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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 197

  Now Zhang Mu has six large forest cities, including Giant Tree City, Wild Beast City, Wanya City, Yinquan City, Tiexin City, and Magic Witch City.

  If you win this Thunder City.

  There was nothing in the entire Chaos Forest that could stop him.

  Other forest cities and forest races, facing the mighty power of the Demon King, can only watch the wind, and they don’t even need to fight.


  According to Zhang Mu.

  Giants are more isolated and closed than dwarves.

  They do not like to interact with other forest races.

  This time, he ran out because he lost the treasure, which is really a bit weird.

  Zhang Mu was also very curious.

  What a treasure.

  Let the giant have such a reaction.

  Zhang Mu directly responded to the call of the demon king, Li Si, the high priest of Tianlong, disappeared from the Undercity, and instantly appeared on a vast forest and grassland.


  Li Si got down on one knee.

  ”The old slave was incompetent and failed to stop these giants.”

  Zhang Mu said: “Don’t blame yourself, you can hold on for so many days and let me deal with other things, and the task has been successfully completed.”

  He looked over and said, “Now let me see what these giants have and what tricks they can play!”

  There are many varieties of giants.

  According to legend, the adult individuals of the Titans are at least hundreds of thousands of meters in height, but some low-level giants are only ten meters and eight meters.


  on the plain.

  There are two or three thousand giant figures.

  They are forty or fifty meters high, and their body size is similar to that of an elevator building in their previous life. They are absolutely oppressive to ordinary humans.

  The characteristics of these giants are very obvious, the skin color is silver-white metal, and the energy is wrapped around them, and there is a faint beat of thunder.

  This giant breed.

  Known as the silver giant.

  They belong to the higher existence of the giant clan.

  Silver giants can go without food for a long time and absorb lightning to replenish energy for their bodies. No wonder they built cities on the relatively desolate thunderous plateau.

  Zhang Mu glanced at it.

  [Silver Giant Warrior], Tier [-] elite unit… Skills: Silver Battle Body (talent), Lightning Projection (C-level), Lightning Absorption (C-level), Lightning Drive (C-level), Mountain-Moving Power (C-level) ).

  [Silver Giant Elder], Tier [-] lord unit… Skills: Silver Battle Body (talent), Lightning Spear (B-level), Lightning Projection (B-level), Lightning Drive (B-level), etc.

  [Silver Giant Patriarch: Jin Kui], Tier [-] hegemony unit… Skills: Silver Battle Body (talent), Sky Thunder Armor (A-level), Sky Thunder Spear (A-level), Lightning Projection (B-level), etc.


  Really twice.

  The population of Thunder City is not very large.

  At most, there are only [-] or [-] people living in the city.

  The main reason why it is considered to be the strongest city in the Chaos Forest is that the silver giants are too powerful.

  higher race.

  The reproductive capacity is worse.

  The numbers are bound to be small.

  But it has a very high lower limit.

  The strength of the silver giant’s combat units is very average. Every normal silver giant warrior has the strength of a fourth-order elite.

  Switch to another race.

  Absolutely unimaginable.

  Zhang Mu didn’t find it strange.

  Because the dragons are stronger than the silver giants and have fewer numbers than the silver giants.

  An adult giant dragon starts at least as a fifth-order lord, and an adult abyss dragon starts at least as a fifth-order overlord.

  It seems so.

  The silver giants are not really high-ranking races.

  Zhang Mu felt that the silver giant, with this size and appearance, was very imposing.

  If you catch a few and go back to the Undercity guards, it will highlight the style of the Demon King’s main city.

  I heard that they are extremely powerful. They can also feed on lightning energy without consuming a lot of food. It is not bad to pull them to do heavy work.

  ”You are the Demon King of the Dark Valley?”

  Jin Kui, the patriarch of the silver giant, made a thunderous voice, “Hurry up and hand over the treasures of Thunder City!”

  Zhang Mu felt inexplicable.

  ”What treasure did you lose?”

  The giant patriarch said angrily: “You are still pretending to be stupid, quickly return the heart of the ancient god to us, or we will tread the dark valley!”

  Zhang Mu said: “What ancient god’s heart? I have never heard of it. What evidence do you have to prove that we took it.”

  The patriarch Jin Kui said: “Except for your dragon, it is impossible for other races in the Chaos Forest to withstand the power of the Heart of the Ancient God!”

  ”Is this a reason?”

  Zhang Mu smiled: “I think you guys are just trying to find fault!”

  ”Stop being wordy!”

  ”We can’t handle so much!”

  ”The heart of the ancient gods, you have to give it, and you have to give it if you don’t!”

  The patriarch Jin Kui looked unreasonable: “If you can’t get the heart of the ancient god, then use the things in the seal of the giant tree forest to compensate Thunder City, otherwise our giant family will never give up!”

  Zhang Mu understood.

  The heart of the ancient god may be a piece of the evil god.

  Zhang Mu originally thought that the giant had no evidence at all to prove that the demon king stole the heart of the ancient god, and was simply instigated by someone with ulterior motives.

  Because he also noticed.

  These giants are mixed with several warriors.

  According to the urine nature of these warriors, they will definitely take the opportunity to incite Thunder City, and let Thunder City deal with the powerful Dragon Demon King, so as to take the opportunity to pick up the leak.

  Now it seems.

  It’s not that simple.

  Cthulhu Fragments are of special use to them.

  So they couldn’t wait and desperately wanted to find it back.

  Even if they can’t find it temporarily, they must find a replacement. As an ancient race that has lived in the Chaos Forest for thousands of years, the giants have heard of the seal of the Chaos Forest, and know that this place has sealed another evil god fragment.

  Zhang Mu said: “You can’t enter the sealed land at all. Even if you do, you will be dead. Even if you are lucky enough to not die, you will not be able to get the Heretic God Fragment… In short, I advise you to die!”


  A giant elder who is a warrior said angrily: “Patriarch, what are you talking about with him, since he doesn’t give it, just grab it and kill this demon king by the way!”


  ”Come here!”

  ”Come here!”

  ”Tread the dark valley!”

  Three or two giant warriors took the opportunity to make a noise.

  The other giants were incited one after another, and the three or two thousand giants were murderous.

  Zhang Mu nodded: “It’s okay, Lei Ming City must be won anyway. I’ll take this opportunity to clean up all of you today!”

  ”Don’t be ashamed!”

  The giant patriarch was furious.

  ”Show you the power of giants!”

  He instantly condensed a lightning javelin.

  Throwing out suddenly.

  The javelin turns into a giant lightning bolt.

  At least there was a water tank as thick as a water tank, and wherever it went, the ground was torn apart, and it hit the Demon King instantly across a distance of several hundred meters.


  Zhang Mu was unscathed.

  He sneered: “This is the power of giants? What a disappointment!”

  Jin Kui’s expression became petrified.

  This blow is even the fifth-order overlord.

  That’s definitely not dare to face it!


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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