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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 161

  The elf king has a great influence in the elf tribe.

  The elves of Silver Spring City and Giant Tree City are elves of different tribes, but the races are the same, and it is impossible to go against the will of the Elf King.

  Li Si said, “Then Wanya City and Magic City…”

  Zhang Mu said, “I’m going to take a trip to Wanya City in person, and you will handle this magic witch city.”


  The strategy is complete.

  The crowd immediately split up.

  Nancy Leah is undoubtedly the most positive.

  She doesn’t want to see the elves fight against the devil, not to mention that she already agrees with the devil to become the master of the Chaos Forest, even if you take [-] steps back, the elves can’t be the devil’s opponent.

  No no no!

  Gotta stop this from happening!

  Otherwise, it will be difficult for the small city owner to be a wizard!

  Nancy Liya didn’t want to waste a second. After she returned to Giant Tree City, she called the second and third elders and asked them to run with her.

  The two elf elders learned of the city lord’s purpose.

  Of course, he agreed without saying a word.

  In order to save time, the small city owner made another trip to the dark valley and asked Li Si, the high priest of Tianlong, for help.

  Silver Spring City.

  The road is a bit long.

  This Demon King’s chief priest is better at space magic than her, and can use space teleportation to send them there, which can save a lot of time.

  The light flashed.

  The three of Nancy Lia completed the teleportation.

  They were sent into a quiet forest.

  The one-armed third elder was a little surprised: “Have we arrived yet?”

  Nancy Liya said: “This kind of long-distance space transmission, there will be some errors. The farther the transmission distance is, the greater the error will be. We should be not far from the vicinity of Silver Spring City.”

  The three do a reconnaissance.

  It was exactly as Nancy Lia said.

  In a place called Yinye Forest near Yinquan City, Li Si’s teleportation deviates by dozens of miles, which doesn’t have a big impact on the three of them.

  The second elder of Giant Tree City: “Since it’s not far away, let’s advance to the city while it’s dark!”

  Nancy Lia shook her head and said, “No, we will visit directly, which may cause a series of troubles.”

  The third elder nodded: “The city lord is right, there must be warrior forces in Yinquan City, and it is best to keep a low profile to avoid being disturbed.”

  Hear the warriors.

  The second elder immediately became serious.

  Giant Tree City was almost pitted by warriors.

  Even the elders died at the hands of the warriors.

  The giant tree city elves have no good impression of the warriors.

  The second elder thought for a while and said, “I know an elder in Silver Spring City. I can first enter Silver Spring City, find the city owner through this elder, and then invite her out to meet in secret, so there should be no problem.”

  Third Elder: “Just do it!”

  The little city owner also nodded: “Then please run a little longer.”

  The second elder laughed and said, “For the sake of the city lord and His Majesty the Demon King, and more importantly for our elves, what is this trouble? Please stay here and wait for my good news!”

  After the second elder left.

  Nancy Liya asked the third elder about the situation of Silver Spring City.

  Although it has long been known that there are some elf towns in the Chaos Forest, but there are not many exchanges between these elves, and she knows too little about Silver Spring City.

  The third elder explained: “The elves of the Silver Spring City moved to the Chaos Forest only about two hundred years ago. The current patriarch’s name is Miley Mirren.”

  Hear the name.

  Obviously female.

  The yin and yang of the elves rise and fall.

  Women are generally stronger than men in terms of life expectancy and talent, so it is not surprising that eight out of ten leaders of the Elf tribe are women.

  The town lord asked, “Have you met the Patriarch Miley Mirren?”

  The third elder shook his head and said, “No, this patriarch is also relatively young. I heard that he is a very proud and capable person.”

  Two hours after the second elder left.

  Nancy Lia sensed the magic wave.

  Several figures were teleported with teleportation magic.

  Nancy Lia looked over.

  Only two people came.

  One is a follower dressed as an elf elder.

  The other is a young and mature female surnamed Elf, with a tall figure, exquisite curves, long pale golden hair, wearing Elf-style silver armor, and carrying a green longbow.

  ”¨. Are you Patriarch Miley Mirren?”

  Nancy Lia looked at the elf female city lord in front of her.

  Judging from her dress and aura, this should be a top expert who is good at martial arts, or a double cultivation type of magic and martial arts.

  Miley Mirren with sapphire eyes.

  He also carefully looked at the little city lord in front of him.

  Nancy Liya’s aura is not strong, and even as the patriarch and city lord, she is a little too friendly and not majestic, but she has a special aura.

  This breath.

  Enough to suppress other elves.

  Let other elves feel awe from their hearts and souls.

  Patriarch Miley Mirren’s eyes flashed a ray of light: “The breath of the Elf King, such a powerful bloodline, you are indeed the successor of the Elf King!”

  The other party perceives.

  Also very sharp.

  Nancy Liya went straight to the point, “I am here to negotiate on behalf of the Demon King of the Undercity, and I hope that the Silver Spring Tribe can join me in the Undercity and work together to build the order of the Chaos Forest!”

  The elf royal sister has a serious expression.

  ”The elves of the Silver Spring tribe are willing to swear allegiance to the Elf King!”

  ”But the elf king represents the entire elf clan. It would be too embarrassing to take refuge with a demon king. This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable to the Yinquan tribe!”

  The face of the town lord changed: “You can’t say that! You don’t know the situation! Our Majesty the Demon King is not an ordinary Demon King!”

  ”Patriarch Miley Mirren.”

  ”Are you going against the will of the Elf King?”

  The second and third elders of Giant Tree City were obviously not too happy either.

  The elf royal sister said calmly: “No, just because we are willing to be loyal to the elf king (promised), we are obliged to return the elf king from the wrong path.”

  talking room.

  Miley Mirren took a step forward.

  The light of vindictiveness danced around him.

  The expressions of the two elders of Giant Tree City changed drastically.

  The two quickly guarded in front of the small city lord: “What do you want to do?”

  ”What are you doing? Your giant tree city can’t protect the elf king, so give the elf king to Silver Spring City to protect it?”

  Miley Mirren bowed slightly and gave a salute: “Please Nancy Lia live in Silver Spring City from now on, our tribe will take you as the new patriarch and new city lord, and swear to defend the dignity of the elves!”

  The faces of the two giant tree elders were as ugly as they were.

  They had never seen such an unreasonable spirit.

  She wanted to snatch the city lord.

  So that they can be the lord of the city.

  Nancy Lia did not expect such a thing to happen, although she guessed that her elf king bloodline would be very useful.

  But never thought of it.

  It will end up like this.

  Nancy Lia didn’t feel the malice in Patriarch Miley Mirren.

  This elf patriarch must not be an ambitious family who is relying on the emperor to make the princes buy it.

  She probably really thought and believed that Nancy Lia was blinded by the Demon King and went astray for a while, so she planned to use coercion to set things right.

  (PS: My mother will have an operation tomorrow and is currently in the hospital, so the author is really out of shape today, maybe one or two chapters are missing, and it should be back to normal after tomorrow, I hope everyone can understand!).

Chapter 130

  The small town lord’s face became serious.

  Although I know that Patriarch Miley Mirren is not malicious.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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