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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 46

  First rule out the Tomb of Skeletons.

  This is a second-order undead building that has been upgraded once.

  Mist tower, tauren camp, dark dungeon?

  Zhang Mu believes that the cost-effectiveness of upgrading these facilities is not high. The only thing worth upgrading should be the Goblin Farm, or more precisely, the Lingtian.

  By normal understanding.

  Lingtian is not a building.

  According to the game’s definition of Lingtian, it is one of the territorial facilities. Since the upgrade coupon should be valid, Zhang Mu immediately tried it.

  [Lingtian] (upgradable), the upgrade will consume: ordinary building upgrade roll × 1, life gem × 10, earth gem × 10, wood × 500, stone × 500, gold × 5000.


  Really upgradeable!

  Upgrading materials are expensive.

  Zhang Mu believes that it is worth the money.

  He raised materials at the first time, other things are not difficult to find, the real hard to find is the gem, and now there is no gem in his hand.

  Zhang Mu thought.

  Know yourself a gemstone supplier.

  He bought these two gems from this guy last time

  Zhang Mu: “Are you there?”

  Bloody Giant Wang Shi: “Brother, what’s the matter?”

  Zhang Mu straight to the point: “Ten life gems, ten earth gems, is there a way to get them?”

  The bloody giant Wang Shi: “Fuck, there are so many, what are you using for this brother? It’s okay to say that the gem of the earth is a bit difficult to deal with.”

  Zhang Mu said directly: “According to the last price, the life gem is 1000 gold coins, and the earth gem is 500 gold coins, how about it?”

  Bloody Giant Wang Shi: “Give me three days!”

  Three days.

  too long!

  Zhang Mu thought for a while and said, “If you can deliver the goods ahead of time, I will give you an extra thousand gold coins for each day ahead!”

  Bloody Giant Wang Shi: “Okay, refreshing enough, I’ll try my best!”

  Money can turn the devil around.

  It only takes twenty hours.

  The Bloody Giant King Stone put together the gems.

  Zhang Mu was very curious about the area where the bloody giant’s territory was located, and what kind of place could actually get so many gems.

  Of course.

  privacy of others.

  Zhang Mu is also not easy to inquire about.

  Every powerful devil has his own way.

  Zhang Mu readily paid 17000 gold coins, of which 15000 gold coins were the money to buy gems, and the other 2000 gold coins were the benefits of two-day delivery.

  After the gem is in hand.

  Peer has already prepared other materials.

  【update successed! 】

  [Your “First-Order Lingtian” is upgraded to “Second-Order Lingtian”, the growth rate of Lingtian +30%, and the area of ​​Lingtian +50%! 】

  Goblin Farm has successfully completed the upgrade.

  Farms are larger and crops grow faster, enough to double the income of the territory, but the demand for labor has skyrocketed several times more.

  Two days later.

  A new batch of serfs arrived.

  The goblin chief leads a long line of clansmen.

  Thousands of goblins, carrying large and small bags and all their belongings made up of all kinds of tattered copper and iron, walked through the forest for hundreds of miles and finally entered the dark valley.

  The goblin chief was shocked: “This is…”

  Large tracts of spiritual fields are spread out on the plain.

  Hundreds of goblins are working in straw hats, and the strong and burly dragon soldiers nearby are patrolling back and forth for security.

  not far away.

  The tauren priests are helping to restore, and the dragon men are laboring to carry wood and stones, and are preparing to help the goblins build houses.

  this small farm.

  because of the population explosion.

  It seems to be developing into a small town.

  Goblins are here, with food, drink and entertainment, under the cover of His Majesty the Demon King, and guarded by dragon soldiers, so there is no need to worry about safety.

  In addition to farming a little hard.

  This is simply the land of goblins!

  The Goblin Chief was shocked. He had never thought that he could live such a life before. .

Chapter 52

  Devil’s Castle.

  Zhang Mu received the report.

  Three thousand goblins moved to the farm.

  They will soon be able to work on the farm.

  After the rapid expansion of the farm, it was enough to bring in several times the income in the past. Of course, as the farm expanded, more troops needed to be managed and protected.

  Thousands of goblins.

  Eat and drink lasa every day.

  In addition, various supporting facilities such as housing and farming tools must keep up, and it is necessary to build a goblin town to facilitate management.

  Not just a goblin town.

  The population of the territory is increasing rapidly.

  In order to deal with the management problems caused by the expansion of the power scale.

  Zhang Mu plans to build a city around the Demon King’s Castle, and he needs to recruit more dragon men to do the work.

  The last Black Forest ambush earned more than [-] gold coins.

  This time, the capture of the Goblin tribe earned more than [-] gold coins.

  In addition to the daily financial income of the territory, the gold coin reserve in hand now reaches about 10, which is not a small amount.

  Zhang Mu has planned.

  First spend 22500 gold coins to summon 1500 hard workers, and then upgrade 500 hard workers to advanced hard workers.

  Ordinary drudges are responsible for quarrying, logging, transportation, infrastructure, etc., while advanced drudges are used to make various tools, repair and build equipment.

  Another 2 coins were spent.

  Added 200 dragon warriors.

  Zhang Mu needs to expand the size of the Dragon Man Corps. He plans to gradually increase the size of the Dragon Man Corps to [-] in the future, and the number of senior combat soldiers will also increase to more than [-].

  In fact.

  This round of expansion is down.

  The total number of units of this family reaches 3069.

  Among them, there are 1815 dragon men, 700 senior men, 50 dragon fighter, 15 senior dragon fighters, and [-] dragon fighters.

  The total number exceeded 3000!

  What does this mean?

  The Dragon Priest Summoning Standard has been reached!

  The Dragon Priest is a new type of Lord-level unit.

  Although the price is very expensive, it is definitely worth recruiting!

  Zhang Mu can be said to have been looking forward to this for a long time. After meeting the summoning conditions, he immediately summoned.


  The Demon King’s Altar shook.

  An unusually powerful energy descended.

  This aura was extremely powerful, stronger than anything Zhang Mu had ever seen, and even higher than the Dragon General Zhang San.

  with light.

  A figure descended on the altar.

  By the standards of the dragon people, the other party is not tall, only about two meters five, wearing a simple brown robe, wearing a mask, and holding a wooden staff.

  Very inconspicuous at first glance.

  Far less powerful and domineering than General Long.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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