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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 658 The Night Before

The day of the Northern Expedition was approaching, and everyone began to prepare.

Since almost everyone in the harem was in battle, Xiao Weixin and Xiao Yining, at the suggestion of the eldest princess of Nankang, were handed over to Luling to take care of them.

As a result, Luling was able to move into Cheng Jinyang’s home openly and openly, and began a happy life as a nanny.

“Come, call mommy.” She held little Yining in her arms and teased her softly.

Xiao Yining remained silent, but his expression seemed a little disdainful.

At this time, Luling had not yet realized that the little girl in his arms was not a little baby who didn’t understand anything.

So she dutifully fed her formula while trying in vain to brainwash her.

On the other side, after Cheng Jinyang went to inspect the combat readiness situation, he returned home tiredly and saw Luling training his daughter in various ways.

“Call mommy.” She took a box of yogurt and ate it slowly with a spoon. At the same time, she said to Xiao Yining and Xiao Weixin, “Whoever calls mommy first will get this box of yogurt.”

“What are you doing!” Cheng Jinyang hit her on the head from behind, “Don’t teach my daughter and son bad habits!”

“I want to practice how to be a mother in advance.” Lu Ling was caught on the spot by him, but he was not ashamed at all, but said confidently, “So, first of all, we must start by communicating with the children.”

“Your method of communication is to ask them to call you mom?” Cheng Jinyang asked speechlessly.

“Of course.” Lu Ling said, “Even if I teach a student, I have to ask them to call me teacher! Now I am responsible for taking care of them, so what’s wrong with asking them to call me mom?”

“But they can’t speak yet.” Cheng Jinyang said.

“You need to be taught if you can’t speak!” Lu Ling pushed him impatiently, swaying his golden ponytail on the back of his head, “You don’t understand, get out! Get out! Don’t stop me from teaching children!” “

Cheng Jinyang was pushed out of the door by her and sighed helplessly.

“What’s wrong?” Princess Sister and Su Lili walked into the yard and asked curiously when they saw him standing outside the door.

“It’s nothing, Lu Ling is taking care of the children inside.” Cheng Jinyang shook his head, and then looked at them with some surprise, “Are you guys coming back from a walk after dinner?”

“No, I just went out for a walk and haven’t eaten yet.” Sister Princess smiled.

When did the two of them have such a good relationship… Cheng Jinyang muttered to himself and invited:

“How about we go out for dinner together?”

Since the child was already taken care of, Qingqing and the others went out shopping again in the afternoon.

Cheng Jinyang thought to himself that instead of eating a big pot of rice in the cafeteria, it would be better to go to a restaurant outside.

Xiao Li naturally agreed without hesitation, while Princess Sister pretended to hesitate for a moment and said with a smile:

“Okay, but you have to drink.”

“It’s okay to drink some wine.” Cheng Jinyang agreed readily.

Now that everyone has reached the first level, the body’s ability to carry blood has reached the upper limit, so there is no need to continue leveling at night.

After learning the method of entering and exiting dreams from Murong Shu, Cheng Jinyang temporarily turned off his ability to enter dreams every night, so he could have a good drink tonight and go back to sleep well.

The three of them left the Longxiang Army Admiral’s Mansion and came to the Yellow Crane Tower.

During the Three Kingdoms period, this place was originally a military tower built by Sun Wu. Now it has been taken over by businessmen and transformed into a high-end restaurant. It is one of the best restaurants in Wuchang city.

The boss was a businessman from the Yu family, so he naturally recognized Cheng Jinyang, a great man, and immediately had the topmost box cleared out for the three of them to enjoy the river view and enjoy delicious food.

Take the elevator to the balcony on the top floor and look through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. You can see the two sides of the Yangtze River outside, with lights and cruise ships adorning them, like the ribbons of the Mysterious Lady of the Nine Heavens.

Cheng Jinyang looked at the river scene, slightly distracted.

Before the recapture of Nanyang, Wuchang was not so prosperous. This was probably because once Xiangyang fell, the Jianghan Plain would be undefendable. Therefore, a large number of areas near Wuchang were occupied by Long Xiang’s army, resulting in underdeveloped investment and commerce here.

As all enemies north of Xiangyang were cleared, Wuchang also saw a large influx of funds. For example, most of the goods that were constantly coming and going on the Yangtze River at this time were building materials from the Zheng Construction Group.

Sooner or later, I will bring these prosperous scenes from the south of the Yangtze River to the Central Plains, Guanzhong, and Hebei…so that humans all over the world will regain the right to set foot on the earth’s surface and bathe in the sun!

“What’s wrong with Jinyang?” Su Lili asked quietly.

“I guess he is thinking about the Northern Expedition again.” Princess Sister whispered, “He is now completely focused on making great achievements. A few days ago, he even said some crazy things in his sleep every night, about recovering the Central Plains, about forgiving me, mother, etc. of……”

“Did someone say bad things about me just now?” Cheng Jinyang vaguely heard the word “mo startled”, turned his head suddenly, and said suspiciously.

“No, no.” The two girls shook their heads quickly.

Cheng Jinyang frowned and looked at them.

Well, princess sister aside, Xiaoli will definitely not deceive me.

So he took a long breath, pointed at the dishes on the table and said with a smile:

“Why are you sitting here? Eat vegetables, eat vegetables.”

Su Lili picked up the chopsticks, and the princess sister opened a bottle of beer with her teeth and filled Cheng Jinyang first.

“Come, husband, let me toast you first! I wish you a successful Northern Expedition!” She said with a smile on her face, opened another bottle of white wine for herself and filled it up.

Cheng Jinyang felt happy when he heard this, so he picked up the beer glass and touched it with her.

After draining the wine in one gulp, he put the glass down and saw that Su Lili had brought him various dishes, which almost filled the bowl.

“Xiao Li, don’t rush to pick up the food. Let’s drink.” Cheng Jinyang picked up the beer bottle and poured wine for her. The princess sister next to her rolled her eyes, then secretly picked up the liquor bottle and refilled his glass.

Su Lili blinked and turned a blind eye to the princess sister’s little movements. After the beer was filled, she picked it up and clinked it with her husband.

As soon as Cheng Jinyang took a sip, his eyes suddenly widened and he almost squirted out.

So the two girls were overjoyed. Su Lili covered her mouth and smiled, while the princess sister wiped her tears while laughing, and said to her speechless husband:

“Okay, okay, let’s play with you. Don’t be so stingy. I’ll punish myself with a glass of white wine, okay?”

She drank it all in one gulp, which made Cheng Jinyang embarrassed to blame her again.

“This time it’s beer~” Sister Princess took the beer bottle and filled it up for him again.

Mixing liquor and beer, the beauties on the left and right were as pretty as flowers, so Cheng Jinyang soon became drunk.

After a few more glasses of wine, he finally couldn’t hold on any longer and fell asleep on the table.

“Is this okay?” Su Lili asked softly.

“Yeah, he must be drunk.” Sister Princess touched his neck and nodded.

“Then what to do next?” Su Lili asked.

“Go and get a room outside.” The princess sister gave her a “you know” look, “Let me teach you all the techniques to please your husband one by one.”


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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