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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 124

  Think about it.

  Zhang Mu decided to expand his army.

  This time, I took out 150 million gold coins, recruited 5000 combat soldiers, and upgraded 500 advanced soldiers and 100 super soldiers.

  Spend another 15 gold coins to add 10 dragon generals

  And 9 gold coins to add 3 dragon priests.

  The current lineup of the combat corps is: 13300 ordinary soldiers, 900 advanced soldiers, 155 super soldiers, 50 dragon man tactics, 20 demon dragon tactics, 5 dragon guards, 25 dragon generals, and 8 dragon priests. 1, Dragon Commander 1, High Priest [-].

  Zhang Mu still has nearly 140 million gold coins.

  But he didn’t plan to spend it all.

  This money can be saved as a reserve fund, or part of the purchase of materials, especially various gems that will be used in large quantities in the future.

  Su Yan walked into the castle: “I carefully selected the first batch of thirty members according to your requirements. This is the list of the reserve members, please take a look at the boss first.”

  Zhang Mu glanced at it.

  Most are dungeon level warriors.

  A few were found by Su Yan from outside.

  There is no third-order strength, all of them are second-order warriors, which are a little shabby, but there is no way.

  Su Yan herself is only second rank.

  It is indeed difficult to invite reliable Tier [-] warriors at present.

  Although these reserve members are all second-tier, they generally have special talents or skills, which are very suitable for intelligence work, reconnaissance and investigation.

  This is expected.

  ”Yes, tentatively, wait until I prepare the contract and sign the contract before I officially join the group.”

  The Dragon Shadow Warriors will be of great use in the future.

  The members of the warrior group can be small, but they must be absolutely reliable, and a contract must be signed, so as to have enough insurance.

  Be cautious.

  always right.

  Even if it costs more.

  Zhang Mu took out a skill stone: “This skill is given to you.”

  ”This is… the form of a B-level skill rock demon!”

  Su Yan was shocked and couldn’t believe it.

  The value of this skill is higher than before.

  ”This reward is too heavy, I haven’t done much credit recently.”

  Zhang Mu said, “It’s okay, I’m going to give you another mission, and this mission will be a little dangerous.”

  Su Yan came to the spirit: “What is it?”

  ”Recently, a group of Divine Sword Warriors has appeared in Chaos Forest. They are from the Thunder Empire in the north. They are wooing warriors and even the devil everywhere, posing some threats and troubles to me.”

  ”I understand!”

  ”Boss wants me to investigate them?”

  Su Yan shook the fox’s tail: “Being a spy? I’m good at it!”

  Zhang Mu nodded and said, “The Divine Sword Warriors are not the same as the Jagged Warriors. This gang is much stronger and has a lot of masters. You have to be careful and don’t be careless!”


  Su Yan felt very excited.

  Another great opportunity to make merit.

  Zhang Mu is still more at ease with this warrior girl now.

  Her abilities and identity are easy to gather intelligence and prepare for the inevitable conflict in the near future.


  Zhang Mu began to plan to deal with the giant tree forest seal… At present, his strength is a bit reluctant, but he can give it a try.

  He is still thinking.

  The final decision has not yet been made.

  Chen Guoguo sent a private message: “Is the Great God there? City Lord Xiaonan has an accident! Come and take a look! She is in a very bad condition now!”

  Zhang Mu was at a loss: “Nancy Liya has been in Giant Tree City and has no enemies recently. What can happen to her?”

  Chen Guoguo: “I’m not too sure, I just fainted.”


  And such a thing?

  Is it sick?

  Will the Elf King’s constitution get sick?

  Immediately called the Dragon Priest and teleported to the Giant Tree City.

  The high-level officials of Giant Tree City are in a hurry at the moment. They haven’t had time to send someone to inform the Demon King. They didn’t expect the Demon King to arrive so soon…

  Zhang Mu frowned and said, “What happened to the city lord?”

  The third elder of the Giant Tree City explained: “Judging from the performance of the city owner, it is probably that the power of the blood of the Elf King has been awakened!”

  Zhang Mu didn’t quite understand this.

  ”Is this a good thing or a bad thing?” he asked.

  ”Uh, this must be a good thing. Every time the elf king wakes up, his strength will improve by leaps and bounds, but…”

  The third elder sighed: “The power of the city lord’s bloodline seems to be unusually strong, so that the body can’t bear it, and the situation is very bad now.”

  Zhang Mu walked into the room.

  I saw the little city lord lying in the room with his eyes closed, sweating profusely, and his brows furrowed, a very painful look.

  The elves have never heard of this.

  I didn’t know what to do for a while.

  Zhang Mu stared at Nancy Liya for a while.

  All of a sudden, relevant information appeared in front of him.

  [City Lord of Giant Tree City: Nancy Liya]… Currently in the state of blood awakening, because the blood is too powerful, the body is already overwhelmed, if there is no awakening secret medicine to assist, there may be life-threatening.

  Zhang Mu’s eyes lit up.

  ”Do you know the secret medicine for awakening?”

  Several elf elders looked at each other, looking at this expression, they knew that they had never heard of it, which was a bit difficult.

  Just at this time.

  The little city lord seemed to regain a trace of consciousness.

  She opened her eyes and saw a burly figure like an iron tower: “Ah, Your Majesty the Demon King, why are you here… I’m sorry, I seem to be ill, and the clan can’t do anything about me.”

  Zhang Mu said: “Don’t worry, you are my important subordinate, I will not let you have an accident, just take a good rest, I will help you survive!”

  The small town master listened to this.

  She felt very moved.

  Unlike the anxious elders.

  The Great Demon King’s tone was firm and confident.

  This gave Nancy Lia a sense of anticipation and security.

  Zhang Mu suspects Nancy Liya’s current situation. On the one hand, her strength is far superior to most of the elf kings in history. On the other hand, it resonates with the elf king’s scepter to stimulate the bloodline, so that she is awakened in advance.

  one way or another.

  To be rescued.

  Even aside from friendship.

  Can’t make her four.

  This is not only the city lord of Giant Tree City.

  It is a subordinate of at least king level in the future.

  The elves of Giant Tree City had obviously broken their inheritance, and no one had heard of the secret medicine for awakening. Zhang Mu got in touch with a demon king with a mentality of giving it a try.

  Zhang Mu: “Are you there?”

  Mysterious witch Liang Bai: “Yes! Boss! Your orders!”

  Zhang Mu: “Do you know something called Awakening Potion?”

  This is the one with the highest level of medicine refining among the demon kings Zhang Mu knew.

  If she doesn’t even know.

  You can’t count on other Demon Lords.

  Zhang Mu can only think of ways from other places,

  Mysterious witch Liang Bai: “I know the awakening potion. This potion is very rare. It can help people with specific talents absorb the power of blood.”

  Zhang Mu: “Then can you refine it?”

  The mysterious witch Liang Bai: “Big brother, don’t underestimate me. I have never taken anyone’s medicine in the aspect of refining medicine. Even if it is a very rare and rare medicine, it is no problem for me!”

  Very good!

  Zhang Mu: “Then you can help me get a bottle of awakening potion, and I will give you an offer that will satisfy you.”

  Mysterious witch Liang Bai: “Big brother, I can make medicine, and money is not a problem. It’s just that the materials for awakening medicine are rare, and they may not be available in the current market.”.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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