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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 105

  Wild Beast City should make a comeback soon.

  Zhang Mu speculates from the information that the strength of the city lord of the Wild Beast City may reach the third-order overlord level, perhaps stronger than the fallen patriarch of the Giant Tree Forest.

· · · Flowers 0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  This is a very strong opponent.

  As for the mentioned warrior player Tu Xiuming?

  This body is one of the eight masters of the Wild Beast City, and it has the strength of a Tier [-] lord in itself!


  Gain warrior status.

  This guy keeps growing fast.

  Now it is not necessarily weaker than the City Lord of the Wild Beast City.

  It seems that the City of Crazy Beast should not be underestimated!

  Zhang San asked, “What should I do with this prisoner?”

  Zhang Mu thought for a while and said, “Let him escape.”

  Zhang San was a little puzzled: “He has offended the Lord, why is he allowed to escape? This is too cheap for him!”

  Zhang Mu said: “The strength you show in front of them is enough to make them think of you as a demon king, and asking him to report back can have the effect of attracting snakes out of their holes.”

  The Demon King has the power of a king.

  Only those who have been involved in the field know.

  Du Mingfeng, Gem and others, as well as related orcs, have all been killed and silenced. It is impossible for Nancy Liya and other elves to leak this.

  In other words.

  It’s still a secret.

  Although this secret will be discovered sooner or later.

  But Zhang Mu still wanted to seize the time to create an information gap.

  If the lord of the Wild Beast City and the warrior Tu Xiuming knew the strength of the Demon King, it would be impossible for him to covet the Giant Tree City and the Dark Valley.

  Quite the opposite.


  Instead, it will be defensive.

  So that Zhang Mu would attack them and disturb them.

  In this way, you can only take the initiative to launch a strong attack.

  Crazy Beast City has strong soldiers, all the people are soldiers, and its military is stronger than that of Giant Tree City. Coupled with the long distance, even if Zhang Mu personally leads the troops, he will pay a great price for it.

  That being the case.

  Why not use the trick to lead the snake out of the hole?

  Isn’t Wild Beast City trying to annex Giant Tree City?Didn’t the warrior Tu Xiuming want to destroy the dark valley?They simply went ahead with their plan, just come!

  Zhang Mu can relax and work hard!

  The warrior Fang Hou was not imprisoned in the dark dungeon.

  Because he was locked in a dark dungeon, it was impossible for him to escape.

  The dragon man imprisoned him in a temporary iron cage, and there were eight senior soldiers guarding him nearby, which seemed to be very strict.

  Zhang Mu knew.

  With this guy’s ability.

  He must have a way to escape.

  Fang Hou really secretly laughed in his heart.


  ”They were careless!”

  ”The Demon King is slack with me!”

  ”Now is the only chance to escape.”

  His fighting power is not as good as Feng Wan, but in terms of escape ability, he is definitely a first-class existence, and few warriors can match it.

  Take a deep breath.

  He activated the “Escape” talent skill.

  A few senior soldiers only heard a clatter, handcuffs and footcuffs fell into the cage, but the person in the cage disappeared.

  ”not good!”

  ”The prisoners have run away!”

  ”Find him quickly!”

  Several senior dragon soldiers shouted.

  Fang Hou has already escaped hundreds of meters through the ability to escape.

  He immediately launched Shadow Stealth, a high-level stealth ability, enough to avoid most reconnaissance skills below C-rank.

  Finally a few minutes later.

  Fang Hou successfully arrived at the safe area.

  He took out a special whistle and blew it vigorously. A pterosaur beast descended from the sky, grabbed Fang Hou, left the ground, and headed out of the valley.

  ”It’s too dangerous!”

  ”It’s really a tiger’s mouth escape!”

  ”Fortunately, I have a way to escape.”

  Fang Hou’s dangling heart finally let go.

  This reconnaissance trip cannot be said to be successful. The facilities in the Dark Valley have not been investigated, and the distribution of the troops is unclear.

  But fortunately.

  I met the Demon King.

  Fang Hou holds a memory crystal in his arms.

  It also recorded the battle process.

  He believed that with this information, he could barely communicate.

  After all, even Feng Wan, who was especially good at fighting, was killed. It was not easy for him to survive, and he couldn’t expect too much.

  He glanced at the direction of the dark valley again.

  I couldn’t help but be afraid.

  That Demon King is too fierce and cruel!

  I just hope that this kind of thing will never happen again in this life!Nine.

Chapter 97

  Deep in the barren mountains.

  There are corpses all over the place.

  Among them were orcs and rock giants.

  A tragic battle has just ended here, and the final result ended with the divine power of the Demon Slayer Legion represented by the warriors.

  ”The resistance was unexpectedly so tenacious!”

  ”This rock giant devil is stronger than expected!”

  The warrior Tu Xiuming is very tired, but his spirit is extremely excited: “Although the difficulty is more than expected, the harvest is also more than expected!”

  Several warriors took the opportunity to flatter.

  ”Congratulations boss!”

  ”Become a Tier [-] warrior!”

  ”The boss is now the number one warrior in the Chaos Forest!”

  ”With your current strength growth rate, boss, and a powerful force like Crazy Beast City in your hands, you might be able to dominate the forest in the future!”

  Tu Xiuming said: “There are people outside people, there are days outside the sky, how many places have you been to? It is an exaggeration to say that I am the first warrior of the Chaos Forest!”

  Although the mouth is modest.

  But his eyes were full of confidence and pride.

  This Demon King hunted this time, and the cultivation points he gained were far higher than he had imagined. After all of them were added to his cultivation base, he had just completed a key breakthrough.

  have to say.

  Tu Xiuming was lucky.

  In [-], his reincarnated body was the Ten Thousand Beast City Master, and he was also the son of the Ten Thousand Beast City City Lord Gray.

  Hunted down many demon queens.

  Acquired several powerful talents.

  Let Tu Xiuming easily step into the lord level strength.

  After this battle today, I got what I wanted, entered the fourth rank, and climbed to the sky in one step.

  He is confident that his current strength is not much inferior to the old city lord Grayby.

  ”I don’t know how Feng Wan and Fang Hou are doing. With my current strength, it should be enough to challenge the Dragon Demon King.”


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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