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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 219

  The legion commander understood the thoughts of Lord Town Knight.

  Using the body as bait to lure the enemy out of the city, if the opponent really gets in the game, they will lose the greatest advantage.

  The door is opened.

  Thousands of dragon people quickly arranged from inside the fortress to outside the fortress.

  Very good!

  It worked!

  The Demon King has actually been tricked!

  So stupid.

  The Demon King shouldn’t really think so.

  Can you fight the town knights yourself?

  The Legion Commander has information about the Demon Lord.

  The Demon King is only a Tier [-] strength, let alone such a short period of time, it is impossible to break through. Even if he really breaks through the strength, it is not at the same level as the Knights of the Township.

  ”Things that are outrageous, dare to say nonsense here, you don’t know anything about true power, but you don’t have this chance again.”

  At this time, Zhang San’s halo opened and jumped out.

  ”Go to hell!”

  The Grand Marshal of the Earth Dragon has the strength of a Tier [-] top overlord.

  Now that the regiment’s blessing halo is fully open, it is enough to fight against the fifth-order hegemony unit, and the ritual of blood secretly blessed by Li Si makes him almost invincible.

  A deafening roar.

  Dozens of meters of unicornuate diamond earth dragon appeared.

  Zhang San switched to the earth dragon form and directly attacked Huang Hui.

  ”Demon King!”

  ”This is the Dragon Demon King!”

  ”What a terrifying aura!”

  ”The devil is so easily provoked? It seems that this devil has no brains!”

  The generals of the Imperial Legion have seen the engrams of the Bloody Fortress.

  They recognized that this terrifying earth dragon was the earth dragon in the crystal image who had taken the lead in breaking through the fortress, but they did not expect him to bring his own troops out of the city.

  Isn’t this a good time for encirclement and suppression?

  ”Good opportunity!” said a senior officer at once. “We should attack immediately!”

  Everyone is waiting for the commander’s order.

  The legion commander said, “We don’t have to take action.”

  A general said: “Why? This is a good opportunity!”

  Legion Commander: “When exposed to the Knights of the Town, the Demon King is doomed to have no chance of surviving!”

  ”real or fake?”

  ”The Knights of the Township are so terrifying?”

  ”The Demon King brought nearly [-] dragon warriors!”

  The legion commander said: “Hehe, it’s useless, look at it carefully, there are not many opportunities to appreciate the town knight’s shot!”

  Huang Hui burst into vindictive rays of light, the rays of light condensed but did not disperse, gathered around his body, and covered his entire body in the blink of an eye.

  next second.

  Turned into a [-]-meter-tall giant.

  This giant, golden rune armor, holding a three-zhang giant sword, his majesty is shocking, and every inch is condensed from fighting spirit.


  ”Zhenguo Golden Body!”

  ”The unique skills of the town knights!”

  The Legion Commander’s face was full of enthusiasm.

  This “Zhenguo Golden Body” is undoubtedly an extremely powerful A-level transformation skill. In this state, the Zhenguo knight can temporarily obtain high-level magic immunity, and all attack and defense are greatly enhanced.

  The golden giant sword slashed fiercely on the diamond earth dragon.


  Fighting spirit stimulated!

  Turned into a violent storm!

  Let the ground goug out a large piece directly.

  The diamond earth dragon was split upside down, and after rolling for a few laps, it immediately stood firm, and the dragon scales were partially cracked, but they were not hurt.

  ”Sure enough!”

  ”It’s just a minor injury!”

  Huang Hui’s voice was like muffled thunder: “There are not many fifth-order overlord units who can survive this sword!”

  ”No wonder Su Wenhao is so embarrassed by you. The rubbish of the Divine Sword Warriors is indeed not on the same level as you.”

  this person!

  Too strong!

  Zhang San felt unprecedented pressure!

  If it wasn’t for the commander skill at work, if it wasn’t for the Dragon Priest to divert a large portion of the damage.

  This sword down.

  Even if it’s not enough to kill Zhang San.

  But it is enough to make the diamond earth dragon not lightly injured.

  Zhang San clearly realizes that it is not realistic to defeat the opponent with his current strength, but it is not so easy for the opponent to defeat him at the moment.

  Transformation skills.

  The consumption is amazing.

  Why not stall for time with a defensive advantage.

  Let his strength gradually run out, and you can take the opportunity to reverse the situation.

  Of course, even if the worst happens, it doesn’t matter, because even if the worst happens, the bloody fortress will still have Long Yi in charge.

  Long Yi is the same as the master.

  He is an abyss dragon.

  The ceiling of the fifth-order overlord unit!

  Even if you meet the king, you can compete with one or two.

  It is more than enough to deal with the knights of the town, and the bloody fortress with the abyss dragon sitting is almost impossible to be broken by the imperial army in front of you.

  No worries.

  Zhang San completely released his fierceness.

  The Diamond Earth Dragon attacked again.

  The golden armored giant and the diamond earth dragon fought fiercely for [-] or [-] rounds. The battle was over, bulldozing and gravel, and the ground was sunken. It was terrifying!

  The legion commander couldn’t believe it: “The Demon King Dragon and the Lord Knight are at least one big realm apart. Even if the commander’s skills are strengthened, they are comparable to ordinary fifth-order powerhouses, but it is absolutely impossible to last until now!”

  ”Not right!”

  ”Not right!”

  ”There’s a problem in it.”

  Of course, Huang Hui also noticed the difference.

  He found that most of the damage he inflicted on the Diamond Earth Dragon would always be diverted in an instant, and the Diamond Earth Dragon’s defense was very perverted, so it has not been able to hit it hard until now.

  On the contrary.

  Huang Hui was surprised to find out.

  His mental strength was more than half depleted.

  If you maintain the transformation, play another thirty or fifty rounds.

  He may not be able to kill this earth dragon, but he can’t bear it.

  ”I see!”

  ”There is some kind of ritual magic!”

  ”I’ve nullified most of the damage I dealt!”

  Huang Hui finally found the tricky, and immediately locked the priest Li Si.


  ”No wonder it’s so difficult!”

· · · Flowers 0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  ”But that’s it!”

  Huang Hui repelled the diamond earth dragon again, and then inserted the giant sword into the ground, cracks appeared in the golden armor, and violent rays of light were released from it.

  ”Everything is broken!”

  Huang Hui detonated the body of the golden armored giant.

  A strong shock wave and light instantly enveloped the nearby hundreds of meters. Although the damage caused is not too high, it has a strong dispelling effect.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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