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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 208

  Thunder City used the heart of the ancient god to suppress the ancient tomb.

  The power of the evil god makes it difficult for the Headless Horseman and various monsters to approach.

  in this process.

  Thunder City developed steadily.

  The devil’s cave is constantly absorbing the power of transforming the evil god.

  The altar was originally full of powerful and chaotic power, and it was affected by the power of the evil god for three thousand consecutive years, and finally gradually turned into this tumor monster.

  Such a tumor monster.

  There are many tombs.

  They both gave birth to the ancient evil king.

  They are also the heart of the evil king.

  If these evil altars are not killed, the evil king will not only be difficult to kill, but also have an endless supply of power, which will be very difficult to deal with.

  among them.

  This main altar has the strongest tumor.

  It is also the closest to Thunder City.

  The demonic breath that the Elf King felt in the Demon Sealing Valley just now came from this huge monster tumor, which made her mistakenly think that this was the big boss of the Demon Cave.

  Just wipe it out.

  The crisis in Thunder City can be temporarily resolved.

  If it was said that before this, there were giants who knew everything about the Demon King, they still harbored some instinctive doubts.

  just now.

  seeing is believing.

  Seeing this unheard-of monster that subverts cognition, they finally realized how clever and insightful the Demon King is.


  Who would have thought that the heart of the ancient god would give birth to such a monster?

  This monster is just an intermediary, most of the power of the evil god has been sacrificed to the evil king, the ghost knows what the tomb looks like now,

  at this time.

  [You are under a mental attack, vitality -51! 】

  Zhang Mu felt a slight dizziness, which was obviously an attack from an evil tumor, and the attack was quite violent.


  The giants screamed in pain.

  Among them, although the golden giants were severely hit, they could barely resist, and the other silver giant elders were seriously injured almost instantly.

  too strong.

  This spiritual force.

  Attacks all targets indiscriminately.

  The giant elders will be killed soon.

  The Elf King was shocked, she was about to use the Covenant of Elements, but before she could show it, the Demon King shot directly.

  Zhang Mu snorted coldly, opened his vertical eyes, and stared in the air.


  Death stare!

  After Zhang Mu was upgraded.

  His eye of death is stronger.

  Its power is at least doubled compared to the original.

  Under the terrifying lethality, the entire large tumor exploded directly, most of it was directly decomposed into powder, and a few minced meat were scattered everywhere.

  ”This… this is too powerful!”

  The Elf King was dumbfounded.

  The Demon King glared.

  The tumor monster stunned.

  Kill this terrifying existence directly!

  That’s right!

  It’s an instant kill!

  This is the fifth-order overlord!

  ”Don’t let it go, it’s not dead.”

  Zhang Mu ordered: “All the silver giants retreat, Jin Kui, you cooperate with the elf king to contain the soldiers who came, let me solve this monster!”


  The crowd quickly divided the work.

  Elder Silver Giant is healed by Nancy Lia.

  They finally recovered half their lives, and they dared not stay any longer and retreated quickly.

  Tumor monsters attack indiscriminately.

  Quantity doesn’t make much sense.

  Demons of this level are not something they can deal with. If it wasn’t for the Demon King who killed this monster just now, they might already be dead!

  at the same time.

  With the sound of hoofs.

  Access from all directions.

  Suddenly, more than [-] Headless Horsemen rushed out.

  Each of them is aggressive, burning with flames all over the body.

  All of them are Tier [-] elites, among which a dozen are particularly powerful, even reaching the strength of Tier [-] lords, which is terrifying.

  ”Sacred Tree Domain!”

  The elf king activated the king’s realm, and she involved all the headless knights approaching into her realm.

  ”Attack quickly!”

  Jinque shouted hysterically.

  Taking advantage of the headless knight being suppressed by the elf king, the golden giant immediately condensed golden lightning to attack these powerful zombie knights.

  [You killed the ancient king’s tomb guardian knight, gold coins +15000! 】

  [You killed the ancient king’s tomb guardian knight, gold coins +15000! 】

  [You killed the leader of the ancient king’s tomb guardian knights, gold coins +24! 】


  at this time.

  Zhang Mu noticed.

  Tumors and rotten flesh were squirming frantically.

  This thing got a death stare and didn’t really die.

  These broken pieces of rotten flesh wriggled and grew, and turned into strange monsters, some crawling on the ground and some flying in the sky.

  There are some particularly powerful individuals.

  It has reached the level of a fourth- and fifth-order lord.

  The evil tumor has the ability of “infinite proliferation”, unless it is completely destroyed, or its mental power is exhausted, it is difficult to really kill it.

  Even a piece of minced meat remained.

  Even if there is still a little mental power not used up.

  It can resurrect itself.

  Finally respawn with minced meat.

  Zhang Mu had already lost all the life force of this monster in seconds.

  But it still has enough mental power, so even if its vitality is zero, it can quickly recover a little bit of activity, and then complete the resurrection.

  It’s really hard to deal with!

  The evil tumor seems to have already produced some wisdom.

  It gave up dealing with other people at this moment, and concentrated all its strength to deal with the demon king. The large and small monsters formed by countless pieces of meat were frantically gathering towards Zhang Mu.

  This is very dangerous.

  According to the information seen.

  Evil Tumors have a “Aberrant Parasitic” ability.

  It can parasitize on the target, allowing the target to be manipulated, deformed and corrupted, and eventually devoured and assimilated into a part of the evil tumor.

  Zhang Mu did not escape.

  It lets the tumor flesh eat itself into it.

  Almost in the blink of an eye, the huge body of the Demon King was completely covered by the distorted evil tumor, turning it into a huge wriggling hill of flesh and blood.


  Just as the demon thought.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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