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Girl, there’s something wrong with you — Chapter 87 Beauty and wisdom are inseparable

“Big demon?” Princess Nankang whispered, “What on earth are you…”

“It’s a human being,” the other person said casually.

“Human?” Princess Nankang sneered.

“Yes, the new human being.” The figure of the other party stretched into countless lines in the air, as if the light was distorted and the specific position could not be captured.

“Although you despise us as monsters, but…”

“…We think that we are more suitable to represent the future of mankind than you, the weak, primitive individuals who rely on external objects.”

“Are you planning to occupy the magpie’s nest and expel us?” Princess Nankang turned her eyes.

She suddenly jumped up and jumped more than ten meters high.

The huge invisible blade swept rapidly from below her, and all the ruins, earth, rocks, and car wreckage blocking the road were completely shattered into crumbs, or dense cracks opened.

“Psychic shock?” She grabbed the steel bars protruding from the damaged area on the third floor, then turned around lightly, landed on the concrete cross section, and stopped steadily, “Psychic power? Or control the airflow?”

“Not at all.” The other party’s voice was distant and distant, “Did you think I would explain the principles of moves to you like a character in an anime?”

“Why, do monsters still watch anime?” Princess Nankang suddenly had two firearms in her hand, and she started shooting in front of her, sending bullets flying into the sky.

“Of course I’m watching.” As the other party was saying this, he was suddenly hit by several bullets.

The dust kicked up clung to her body, breaking the spell that concealed her figure. Princess Nankang’s bullet took the opportunity to hit her.

“Does it hurt?” Princess Nankang smiled charmingly, her guns still firing wildly, and the bullets quickly chased in the direction of the dust, as if a vicious snake was biting its prey, “It seems that the big demon It will also bleed.”

“Not only can he bleed,” the other party replied, “He is also good at making people bleed.”

Immediately afterwards, in Princess Nankang’s suddenly tightened pupils, her right arm was suddenly thrown straight away. No blood flowed out of the wound, but instead exposed steel cutting cracks and violent electric sparks, which was extremely ferocious.

After losing the firearm in her right arm, her firepower was immediately reduced by half, and the opponent took the opportunity to escape from the dusty space and disappeared.

“Transform your body into a machine to make up for your own weakness.” The demon’s voice still echoed around, unable to identify the direction, “But in this case, what is the difference between you and the robots?”

“Pedantic.” Princess Nankang stretched out her left hand, pressed her right shoulder, squeezed hard, and violently closed the mechanical gap in the shoulder. “Humans have feet to walk, but riding a car is faster; having hands can It’s easier to move, but it’s more convenient to use tools. If you temporarily use them to replace the body, doesn’t it count as a human being?”

“A gentleman is born without being different. He is kind and fake in things. This should be Xunzi’s words.” The other party sneered, “But don’t you also say that your body’s hair and skin are given to you by your parents, so you don’t dare to damage them? Destroy your own limbs. , replaced by a bulky machine, can this be considered a so-called ‘fake’?”

“There are cloned spare limbs that can be replaced again.” Princess Nankang said, “On the other hand, after you become a monster, can you turn back into a human? If we are not mistaken, you will not be able to reproduce. Bar?”

“Reproduction is meaningless to our race.” As if he had been hit on some pain point, the temperature of the other party’s tone instantly dropped by 180 degrees, “Only short-lived species would consider such boring things as replicating themselves. …”

Before she finished speaking, Princess Nankang suddenly rushed out from the third floor again!

Her figure suddenly flew high into the sky, steel gliders popped up from behind her shoulder blades, and the internal pipes rapidly jetted outwards, driving her speed to about 60 yards in an instant, and she suddenly rushed into the air nearly a hundred meters high. A rectangular device with complex wiring popped up from the left arm, with a black muzzle inside.

Then countless micro-missiles rushed out of the device, pulling white smoke towards the open space below, followed by a series of extremely large-scale violent explosions, and the superimposed shock waves spread in all directions. The buildings within a radius of nearly 100 meters were all built with toy blocks, and were instantly flattened by the shock wave. Countless fragments of steel bars and concrete debris fell down like rain.

A certain figure rushed out of the thick smoke. The outline of the figure was still blurry and could not be seen clearly, but it seemed to have suffered a lot of injuries. Princess Nankang continued to glide in the air, passing by the falling building debris at high speed. She caught a broken steel bar and threw it forward with the momentum of the dive. The target was exactly behind the figure. back!

