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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 177

  ”Okay, I will give you a chance. As long as you are willing to follow this king, I will help you eliminate the god of the ground. As long as the god of the ground is killed, all the demonized dwarves will be eliminated!”

  I heard this.

  Iron Beard couldn’t help but be shocked: “You want to challenge the god of the ground? It’s impossible! It’s not that no one of us has tried it, but no matter how many people go, it ends in failure in the end.”

  Nancy Liya said at this time: “Hmph, you don’t understand our Majesty the Demon King, His Majesty can even deal with the evil god, let alone a false god disguised by a demon?”

  ”That’s right!”

  ”I’m not afraid to let you know.”

  ”Your High Chief Thunderbeard is dead!”

  ”It was pointed out by our Majesty to be bombarded and killed!”

  Miley Mirren continued: “The elves of our Silver Spring Tribe have followed His Majesty the Demon King. Now in the entire Chaos Forest, only His Majesty has the ability to save dwarves!”


  Rei is dead? !

  This crazy old dwarf.

  The old city owner of Tiexin City for nearly a hundred years.

  Did he die like that?

  Died in the hands of a devil!

  Iron Beard said decisively: “Okay, as long as we can destroy the underground god, as long as we can take back Tiexin City, we are willing to pay the price of following allegiance from generation to generation!”

  this time.

  Are there any other options?

  The mountain tribe dwarves are at stake.

  This unfathomable Dragon Demon King, and these two amazing elf powerhouses, may have become the only hope for saving the mountain tribe.


  Under the pursuit of crazy dwarves.

  The only fire they had left was going out.

  Zhang Mu was very satisfied with the result. He thought that the entire Tiexin City would be washed with blood, but now it seems that there are still some left.

  This is a good thing.

  Dwarves are not only the best warriors.

  More civilized world with powerful smelting and forging skills.

  Possess high-quality weapons made by dwarves.

  This is the dream of countless soldiers.

  If the Demon King can recruit a group of dwarves, even if there are only [-] to [-], the value generated will definitely exceed expectations!

  the most important is.

  It doesn’t delay things at all.

  Even without Ironbeard these dwarves.

  Zhang Mu is also going to deal with the “underground god”.

  Ironbeard joins in.

  Instead, it can help.

  Zhang Mu soon came to the front of Tiexin City.

  Iron Heart City is invisible from the outside. This city is located in the center of the endless mountain range. The entire city is built in a large mine that leads to the ground.

  It can be said.

  This is a city on a mountain.

  This is also an underground city.

  When Zhang Mu faced the majestic mountain in front of him, he immediately saw the hidden information.

  [Tiexin City], the fifth-order overlord area…

  Introduction: This is a forest city jointly established by the sixteen dwarf tribes of the mountain tribe. It is hidden under the mountains of the Endless Mountains. Only dwarves can find a way to enter…

  … However, this thousand-year-old city of dwarves is now shrouded in an unprecedented crisis. A terrifying demon from ancient times has settled here, and the entire dwarf race is almost under control.

  see this.

  The Demon King expressed some surprise.

  Because Tiexin City’s strongest warrior, chief chief, and city lord Lei Xu, are only the strength of the fourth-order overlord.

  But it is known by the prompt.

  Iron Heart City is the fifth-order overlord area.

  It shows that the highest combat power has reached the fifth-order overlord standard.

  Moreover, unlike the extremely weak Eye of the Evil God in the Sealed Land, this fifth-order overlord has spent nearly two hundred years recuperating after awakening from the seal, which may be a little more difficult to deal with than the Eye of the Evil God.

  Although slightly more difficult.

  But it is still challenging.

  Nancy Lia was a little nervous: “It’s full of demonized dwarves, how do we get in?”

  There are too many dwarves.

  It is impossible to swagger in.

  Zhang Mu was going to use sneak infiltration to get in.

  At this time, Tie Xu said: “Tie Xin City has been established for two thousand years, and various restrictions and defenses are strictly enforced. It is almost impossible to break in.”

  ”However, over the past two thousand years, Tiexin City has secretly built hundreds of secret passages, one of which can avoid the urban area and lead directly to the bottom of the mine.”

  ”The false god is hidden in it!”

  Zhang Mu was very satisfied with the information contributed by Tieshu.

  Although he also saw a lot of information about secret passages through the introduction of Tie Xincheng, he did not have the energy to check them one by one.

  Several people acted immediately.

  This secret passage is very confidential.

  Only the high dwarves know.

  There are not many guards along the way, and the elves and dwarves can easily bring them down without even having to shoot.

  a few hours later.

  It took almost no effort.

  The Demon King quietly arrived at the bottom of the Iron Heart Mine with his subordinates. .

Chapter 139


  The news of the mayor’s death spread.

  Ironheart City dwarves collective rage.

  A large army of dwarves quickly assembled.

  Miley Mirren was shocked: “Not good! The dwarves are on the move!”

  did not expect.

  Dwarves are so fast!

  Hundreds of thousands of dwarves.

  If you go out in full force to take revenge.

  How could the current Silver Spring City block it?

  Two hundred thousand townspeople will be killed by the angry dwarves!

  Nancy Liya comforted: “Sister Mai, don’t worry, His Majesty the Demon King will definitely solve all the problems!”

  Miley Mirren’s concerns are understandable.

  The Elf Royal Sister has just been brought under her command.

  For the time being, I can’t fully trust the Demon King like the Elf King.

  What if the “God of the Underworld” is too powerful or too difficult to deal with, and the Demon King fails to destroy it smoothly?

  What if the Demon King destroyed the “God of the Underworld”, but the demonized dwarf did not die as expected?

  Any link goes wrong.

  The elves of the Silver Spring tribe are in danger.

  Zhang Mu did not explain or appease, as the saying goes, facts speak louder than words, and the reason why he has such confidence is all because of his ability to obtain information.

  This golden finger.

  never miss it.

  ”We’re coming!”

  in Ironbeard reminders

  A magnificent temple appeared before us.

  Zhang Mu immediately read the relevant information.

  [Temple of Blood]…Introduction: This is a temple built by fallen dwarves, in which a powerful ancient Gorefiend resides.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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