’s wife Gou came out holding her son.

“Father named him Yuan Lin.” Wang Xinzhi said with a smile.

Yuan Lin, why does it sound like a girl’s name? Could it be that the child was actually a daughter?

Cheng Jinyang thought to himself, and then heard his wife beside him say calmly:

“Lin is a beautiful jade.”

“That’s right.” Wang Xinzhi said with a smile, “Jinyang, when will you and Wanrou plan to prepare for pregnancy? I also have some nourishing Chinese medicine here, and I will send someone to deliver it to you when the time comes.”

It is naturally impossible to prepare specifically for pregnancy. There are a lot of people in the back house waiting for food, and there is no way to pamper Miss Wang alone!

Cheng Jinyang’s mind suddenly changed, and he knew that his brother-in-law was reminding him not to neglect Wanrou too much, so he explained with a wry smile:

“Ahem, I have been busy with the Northern Expedition recently, and I don’t have much time to spend with my family. I feel ashamed.”

Wang Xinzhi was speechless when he heard this.

The Northern Expedition is, after all, the top priority today.

He was speechless, but Wang Wanrou was not going to let him go, and said with a sneer:

“Preparing for pregnancy? Preparing for what kind of pregnancy? You need to have children to stabilize your status. Is my brother worried that I will fall out of favor and be relegated to the cold palace by Jinyang? Or is he anxious to be the uncle of the country and wants to push me to the position of queen?”

“I didn’t mean that.” Wang Xinzhi was extremely embarrassed and quickly winked at Cheng Jinyang.

“Ahem, Wanrou, your brother just said it casually, don’t over-interpret it.” Cheng Jinyang persuaded her.

Wang Wanrou chuckled and stopped talking.

However, since Cheng Jinyang characterized it as a “casual remark”, Wang Xinzhi also breathed a sigh of relief, so he led his brother-in-law and sister inside.


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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