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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 123

  Let the dragon priest teleport back to the dark valley.

  Zhang Mu decided to use up both drawings.

  Build the temple first.

  Zhang Mu put the temple of war.

  Put it next to the Temple of Nature.

  The cost of this temple is very cheap for the current Zhang Mu.

  The cash expenditure is only [-] gold coins, and the gems required are relatively common, and the total cost is only [-] gold coins.

……… 0 0

  Compared with the role of the temple.

  That kind of money is really insignificant.

  [The Temple of War was built successfully! 】

  [All your units have been blessed by the goddess of war! 】

  The moment the temple appeared.

  Dark Valley, Giant Tree City, Wild Beast City, and even all nearby villages and tribes that are loyal to the Demon King have all received new buffs.

  [Blessing of the Goddess of War lv1], special status, strength +10%, constitution +5%, will +5%!

  Giant Tree City.

  The elves were surprised to find out.

  There is a new magic effect.

  Isn’t this the power of the goddess of war?

  But the elves do not believe in the goddess of war!

  The followers of this goddess are generally orcs, half-orcs, some dwarves, and other more warlike races.

  Did the Demon King do it again?

  The Emotional Demon King also has a leg with the Goddess of War?

  But how can the relationship be so good?Even non-goddess believers can get her blessings!

  Wild Beast City here.

  When you feel the blessing of the goddess of war.

  The popularity of the orcs was greatly encouraged, and their loyalty rose.

  After Zhang Mu built the temple of the goddess of war, he also used the second-order blueprint “Advanced Beast Stall”.

  [The Orc Base Camp was built successfully! 】

  [You have unlocked the summoning permission of taming beasts! 】

  [You get new tamed beasts: jungle monitor lizard +30000, quadruped pterosaur +10000! 】

  The jungle monitor lizard, the first-order ordinary, the summoning price is 10 gold coins!

  Four-legged pterosaur, second-order ordinary, summon price 400 gold coins!

  Advanced animal stalls.

  Seems to be relatively common.

  Only two animal taming units are unlocked.

  Both are ordinary units, and the combat value is not high, but it does not mean that the beasts are not valuable.

  Jungle monitor lizards are good at carrying weights.

  Can travel through complex terrain.

  This is very good jungle transport.

  It is especially suitable for transporting various goods and materials.

  The quadruped pterosaur is similar. This pterosaur is several times larger than ordinary pterosaurs. Although it is more bulky, it has a strong load-bearing capacity and is an ideal air transportation vehicle.

  simply speaking.

  Advanced animal stalls cannot improve the hard power of the territory.

  However, they can provide a large number of means of transportation. In the future, as trade becomes more prosperous and resource extraction efficiency becomes higher and higher, they can play a big role, and in short, they will not be tasteless.Nine.

Chapter 107

  These two tame animals are not expensive.

  However, there is no need for a large-scale summoning.

  If you summon tens of thousands of such giant beasts at a time, and you can’t use that many at a time, then the cost of raising them will be very large.

  Monitor lizards are such a bargain.

  It is more cost-effective to slaughter it directly than to keep it for a long time.

  A pity, a pity.

  The flesh of this monitor lizard is sour and poisonous.

  Otherwise, the price of [-] gold coins per head, specially summoned to be slaughtered, would be a good way to make a fortune.

  Occupy the Wild Beast City.

  Huge harvest before and after.

  Let Zhang Mu’s gold coin reserve reach 300 million

  This number is exaggerated!

  To be known by other demon kings.

  They must be jealous to the point of madness.

  The more gold coins, the better.

  Zhang Mu also needs more financial revenue.

  At present, there are three main sites: Dark Valley, Giant Tree City, and Wild Beast City.

  Base Camp Dark Valley.

  There are many functional buildings.

  For example, two temples, the underground palace of bones, the mist tower, the enchantment tower, the detection tower, etc., need to consume a lot of gold coins for daily maintenance.

  In addition, there are more than [-] dragon people, thousands of goblins, and tauren, and the daily food consumption is also very amazing.

  Fortunately, the farm is very powerful.

  The variety and quality of seeds supplied by Chen Guoguo are also improving.

  Let the output and quality of the currently planted medicines and crops continue to rise, and always maintain the strongest competitiveness in the devil market.

  its earnings.

  Not only cover territorial costs.

  The average daily net income reaches hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

  In addition, due to the increase in the number of craftsmen, especially the appearance of the Dragon Master, the ore mined from the mine can be turned into sophisticated equipment and sold, and an average daily income of [-] gold coins can be created.

  This sign is still good.

  In the future, with the supply of more and better ores, and the growing level of manufacturing in the territory, the income generated from equipment will not be fed with medicinal materials.

  Dark Valley.

  The business is mature and stable.

  Now Giant Tree City and Wild Beast City are more worth looking forward to.

  The alchemist team and planting team of Giant Tree City have just been established.

  A total of about [-] elves have been invested, and they are gradually being invested in planting and refining medicine, and they are about to usher in a blowout development.

  As for the wild beast city waiting to be rebuilt.

  Now we have a large gold mine and more than a dozen mines of various kinds to be mined. As long as we invest enough labor, the income will definitely not be inferior to that of the Dark Valley.

  The stall is spread out

  needed now.

  Just be patient.

  Just make good use of existing resources.

  Zhang Mu can live a life of lying down and counting money.

  However, people without far-sightedness will have immediate worries, and the current risks cannot be ignored, especially in two obvious places.

  The first is the Sealed Gate of the Giant Tree Forest.

  The seal is fairly stable so far.

  But it’s a ticking time bomb.

  The guys among them are so fierce under the seal.

  If you let him break free, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

  The second place is the Excalibur Warriors.

  Zhang Mu did not doubt the words of the warrior Liu Qingcheng.

  The Thunder Empire should plan to control the Demon King secretly, and then indirectly control the entire Chaos Forest. The Excalibur Warriors are the advance troops.

  This warrior group is far superior in size and strength to the Jagged Warriors, and with such a powerful behind-the-scenes force, it must not be too careless.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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