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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 117

  [You killed the orc warrior, gold coins +25! 】

  [You killed the orc warrior, gold coins +25! 】


  A dragon goes down.

  Dozens and hundreds of nearby targets were killed at one time. In addition, hundreds of thousands of ordinary orcs fainted on the spot, and more orcs fell into temporary dizziness.

  A control skill.

  Unexpectedly exerted the effect of mass destruction skills.

  This was something that even Zhang Mu had not thought of himself, so it seemed that after becoming a Tier [-] Demon King, all of his abilities were greatly enhanced.

  When the orcs were frightened by the dragon’s might.

  Li Si flew down from mid-air, landed next to Zhang Mu, opened the teleportation barrier, and hundreds of dragon people were summoned, including Gru, one of the orc captains who had surrendered.

  Zhang Mu said lightly, “Let’s see your performance next!”

  Gru has already seen the original Wanfu Chang Gore who was smashed into eight pieces, and he also saw the orc who was stunned and fell to the ground.

  ”Yes, please rest assured, Your Majesty, your subordinates will not disappoint you!”

  Gru knows that magic is terrible.

  Wild Beast City had no choice at all.

  Better to surrender than to be razed to the ground!

  Gru is different from other high-level orcs. He traveled all over the world when he was young, and even went to human cities to understand the world better.

  Serve the strong.

  No harm to orcs.

  Gru stood up and ordered the orcs to surrender.

  He has a high reputation in the Wild Beast City, and the orcs trust him more. First, he will control a group of thousands of captains, and let the thousands control the centurions.


  Under the command of Gru.

  Hundreds of thousands of orcs surrendered one after another.

  [There are 165233 orcs begging you, do you accept it? 】

  [-] orcs?

  This number is less than expected.

  It is understood that the population of Crazy Beast City is larger than that of Giant Tree City.

  Seeing that His Majesty the Demon King seemed a little dissatisfied, Gru quickly explained: “Your Majesty, after Gray’s defeat, the three Ten Thousand Commanders of the Wild Beast City had an internal fight. When the other two Ten Thousand Commanders were defeated, they each took their soldiers away.”

  It turned out to be the case.

  Two ten thousand commanders.

  Each took away tens of thousands of people.

  In addition, some orcs fled quietly because of fear, so in the end there were only more than [-] orcs left.

  Either way.

  There are barren mountains around the Wild Beast City.

  It’s hard to find even a place to farm here.

  Although the food of the orcs is only a quarter of that of the dragons, if there are too many, it will be a burden to raise, and [-] is indeed not a small number.

  Accepted begging.

  A prompt message appears.

  【You captured the Wild Beast City! 】

  【You have obtained the “Shining Mithril Treasure Chest”! 】

  The level of Crazy Beast City is slightly higher than Giant Tree City, and the military strength of Crazy Beast City will be stronger, but there are no facilities such as protective barriers and magic towers. The difficulty is generally on the same level.

  Therefore, the reward specifications of the two cities are similar.

  However, the number of Beast City rewards should be slightly higher.

  Zhang Mu did not hesitate.

  Reward chest opened.

  [You have opened the Mithril treasure chest and obtained “Gold Coins” × 1, “Blueprint: War Temple” ×1, “Blueprint: Orc Base Camp” ×1, “Blueprint: Advanced Animal Bar” ×1, “Castle Upgrade Scroll” ×10 , “Strength spar” × 10, “Physical spar” × [-]! 】


  Gold coins are very powerful.

  In addition, three drawings were obtained.

  [Blueprint: Temple of War], Tier 12 blueprint, costs 50 gold coins, 50 wind gems, and [-] flame gems, you can summon a natural temple in the territory.

  [Blueprint: Orc Base Camp], Tier 15 buildings, consumes 100 gold coins, 50 flame gems, 1 dark gems, 1 stones, 1 steel, and [-] wood, and can summon an orc base in the territory .

  [Blueprint: Advanced Animal Stall], a second-tier building, consumes 4 gold coins, life gems × 10, stones × 1000, wood × 1000, steel × 1000, you can summon a high-level animal stall in the territory.

  The Temple of War is a building dedicated to the goddess of war.

  This should be similar to the effect of a nature temple dedicated to the goddess of nature.

  Just build.

  All members can add buff.

  Very useful and worth building.

  The latter two are barracks-type buildings.

  The orc base camp definitely recruits orcs, which can cover the first, second and third tiers, and the beast bar should be used to summon the first and second tier domesticated beasts.

  Three drawings.

  Values ​​are high.

  In addition to get a castle upgrade scroll.

  Zhang Mu’s castle has already been upgraded for less than 900. This kind of upgrade scroll of the same level has no way to upgrade Zhang Mu’s castle.

  It can only be sold to other Demon Lords.

  This is good stuff and should sell for a good price.

  Finally, there are 10 strength spar, 10 fast physique spar.

  This kind of spar is very valuable, and each piece can increase 10 attributes. Zhang Mu didn’t even think about using it all by himself.

  [Power +100 permanently! 】

  [Physical permanent +100! 】

  Even for Zhang Mu.

  It’s also a big improvement!

  The value of this batch of attribute spar is no worse than the third-order blueprint!


  ”All orcs.”

  ”All assembled.”

  Zhang San and Li Si came to report the situation.

  Then it’s time to catch the mouse.

  Zhang Mu changed the rough screening of the orcs of the Wild Beast City, and found hundreds of warrior players who didn’t have time to escape and were mixed in.

  Most of these warriors are not strong.

  There are generally only first-order and second-order levels.

  Zhang Mu used the ability to obtain information prompts to first check their resumes, personalities and personalities, and captured the insidious, cunning, capricious, and good at yin and yang, and executed them on the spot.

  As for the rest.

  Let the dragon man take it back to the dungeon.

  In the future, you can screen some recruits to the Dragon Shadow Warriors.

  There may be warriors lurking in the Wild Beast City. After all, it takes a lot of time for Zhang Mu to screen hundreds of thousands of people one by one.

  of course.

  Even if there are fish that slip through the net.

  It is also impossible for them to pose a threat to the Demon King.

  Zhang Mu decided to investigate slowly in the future. The question that needs to be considered now is how to properly deal with and use the orcs in Crazy Beast City.

  In the past.

  Wild Beast City plunders and extorts for a living.

  They do not farm or produce at all.

  It all depends on looting, looting, looting, and collecting protection fees to make a living, which is why Wild Beast City is notorious.

  Now Zhang Mu has become the owner of this place.

  He doesn’t want this pattern to continue.

  In the future, the entire forest is his potential territory.

  Let these orcs continue to loot and plunder, what is the difference between robbing yourself, not only does not create value, but also affects development.

  This is not desirable.

  These [-] orcs.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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