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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 30

  Zhang Mu could not trust each other.

  After all, she is also a warrior.

  The identities of the two sides are inherently antagonistic, and for any warrior, a demon king like Zhang Mu is even more invaluable.

  kill one.

  Almost in one step.

  Zhang Mu released his claws: “Take her back first!”

  Su Yan was temporarily spared from death.

  Take it back and lock it up.

  As for the follow-up to kill or cut, or try to cooperate, this requires further thinking and planning.

  Soon after.

  Other fox clans were discovered.

  These fox tribes also expressed their willingness to pledge their allegiance.

  The fox people don’t have any special abilities, but their IQ is not bad. The castle lacks some servants. Anyway, it doesn’t cost much to raise dozens of fox people.

  At last.

  Zhang Mu opened the reward chest.

  [You opened the bronze treasure chest and obtained “Gold Coins” × 4000, “Blueprint: Tauren Camp” × 1, “Power Spar” × 1! 】

  The drawings are out again!

  This time the drawing is unusual.

  It seems to be similar in nature to the original “Mound of Dead Bones”. It belongs to a barracks-type building and seems to be able to unlock the Tauren troops! .

Chapter 34

  [Blueprint: Tauren Camp]: Consume life gems x 1, wood x 200, stones x 200, gold coins x 1000, you can build a tauren camp within the territory.

  [Power Spar], after absorbing, permanent power attribute +10!

  Except for the drawings.

  There is also a spar.

  It increases Strength by 10.

  This is not a small number.

  Zhang Mu’s dragon form has 40 points of strength.

  1 point of strength equals at least five or six strong human beings.

  This means that 10 more points of strength is equivalent to at least an increase of fifty strong men’s strength.

  Even for Zhang Mu.

  Such growth is not small.

  It was the first time he obtained attribute spar.

  It’s not hard to see that such items are very valuable.

  Zhang Mu held the spar to absorb it, only to feel the warm current spread throughout the body, so that every cell was infused with a new power.

  After going back.

  Zhang Mu immediately started the construction of the territory.

  There are now three blueprints: Dark Dungeon, Mist Tower, and Tauren Camp. The construction materials required are relatively large.

  The core material of the dark dungeon is the earth gem, the core material of the tower of the mist is aqua sapphire, and the core material of the tauren camp is the life gem.

  Zhang Mu has a water sapphire.

  This is one of the gems obtained in the Shadow Ruins Treasure.

  As for the earth gems and life gems, they don’t have them in their hands, and they can only be bought from other demon kings through transactions.

  Zhang Mu first built the tower of mist near the castle.

  [Tower of Mist], creates a fog barrier, covering the entire territory, within the barrier range, the enemy’s vision is -90%, and it can resist long-range reconnaissance spells.

  This is a defensive building similar to the Wraith Tower.

  The Mist Tower does not have offensive and defensive capabilities, and its main function is to cover and interfere, so that the territory is shrouded in a layer of mist.

  Such fog.

  It’s magic fog.

  Only valid for foreign units.

  Zhang Mu and the territorial units will not be affected in any way, not only can’t see the fog, but the vision is completely normal, and even the sky is clear.

  Once outsiders try to observe through long-range reconnaissance skills, their vision will be blocked by fog, making it impossible to distinguish the facilities and troops in the Demon King’s territory.

  Outsiders entering the valley will also be affected by the Tower of Mist, their vision range will be filled with fog, and it is easy to get lost in the fog.

  in short.

  The Mist Tower is the jammer.

  It can effectively hide the layout and secrets of the territory, and in a sense, its value is higher than some defensive buildings.

  Of course.

  The operation of the Mist Tower will cause losses, but it is only a few dozen gold coins per day. This expenditure is not stressful to Zhang Mu.

  at this time.

  Zhang Mu received several private messages.

  Bloody Giant Wang Shi: “Brother, I have all the gems you want here!”

  Isn’t this the guy who sold dark gems the other day?

  Zhang Mu asked, “It’s you again? You have a lot of gems!”

  Bloody Giant Wang Shi: “Hey, there are indeed a lot of gems in my place, but they are all going to be exchanged for life. It’s not easy to eat a meal.”

  Zhang Mu: “Don’t sell it badly, tell me how much it will cost!”

  The bloody giant Wang Shi: “Brother, you offer a price, if it is suitable, then trade directly, you are a refreshing person!”

  This guy.

  Learn to be smart.

  Let Zhang Mu make an offer first.

  Zhang Mu is not long-winded: “Earth gems are 500 gold coins, life gems are 1000 gold coins, and a total of 1500 gold coins!”

  This price is in line with the market, and even slightly higher.

  He didn’t want to gossip over a few gold coins.

  Wang Shi did not hesitate.

  The two struck a deal.

  Bloody Giant Wang Shi: “Brother, I have a lot of gems of all kinds. If you need it in the future, you can contact me first!”

  Zhang Mu: “No problem!”

  After collecting other materials.

  Zhang Mu built the dark dungeon near the Demon King’s Castle.

  [Dark Dungeon], which can detain Tier 95 and [-] units, if the target is successfully detained, all attributes will be -[-]%, and all skills will be sealed.

  Zhang Mu personally walked into the dungeon to watch.

  This dungeon is bigger than expected. There are fifty huge cells, each cell is the size of a basketball court, and it is no problem to keep ten elephants in it.

  the most important is.

  These cells have their own seal effect.

  All first- and second-order targets, no matter how powerful, as long as they are locked in, all skills will not be used, and all attributes will be weakened by 95%.

  Want to escape?

  Almost impossible!

  The warrior Su Yan is very honored.

  She becomes the first prisoner of the dungeon.

  Zhang Mu had no idea what to do with her for a while.

  Such a weak chicken warrior.

  Food is tasteless and can’t be discarded.

  There really isn’t much reward for killing.

  As for cooperation, Zhang Mu was a little excited, but he couldn’t completely trust the other party.

  Next, it’s the tauren camp’s turn.

  There are a lot of consumables in the Tauren camp. Fortunately, the territory has sufficient resources and cash flow. After receiving the gem of life, construction will begin immediately.

  About location.

  Zhang Muxuan is in the Beiming Mine.

  This Sorrow Mine is a huge iron ore field, which can produce several kinds of high-quality iron ore. Whether it is territory construction or equipment manufacturing, it can all play a huge role.

  The tauren is not as strong as the dragon, and its physical strength is longer than that of the dragon, so it is suitable for mining work.

  Other than that.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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