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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 184

  ”No, it’s the giant tree of life, what happened!”

  After the elves sensed the source of the energy explosion, they all turned pale and broke out in a cold sweat.


  this energy.

  The center of the outbreak.

  It’s actually a giant tree of life!

  No wonder the elves were terrified.

  Now the most precious thing in Giant Tree City is the giant tree of life. If the giant tree of life is destroyed by gangsters, it will undoubtedly be a huge loss and a serious blow to the elves.

  But this shouldn’t happen!

  The giant tree of life not only has the giant tree corps, but also the ancient tree corps. It is almost the most strictly guarded place in the entire giant tree city!

  ”and many more!”

  ”Not quite right!”

  ”This energy doesn’t seem to be caused by destruction!”

  Nancy Liya sensed it carefully, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise: “Wow, such a strong life energy, I feel that the life breath of the ancient tree is more vigorous!”

  ”I feel it too!”

  ”How is this going?”

  ”Everyone, look… the ancient tree of life is different!”

  The entire Giant Tree City elves saw a shocking scene at the same time.

  The giant tree of life is rapidly growing at a speed that can be discerned by the naked eye, making the already huge giant tree grow by nearly 80%!

  The giant tree of life reaches more than [-] meters.

  The lush tree canopy is more than a thousand meters in diameter.

  From the root to the trunk to every leaf, golden magic lines flowed, and the vigorous life energy spread out, affecting the surrounding gods for dozens of miles.

  Giant tree forest.

  A giant elf tree.

  Withered yellow leaves quickly become emerald green.

  After a few days of conditioning, they gradually got rid of the dying state, but they are far from normal recovery.

  Follow the genie plan.

  It will take at least a year or two to slowly recover.

  At this moment, because of the change of the giant tree of life, the life force it emits has directly brought the giant tree forest back to life.

  Nancy Lia was dumbfounded.

  Other elves are even more incredible.

  Miley Mirren asked hard: “What’s wrong?”

  The elf king murmured, “The ancient tree of life seems to have evolved!”


  ”This is an ancient miracle tree!”

  Miley Mirren stared sharply.

  According to ancient records.

  Under certain harsh conditions, the giant tree of life can transform and evolve into a giant tree of miracles, and the giant tree of miracles is a more powerful existence than the giant tree of life.

  If it evolves again… .

  That is the tree of eternity.

  It is said that in the heyday of the ancient elf empire, the entire empire was built around a tree of eternity, which was the most glorious time in the history of elves.

  ”Why did ancient trees suddenly evolve?”

  ”I do not know either.”

  Nancy Lia couldn’t understand why this happened, because it was a miracle performed by the goddess of nature herself.

  ”I understand!”

  Nancy Liya suddenly thought of something: “Your Majesty the Demon King! It must be His Majesty the Demon Lord! Only His Majesty the Demon Lord can do such a thing!”

  All the elves hurried under the ancient tree of miracles.

  Just like the Elf King thought.

  A burly figure with a domineering force is standing under the ancient miracle tree at this moment. He looks at the giant tree in front of him, and he looks quite satisfied.

  ”Your Majesty the Demon King!”

  The Elf King stepped forward immediately.

  She exclaimed excitedly, “Is this all a miracle performed by Your Majesty?”

  Facing the adoring elves, Zhang Mu said calmly, “That’s right, the rank of the giant tree of life is a little lower after all, so I helped it raise it a rank. I didn’t expect the effect to be good.”

  Upgrade the tree of life.

  Consumption is really not a small number.

  A total of one Tier 150 special upgrade scroll + 2000 million gold coins + 2000 life gems + [-] earth gems are spent.

  If not get a lot of gems in Iron Heart City.

  There is simply no way for him to complete this upgrade.

  However, after the upgrade of the giant tree of life, its functions and effects have become more powerful.

  [Tree of Miracles], a fourth-order special building, within a radius of 30 kilometers, all units recover speed +100%, all units aging speed -30%, elves training efficiency +200%, elves aging speed -60%, all attributes of elves +50%, can speed up the growth rate of animal and plant cultivation.

  This effect.

  It’s just outrageous.

  The elves are influenced by the Tree of Miracles.

  All attributes increased by up to 50%!

  This can greatly enhance the strength of Giant Tree City!

  In addition, the cultivation speed of the elves has been increased by 200%, and the lifespan has been greatly extended. The longer the elves live here, the stronger they become.

  Not only that.

  The Tree of Miracles has a huge range of influence.

  The range of the spiritual land created is also twice as large as before.

  The elf farm has not only increased in size, but its growth rate has also increased by 50%. Although it is not comparable to the third-order or higher spiritual fields of the Undercity, its planting scale and scope are amazing.

  Upgrade this time.

  The impact is too great.

  The elves of the Silver Spring tribe were completely shocked.

  They even suspect that the devil is the incarnation of the goddess of nature, otherwise how could he do such a shocking thing?

  Except for functional improvements.

  The number of Elf units unlocked by the Miracle Tree has tripled or quadrupled.

  In addition to Tier [-] to Tier [-] elite units and lord units, the Miracle Tree unlocks a Tier [-] Overlord-level “Miracle High Priest”.

  Miracle High Priest is upgraded from Ancient Tree High Priest.

  The required materials are: 100 million gold coins + 1 Tier 300 Soul + 200 Life Gems + [-] Bright Gems.

  The Miracle High Priest is not only a Tier [-] Overlord unit.

  She can also fully dispatch and utilize the power of the Miracle Tree.

  Therefore, within the influence of the giant tree of miracles, it is enough to exert the strength that is not lost to the fifth-order overlord level, and has the ability to promote and enhance production.


  Although expensive.

  But very valuable. .

Chapter 143

  When the tree of miracles rose from the ground in the city of giant trees, causing hundreds of thousands of elves to cheer.

  Nine hundred miles away.

  There is a city.

  is going through a terrible war.

  The Earth Dragon Marshal Zhang San led nearly [-] elite dragon corps, plus a [-]-scale orc corps to successfully conquer the Magic City.

  This is one of the three cities that the Demon King plans to capture.

  Silver Spring City and Wanya City are already available.

  The Demon King had no plans to deal with the Demon City.

  This is the weakest of the three cities. There are only [-] to [-] forest trolls. The strength of this group of trolls is also average.

  In the future, the strength and the size of the army will grow.

  There will definitely be more and more cities owned by the Demon Lord.

  It’s impossible to take action in person every time you win a city, right?


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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