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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 151

  In this case, even if the Demon King’s army is stronger than tens of thousands of people, there is almost no hope of preventing this kind of stormy attack.

  The only suspense is whether it can win.

  Judging from the information collected by He Tianzong, the strength of the Dragon Demon King is no trivial matter. At the beginning, he overwhelmingly defeated Tu Xiuming and Gray, the former city owner of Crazy Beast City.

  He even doubted.

  The Dragon Demon King is already the fourth-order overlord or above.

  This is also the reason why He Tianzong didn’t take action in person.

  Once the Dragon Demon King madly counterattacks, it is very dangerous. As the leader of the team, he should not be greedy for merit and risk, so he handed it over to Cao Zuo Zhuyan.

  Of course, it is best to kill the Dragon Demon King.

  Even if they miss, it doesn’t matter. With the strength of them and the warrior group, they can at least contain the demon king.

  As for whether these two warriors will die?

  This is not something He Tianzong should consider.

  To him, even a fourth-order warrior is just a high-level pawn. As long as he can achieve his goal and play his due value, it doesn’t matter if he sacrifices.


  at this time.

  A warrior stumbled in and broke in: “Deputy…Deputy head…not good!”

  He Tianzong’s expression changed greatly: “What’s going on? Tell me now!”

  The warrior, sweating profusely, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with difficulty: “The raid failed, we failed, and it was… a fiasco!”

  ”What did you say?!”

  He Tianzong’s eyes were splitting: “Failure? How could it possibly fail? Don’t you fucking fart and shake the military’s heart!”

  The warrior smiled bitterly and said, “How dare I talk nonsense about this kind of thing? But the defeated soldiers have already fled back one after another, and we have fallen into the trap of the devil!”

  He Tianzong rushed out quickly.

  At this time, hundreds of defeated combat units came back.

  After He Tianzong understood the matter, he only felt that someone had poured a large pot of cold water on his face, from head to toe, his eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

  In his opinion.

  This battle will be won.

  The probability of failure is minimal.

  Even if it is really frustrated, such a large-scale air force, such a highly mobile combat arm, can keep more than half of it no matter what.

  But now the fact is.

  This huge army was almost completely wiped out, and less than one-tenth of the total was lucky to escape.

  Is this more than a fiasco?

  It was a fiasco like a flying dragon riding a face!

  ”Deputy Head!”

  ”We’re fucked!”

  ”This is how to do?”

  ”I’m afraid a few devil kings will be shaken!”

  ”It’s terrifying, it’s terrifying. We are definitely not the opponents of the Dragon Demon King. Let’s hurry up and ask the Count and the Empire for support!”


  He Tianzong was furious: “Shut up!”


  Military morale is in chaos.

  It can be said to be very dangerous.

  You must quickly find a way to divert attention.

  He said with a gloomy face: “The Demon King has been ambushing and preparing since the beginning, but how did he know about this action in advance?”

  A warrior immediately said: “Could there be an inner ghost? Among the twelve demon kings, maybe there is an undercover agent sent by the dragon demon king!”

  ”No, the twelve demon kings responded positively to this operation and went all out. I think it is unlikely that the news will leak from the demon king!”

  He Tian said angrily, “Most of our regiment has spies mixed in. Quickly check all those who have recently entered the bloody fortress. I have to find this guy and cut it into pieces!”

  Soon after.

  Warriors came to report.

  ”Deputy head, the suspect has been discovered. Su Zhan, who joined the elite group reserve a few days ago, his past resume may be fabricated!”

  ”Also, he disappeared suddenly, probably hiding.”

  ”Hmph, it looks like it’s him, the bloody fortress is blocked by a barrier, this guy can’t escape now!” He Tian roared: “Quickly send someone to find him for me!”.

Chapter 124

  After the operation fiasco.

  Excalibur Warriors began to investigate internal spies.

  received wind.

  Su Yan ran away immediately.

  When she joined the elite group reserve of the Excalibur Warriors, the materials and resumes she submitted were basically forged, and because of time constraints, the preparations were relatively rough.

  If not careful.

  I can’t see it.

  But once suspected and scrutinized.

  Then there are bound to be many flaws.

  In the future, espionage activities can’t be so rough. We must learn a lesson and prepare more identities in advance to avoid this situation from happening again.

  Su Yan just wanted to escape from the bloody fortress, but after the news of the failure of the operation came back, the bloody fortress had already started to be under full martial law.

  Even Su Yan.

  She can’t get out either.

  Su Yan had to rely on the ability to constantly change her identity and appearance, mix in the crowd, temporarily hide in the fortress, and wait for the opportunity to retreat.


  Hiding for a few hours.

  Su Yan was discovered and locked.

  As Zhang Mu said, there are experts in the Divine Sword Warriors who are always good at tracking and reconnaissance. Once their identity is revealed, the situation will be very dangerous.

  Su Yan hid in a corner to escape the containment.

  At this time.

  A figure stepped out in front.

  This is a human being, wearing knight armor, with a long gem sword on his waist, and his body exudes a cold and deadly aura.

  Su Yan saw him.

  My heart suddenly froze.

  This person is the deputy head of the Divine Sword Warriors.

  He Tianzong knew very well that even if he caught the spies, it would not help.

  But he desperately needs this scapegoat to calm the situation, to cover up part of the blame for the failure of the operation, and to reunite the military.

  ”Are you the subordinate of the Dragon Demon King?”

  He Tianzong pulled out the long sword from his waist, “Don’t you feel embarrassed that a warrior takes refuge in the Demon King and is willing to be the Demon King’s lackey?”

  A piercing chill came over him.

  Su Yan could feel it.

  How powerful is this guy.

  He is a fourth-order warrior, and he is not a parallel importer forcibly breaking through. His strength has reached the top lord, even close to the level of the overlord.

  Su Yan only has second-order strength.

  Although enough to be comparable to the top lords.

  But there is absolutely no chance of winning with the level gap between the two sides.

  at this point.

  Arguing doesn’t make sense.

  She simply put on an appearance that she was not afraid of death: “So what? You Divine Sword Warriors are not together with the Demon King? At least I am with the right boss!”

  He Tianzong smiled coldly: “Very good, it seems that you are ready to die, so I will fulfill you.”

  Su Yan said quickly, “Hold on!”

  He Tianzong said: “Haha, are you afraid?”

  Su Yan’s eyes rolled around in a hurry: “If you kill me, it will not end well. The boss will definitely avenge me. He only needs one finger, and he can even kill you with one look!”

  He Tianzong began to condense his fighting qi, and a gloomy ice fog gradually spread out, and the ground around ten meters was rapidly freezing.

  Su Yan continued: “If you are now on the precipice, I may be able to introduce you to join us. This is much more promising than what you are in the Divine Sword Warriors!”

  ”This is the funniest joke I’ve ever heard!”


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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