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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 245

  Earn 3200 million gold coins from the ancient tomb, 1000 million gold coins from the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce, plus other financial income and miscellaneous.

  Zhang Mu roughly estimated.

  Without affecting the operation of the territory.

  He has at least 5000 million disposable wealth to spend at will!

  Fifty million!

  That’s fifty million!

  Can’t believe how much more money came out in the blink of an eye!

  Zhang Mu decided to expand the Dragon Man Corps on a large scale!

  The relationship between the elite troops route has been implemented for a while, and because there are no facilities such as trial towers, the cost of middle and high-level troops remains high. During this time, the growth and expansion of the Dragon Man Corps has always been relatively slow.


  Taking into account the expansion of turf power.

  And the war with the Northern Empire that breaks out at any time.

  A major expansion of the Dragonoid Corps is necessary.

  So spend 2200 million to directly recruit and upgrade 2 senior dragon soldiers.

  Why did Zhang Mu prefer to spend a lot of money to recruit and upgrade so many high-level soldiers, but not spend money to upgrade high-level soldiers to super soldiers?

  the reason is simple!

  The upgrade cost of each super soldier is as high as 2 gold coins. Even if you take out 1000 million gold coins, you can upgrade up to 500 super soldiers, which cannot make the devil satisfied.


  After there is a trial tower.

  Train troops through trial towers.

  The situation is completely different.

  Even if the operating cost of the trial tower plus the casualty index is included, the cost of upgrading a high-level soldier to become a super soldier will cost 2 gold coins.

  Compare the two.

  The cost difference is tenfold!

  Although the trial tower has a daily limit.

  But a thousand trials is a lot.

  Zhang Mu can create hundreds of super soldiers every day by relying on the test tower. Anyway, there is no large-scale war for the time being. There is time for the advanced soldiers to slowly test and the proportion of super soldiers to gradually increase.

  It won’t be long.

  The Undercity will have thousands of super soldiers.

  Zhang Mu checked it.

  The current 950 status of dragon units.

  The total number of dragon units has exceeded 6, including about 2 production and logistics units and about 4 combat corps.

  Among the combat corps: 1 ordinary soldiers, 2.7 senior soldiers, about 2 super soldiers, and others such as tactics, guards, generals, and priests add up to a little over 1.

  From the total.

  That’s definitely a lot.

  But still not enough.

  He will continue to add a large number of production units in the future.

  This can enhance the construction and logistics capabilities of Zhucheng and the entire Chaos Forest.

  Of course, senior soldiers will continue to be replenished. It is planned to expand the dragon population to [-], and the ratio of production troops to combat troops will be [-]%.


  Zhang Mu also spent 875 million gold coins to replenish the Demon King’s personal guards.

  Among them, 420 million gold coins were upgraded and strengthened to 30 Dragon Guards of the Battle of Flames.

  In addition, 450 million gold coins are upgraded and strengthened to 30 Fire Demon Dragon Guards.

  Zhang Mu had 70 dragon guards, and now adding 60 in one go, the total number of dragon guards has broken through.

  These dragon guards have the strength of Tier [-] lords.

  As a soldier.

  This strength is already strong.

  However, Zhang Mu felt that it was not strong enough. He would give Long Wei the opportunity to participate in the trial, as well as more opportunities for promotion and strengthening, including the baptism of the devil, and strive to create a super corps with the strength of the fifth-order lord per capita.

  Corps building.

  So far for now.

  Zhang Mu started a new construction.

  This time, I brought back two fifth-order blueprints in one breath.

  The Tower of Trials is also good.

  Even the altar of the soul.

  The fifth-order buildings are too great for the improvement and effect of the territory.

  Zhang Mu had limited resources. After careful consideration, he decided to build the “Altar of the Holy King” first.

  After a large amount of gold resource expenditure.

  In strong energy fluctuations.

  A domineering and majestic altar full of kingly demeanor rose from the ground and stood in the main square of the Undercity.

  Zhang Mu immediately checked it.

  When he saw the effect of the Holy King Altar.

  He was immediately stunned by the function of this altar.

  The Holy King Altar has only one function.

  This feature is called: Holy King Baptism!

  This is similar to the Demon Lord Baptism at the Demon Lord Altar.

  The only difference is that the Demon King’s Altar baptizes a single target once for every 100 million gold coins, so that it can gain a cultivation base that is as short as [-] to [-] years and as long as more than [-] years, thereby increasing its strength explosively.

  Baptism of the Holy King.

  1000 million gold coins every time!

  But it can be soaked in rain and dew!

  Up to [-] people at the same time!

  In this way, the per capita cost is only 1. Of course, the effect is far less powerful than that of the Demon King’s Altar. Although collective baptism can improve the strength, too many people will affect the baptism effect.

  on the degree of increase.

  Holy King baptism is far inferior to Demon King baptism.

  But from the perspective of cost performance, the Holy King Altar has an advantage.

  In addition, the Earth Demon King can only baptize the same target once every ten days, while the Holy King’s baptism can only be baptized once every three days.

  Both baptisms have the function of permanently improving the strength of the subordinates.

  And they are not mutually exclusive.

  Can be used in combination.

  The holy king altar is used to strengthen the troops, or less core subordinates and management, while the devil baptism is a more advanced baptism, which is only open to the confidants and the most core subordinates and combat power.

  at this time.

  Zhang Mu received the news.

  Nancy Leah is back.

  The Elf King happily ran to the front: “Your Majesty, our actions are very smooth, and now the entire Chaos Forest, all large, medium and small cities have declared their allegiance to His Majesty!”

  Zhang Mu was stunned for a moment.

  Are these guys moving so fast?

  When he opened the player log, he found a bunch of treasure chests that had not yet been claimed, but the quality of these treasure chests was not high, and there were only three or two Mithril treasure chests.

  The elf king continued: “We have gathered the city lords, senior officials, elders and other members of each city, as well as the chiefs of each tribe, and we can reach the Undercity about tomorrow and follow your instructions!”

  This is good.

  After meeting.

  A glass of the Holy Grail blood wine per person.

  This ensures maximum stability.

  Zhang Mu was very excited.

  Because so far.

  Although these city lords and chieftains may not all be loyal to him from their hearts, the entire Chaos Forest has been de facto unified.

  Zhang Mu has dominated the region.


  Feeling a little more confused.

  He should have already conquered the Chaos Forest.

  But why didn’t I receive the capture reminder and the corresponding reward chest that met the specifications?Is there anything else we can’t do enough?

  Chaos Forest is so big.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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