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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 41

  Several warriors were completely stupid.

  Brain short-circuits.

  Unable to accept the fact for a while.

  After all, this is beyond imagination.

  Worse than the worst-case scenario expected!

  The tiger man leader looked at General Long Zhang San, who was respectfully and humbly standing aside.

  He glanced at Zhang Mu, who was ten times stronger and more powerful.

  He finally gradually realized the crux of the problem.

  Got it wrong?

  This is to pick Zhang San of their entire army.

  In fact, it is not the real Demon King, but just a subordinate of the Demon King?

  Oh shit!

  Too much nonsense!

  Simply outrageous!

  How can the devil’s subordinates be so strong?

  If the Demon King’s subordinates are so strong.

  So how terrifying should the Demon King be?

  This existence has completely subverted his cognition of the Demon King!

  ”bring it on!”

  ”do not waste time!”

  Zhang Mu burst out with an invisible aura that instantly enveloped everyone, making them feel as though their brains had been hit, and immediately became dizzy and lost consciousness.

  This overwhelming aura shrouded the sky – it was Longwei!

  Several warrior leaders are strong, and they will only receive minor mental damage, but they are affected by negative buffs, and their attributes drop rapidly, and at the same time they fall into a brief dizziness.

  As for other goals?

  The first-order elite strength stun will last for several seconds.

  Most of the first-order ordinary units that have no first-order elite strength directly fell down, either fell into a faint, or lost their combat power for a short time.

  Zhang Mu saw this.

  Can not help but a little speechless.

  These guys are too useless.

  Several warriors have yet to recover from a brief stun.

  Zhang Mu kicked his feet on the ground, instantly turning into an afterimage, and at a speed that was hard to see, he came to the front of the warriors in an instant.

  Big hands like a fan.

  It’s like catching a chicken.

  Hold the head of the tiger man and lift it up.


  ”Let’s do it together!”

  ”Must kill him!”

  Frightened and frightened, several warrior leaders were about to fight back.

  Zhang Mu released a burst of dragon flames with the palm of his hand, and the head of the tiger man leader instantly burned into a pile of charred ashes, and slipped from his hands together with the headless corpse.


  Fuck it!

  How to fight?

  The other warriors were frightened by the brutal scene.

  One of the most powerful warriors with the most advanced status in this group of warriors died in the hands of the Demon King in an instant, and he didn’t even have a chance to shoot.


  ”how so!”

  ”He’s a monster at all!”

  ”How could I possibly win? Run away!”

  Zhang Mu couldn’t help but feel a little amused when he saw the warriors taking the lead, “I finally wanted to shoot myself, but I didn’t expect to encounter such a thing. Can’t any of you warriors be able to fight?”

  talking room.

  He suddenly grew in size.

  A fifteen or six-meter long dragon took off.

  From mid-air, a pillar of dragon flame was smashed to the ground, instantly sweeping all directions, destroying everything wherever it went.

  As soon as the body touched it, it was burnt to ashes,

  Neither stone nor metal can withstand terrifying energy and instantly strengthen.

  The warriors and their subordinate warriors had no ability to resist at all, and they all screamed and were killed in seconds.

  After about ten seconds.

  Zhang Mu stopped breathing dragon flames.

  Within the area of ​​several basketball courts, all large and small are lava pits, and the floor is full of charred ash, and the intense heat evaporates, causing the air to distort and deform.

  Zhang Mu asked, “Are there any fish that slip through the net?”

  General Long replied: “The Admiral has made full deployments nearby, and it is absolutely impossible for any of the guys in this wood to escape today.”

  Zhang Mu nodded with satisfaction: “Retract!”

  Zhang San immediately issued an order.

  The Dragon Man Corps immediately retreated collectively.

  The Dragon Man Corps was very mobile, arriving like lightning, and exiting like lightning, and the entire battle process only took a quarter of an hour.

  Zhang Mu leaned over and walked to the only survivor: “Hey, are you still alive?”

  Su Yan has changed back to her original state.

  From the beginning of the fight, she hastily hid.

  Because Zhang Mu explained in advance, the dragon man did not attack him.

  Su Yan felt a lot of pressure in the face of the giant dragon. If the other party accidentally spewed out a fire when he was talking, he would definitely end up with no bones left!

  This guy!

  It is too strong.

  She raised her head desperately and said, “Don’t worry, boss, I’m not hurt!”

  Zhang Mu nodded: “This skill book is the reward for this time.”

  Kill dozens of warriors.

  A total of three skill stones exploded.

  Zhang Mu picked one out and gave it to Su Yan.

  [Skill Stone: Scouting], E-level skill.

  Zhang Mu has the special ability to see hidden information.

  This skill was useless to him, so he simply gave it to the warrior in recognition of her efforts this time.

  ”Skill stone? Great!”

  Su Yan was overjoyed: “Thank you, boss!”

  Zhang Mu said, “What’s your plan next?”

  Su Yan’s mind is active.

  She turned her eyes to understand.

  ”I don’t have a suitable place to stay now, and I don’t have a goal to go. Why don’t the boss show you a way?”

  Zhang Mu said, “Go to Giant Tree City.”

  Su Yan was slightly taken aback: “Giant Tree City?”

  Giant Tree City.

  It was a forest city.

  There are many such forest cities in Chaos Forest.

  Giant Tree City is the largest, most powerful, and most populous settlement within five hundred miles.

  Such cities are usually founded by a dominant ethnic group and are multiracial.

  Among them, snakes and dragons are mixed, full of dangers, but also full of business opportunities and adventures. It is more suitable for warriors like Su Yan to venture out. .

Chapter 47

  Of course.

  Let Su Yan go to Giant Tree City.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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