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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 251

  Sorted by size and status, everyone is full of excitement, excitement, anticipation, and anxiety.


  Han Kexin opened her eyes wide to see the scene in front of her.

  She was standing near the altar with Chen Guoguo and other Demon Kings.

  Han Kexin is not a citizen of the Undercity. She was invited to attend this unique ceremony as a VIP.

  ”Boom boom boom!”

  The tauren beating the drums.

  Everyone held their breath.

  At this time, the dark golden giant shadow with a body length of more than 21 meters swooped down from the Demon King’s Castle, wrapped in a terrifying breath, and reigned over the [-] fields.

  After circling around.

  The Demon King took a human form and landed on the Holy King’s altar.

  The height of more than [-] meters, the domineering giant wings, the majestic horns, and the powerful aura instantly enveloped the audience.

  ”Meet Your Majesty the Demon King!”

  Zhang San led the corps to kneel and let out a mountain call.

  ”Meet Your Majesty the Demon King!”

  ”Meet Your Majesty the Demon King!”

  Giant tree city elves, thunder city giants, wild beast city orcs, iron heart city dwarves, and so on, hundreds of thousands of servants of the demon king kneeled on the ground one after another.

  His eyes glanced at the servants.

  The Demon King nodded in satisfaction.

  At this time, the chief priest Li Si stood up and announced: “Today, this celebration has only one purpose, and that is to inform the world and formally establish the Chaos Federation!”

  ”The Forest of Chaos.”

  ”It will become the first territory of Chaos Federation!”

  ”From now on, the tens of thousands of years of fighting and disputes will be curbed!”

  ”The days of being divided and being bullied by outsiders will be over!”

  ”His Majesty the Demon King will become the co-owner of all races, all mountains, and all forests in the Chaos Forest!”

  ”From this moment on, all cities, all tribes, and all citizens must obey the order of the Undercity!”

  ”Anyone who stands in the way!”

  ”Anyone who violates it!”

  ”Will become a common enemy of the Federation!”

  ”Let’s all join hands!”

  ”Swear to the death to defend the Forest of Chaos!”

  ”Swear allegiance to His Majesty the Demon King!”

  This statement came out.

  The audience instantly boiled.

  ”Swear allegiance to His Majesty the Demon King!”

  ”The Chaos Federation is immortal!”

  The Elf King Nancy Lia was the first to shout loudly.

  Giant Jin Kui, Dwarf Ironbeard, Orc Guru, Goblin Sergang and other leaders also shouted hoarsely: “Swear allegiance to His Majesty the Demon King! Chaos Federation is immortal!”

  People on the spot.

  All chanted.

  ”Swear allegiance to His Majesty the Demon King!”

  ”The Chaos Federation is immortal!”

  Hundreds of thousands of crazy shouts, the sound of the mountain and tsunami, can even be heard outside the chaotic valley!

  at this time.

  Li Si stepped back.

  The Demon King walked to the altar.

  The entire large square, with hundreds of thousands of people, immediately became quiet, and in the blink of an eye it became audible for needles to fall.

  Zhang Mu looked at the scene in front of him with satisfaction.

  He said slowly: “From today, the Forest of Chaos is not only the home where everyone has lived since ancient times, but also the sacred and inviolable territory of the Federation!”

  ”No matter how powerful the enemy or how terrible the disaster, this king will be with the Federation and all of you!”

  ”Let’s build this together.”

  ”Let the Federation grow and grow forever!”

  ”Let the Chaos Forest be the most prosperous and powerful place in the world!”

  between speeches.

  Zhang Mu launched the baptism of the Holy King.

  The Holy King Altar can only be activated once every 1000 million gold coins.

  There were about [-] high-level officials from various cities and tribes at the scene.

  Zhang Mu was naturally not stingy at such a time, and he directly launched two holy king baptisms to the high-level officials and leaders present.

  In an instant.

  Two bright beams rose into the sky.

  Instantly turned into raindrops of energy falling.

  All boss-level characters participating in the celebration.

  Enveloped by energy, I only felt that the body had undergone violent changes, and countless energy invisible to the naked eye continued to enter the body and merge into flesh and bones.

  Even the Demon King present.

  There are no exceptions.

  Han Kexin received a prompt.

  [You have obtained the “Holy King Baptism”, permanent vitality +300, permanent spiritual power +300, permanent strength +30, permanent agility +30, permanent constitution +30, permanent will +30! 】

  Han Kexin saw this.

  Stunned again.

  This wave of attribute enhancements is not a lot.

  How did this guy Zhang Mu do it?

  If it is only to improve the attributes of individual people, then there is nothing surprising. The problem is that this power is not aimed at their few demon kings.

  Field leader phalanx.

  One or two thousand high-level executives and leaders.

  One by one city lords, chiefs, elders, etc.

  As well as the generals, priests, and personal guards of the Demon King.

  All were shrouded in this power, and the cultivation base was greatly improved. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Tier [-]s broke through to Tier [-].

  Others don’t even break through right away.

  But also obtained obvious strength growth, cultivation base improved.

  This scene directly stunned everyone present.

  To know.

  Most of the city chiefs and elders.

  Their strength will not exceed Tier [-].

  If they practiced and developed normally, they would most likely not be able to cross the threshold of Tier [-] in their entire life.

  But now.

  Unleash energy with the Demon Lord.

  There are hundreds of on-site breakthrough strengths alone.

  The others also all received a huge power boost.

  this scene.

  this effect.

  There is no reasonable explanation.

  It can be described as a miracle!

  That’s right!

  It’s a miracle!

  This is a miracle summoned by the Demon King!

  The gods answered the demon king’s call!

  The gods also congratulate the Chaos Federation for the establishment!

  Hundreds of thousands of servants of the Demon King bowed down once again!

  ”The Chaos Federation is immortal!”

  ”His Majesty the Demon King is immortal!”


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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