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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 131

  The main reason why Zhang Mu didn’t choose “Magma Demon’s Nest” was because he liked the “Altar of Flame”. Secondly, the Magma Demon’s Nest must be set up on special terrain, and the Magma Demon was not suitable for use in Chaos Forest.

  Other than that.

  Han Kexin has obtained a top-level B-level skill stone “Flame Summoning”, which can summon various flame monsters to assist in combat.

  It’s tasteless to Zhang Mu.

  It can improve her combat power.

  When seeing Han Kexin readily approved the distribution plan.

  Zhang Mu was a little embarrassed. This is Han Kexin’s territory. Because she sent troops to attack in advance, she became the biggest beneficiary after the Calamity Volcano fell.

  To know.

  Except for sharing treasure chest rewards.

  Zhang Mu killed three magma demon lords, a large number of high-level magma demons, and purgatory flame demons. The gold coin reward for killing them was quite considerable, and it was not lost to the gold coins shared from the treasure chest.

  not to mention.

  Zhang Mu killed 15 Tier [-] warriors.

  Harvest 15 Tier 8 souls and [-] high-quality skills.

  You can come here by yourself.

  The original purpose was just a demon heart.

  Zhang Mu thought about it, took out some souls, and planned to share it with the succubus queen, just as compensation.


  Han Kexin categorically refused: “You killed the warriors and I didn’t do anything. These are your spoils and there is no need to share them with me.”

  ”Are you sure you don’t?”

  ”Do I look like the kind of guy who likes to take advantage?”

  Han Kexin glared at him angrily, “Besides, I don’t lack souls. My fighting power is not as good as yours, but it’s still easy to collect souls!”

  The reason why she rose to Tier [-] so quickly.

  The main reason is to rely on the succubus witch under his command.

  Banshees are not only combat units that can be used to fight, but also can be used to confuse and manipulate others, allowing warriors to throw themselves into the net.

  Zhang Mu looked at Han Kexin with admiration.

  When the two of them were doing business, they repeatedly ripped about for a few hundred gold coins, but now the souls are worth at least a dozen or even hundreds of thousands, but she refused without even thinking about it.

  this means.

  Succubus Queen.

  There are also principles.

  Zhang Mu escorted the succubus team back to the Demon King’s lair. .

  The queen asked: “It’s hard to come here. Are you planning to go back? Why don’t you stay for a while? There are many places worth exploring around here, and there are thousands of warriors in Dark City who can hunt.”


  Zhang Mu shook his head: “I also want to stay for a while, but the size of the territory is busy, and I still have some small problems to solve.”

· · · Flowers 0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  The Queen of Succubus nodded: “If that’s the case, then I won’t keep you. I believe we will still have opportunities to cooperate.”

  Zhang Mu laughed: “That’s necessary, but before that, you have to become stronger!”

  Hear this.

  The queen nearly exploded.

  She has always been proud and confident.

  It has been hit hard today.

  Unexpectedly, this guy actually came to stimulate himself, this is simply unbearable, can’t he just fight, what’s so amazing!

  slip away!

  When she sees the queen, she will be angry.

  Zhang Mu activated the teleportation stone and left.

  The succubus queen was so angry that she couldn’t let it out, so she could only swallow it all back. She stomped her feet angrily, “Wait and see, the next time we meet, the old lady will give you a big surprise!”

  Return to Giant Tree City.

  The teleportation stone was bleak.

  The number of uses has been exhausted.

  Zhang Mu felt that this thing was very convenient. It would be nice if he could get more in his hands. In the future, he could easily travel around the continent.

……… 0 …

  after all.

  this world.

  Completely different from the previous physical laws.

  The scale of this continent is too large, and there are almost no boundaries at all. Even if you have strong flight ability, it is useless. Space ability is necessary for travel.

  Zhang Mu came back soon.

  The mysterious witch Liang Bai made the secret medicine.

  Nancy Liya drank the secret medicine that Zhang Mu brought back.

  She suddenly felt that the scorching heat in her blood was dissipated, and a trace of warmth spread throughout her body and was digested.


  Mental strength.

  All have grown by leaps and bounds.

  In Nancy Lia’s mind, a lot of esoteric magic knowledge, experience, and skills were added.

  A brand new magic.

  That piece of profound knowledge.

  All of them have never been learned or even heard of.

  At this moment, these abilities seem to be innate in the soul.

  Nancy Liya’s body changed, and she, who was originally [-] or [-] years old, suddenly seemed to have grown up, and looked like a [-] or [-] year old girl.

  And right now.

  The information in front of Zhang Mu’s eyes changed.

  [The City Lord of Giant Tree City: Nancy Liya], the fourth-order overlord level strength…

  Everything is as expected.

  With the help of the awakening elixir.

  Nancy Lia immediately absorbed the power of the bloodline.

  She suddenly reached the fourth-order overlord from the level of the third-order lord, and she is not an ordinary fourth-order overlord, almost the ceiling of the fourth-order overlord!

  No matter the distance is five orders.

  Still far from the king level.

  In fact, it is only one step away.

  At this moment, Nancy Liya, as long as she makes full use of her abilities, Zhang Mu conservatively estimates that she should be able to fight three Purgatory Flame Demons!

  Don’t waste so much effort!

  With Nancy Liya’s current strength.

  She is enough to become a super powerhouse who dominates the Chaos Forest and is on her own!Nine.

Chapter 112

  Zhang Mu carefully studied Nancy Liya’s attributes.

  [City Lord of Giant Tree City: Nancy Liya], Tier 1000 overlord unit, HP 2500, Mental Power 25, Strength 105, Agility 45, Constitution 424, Will 99, Loyalty [-]%…

  Skills: Blood of the Elf King (talent), Elemental Covenant of the Elf King (A-level), Starlight Shield of the Elf-King (A-level), Sealing of the Elf-King (A), Blessing of the Elf-King (A-level), Teleportation ( b-class), Meteor Shower (b-class), Meteor Archery (b-class).Wait.

  After the small city master advanced.

  Skills and attributes have been greatly increased.

  There are several A-level skills alone, which integrate combat, defense, control, and assistance.

  For now.

  Look at the Chaos Forest.

  There are only a handful of existences comparable to her.

  Even the patriarchs in the heyday of the Giant Tree Forest elf clan were the strongest at her current level.

  And for her.

  This is far from the end.

  Nancy Liya is already very strong now.

  She also has the blessing of the top equipment Elf King Scepter.

  To the current Zhang Mu.

  You can also call back and forth.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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