Suddenly, a red-hot light flashed from a distance, forcing her to urgently raise her altitude to avoid being hit by the red light. It only took half a second to turn around, and after adjusting her posture, she looked down again.

There was no one there anymore, only the steel bars she had thrown earlier, half of which were deeply inserted into the ground.

The other half of the steel bar rolled to the ground next to it, with melted golden-red traces on the cut.

Some kind of high-temperature magic… Princess Nankang landed on the ground, pulled out the steel bar, scanned the incision, and silently stored the information in the database.

Let’s take it back and test it.

She cast her eyes towards the end of the street, her expression a little dignified and solemn.

Monsters with monsters, even the so-called great monsters, still belong to the “glass cannon” type with high attack power and low health. If you can seize the opportunity to kill it and then take its body back.

Maybe the mystery of the demon’s immortality will be solved by research.

never mind. By forcing this big monster back, the siege of Changzhou Town by the puppet group will temporarily stop, which can be regarded as completing the goal in disguise.

Let’s go back and report to my father first, and take a look at the situation in Jinyang.


Cheng clan’s land, Tingyuxuan.

“You want to partner up to join Tianluo?” Wang Wanrou thought for a moment.

“Is there any problem?” Cheng Jinyang humbly asked for advice.

“That’s it.” Miss Wang sighed and said, “You have to know that Tianluo’s business is mainly military field work, including suppression, sabotage and assassination. In this way, if any problems are encountered during the mission, my peerless wisdom But there’s nothing I can do to help you.”

Two people:………………

“It is said that although we have joined Tianluo, we are currently only at the ninth level and are not qualified to participate in formal battles.” During the battle, you will be responsible for the outside lookout, etc. So even if you can’t go with us, you can still communicate by phone.”

“That won’t work either.” Wang Wanrou shook her head and objected.

“Why?” Cheng Jinyang asked puzzledly.

“Because you can’t see my face when communicating on the phone.” Wang Wanrou said matter-of-factly, “And my beauty and wisdom are inseparable.”

“Do you understand what she is saying, Yuan Zhi?” Cheng Jinyang turned around and asked.

“She’s too lazy to call.” Xing Yunzhi sighed.

“That’s okay if you don’t use video.” Cheng Jinyang put forward a new suggestion.

“Video is not good either.” Wang Wanrou shook her head and said, “No matter how high-definition the video resolution is, it can’t show my appearance 100% clearly. Video calls are an insult to my beauty.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Cheng Jinyang said casually, “I’m blind when it comes to people’s faces and can’t tell the difference between beauty and ugliness. Even if I take a picture of you with a 3 billion pixel camera, the picture quality here will look similar to 360P.”

“In this case, even if you ask Xing Yunzhi to give you advice, it will be no different from my personal advice in your opinion!” Wang Wanrou said angrily.

Xing Yunzhi:? ? ?


Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Girl, there’s something wrong with you

Status: Completed Author:


[Introduction to the easy version]
His family is poor, his parents are dead, and his beautiful fiancée broke off the engagement.
Standard white text protagonist template, so my golden finger is coming, right?
Unexpectedly, that night, the fiancée suddenly regretted:
I won’t quit this marriage!
Moreover, they have to live together and sleep together, and she will pay for all the living expenses!
Okay, let's live together. Anyway, I won't suffer.
After a night...
Hey, is there something wrong with this fiancée?
[Introduction to the serious version]
Demons are ravaging the Chinese continent, and humans are retreating to giant technological cities to survive. The world is in danger.
People from the north are crossing to the south, and there are many differences; noble families and royal families are fighting endlessly; common people from poor families cannot bear to be attacked; and the young commander of the refugees is watching with eager eyes, waiting for the right time to rise up and completely tear this hard-won order to pieces.
To describe it in two words, this human world is unbearable and pill-like.
Cheng Jinyang, a sickly young man who traveled through time, set two small goals for himself:
1. Exercise and recover as soon as possible.
2. Become stronger!
The author has already completed the 2.1 million-word masterpiece "The Sword of Cang Qing". Happy End's character is guaranteed to be trustworthy even if it is not a prisoner, not a bad one, not a literary figure!

(This work has been adapted into comics, just search "Girl, there's something wrong with you" on Tencent Animation)


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