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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 47

  However, Zhang Mu knew that the Dragon Priest was by no means simple.

  He glanced at the details about the Dragon Priest.

  [Dragon Priest], Tier 300 lord level unit, HP 500, Mental Power 20, Strength 30, Constitution 30, Agility 60, Will 100, Loyalty 10% (locked), Fatigue 10%, Hunger [-]%.

  Skills: Dragon Form (talent), Teleportation Barrier (C-level), Healing Barrier (C-level), Death Barrier (C-level), Weakness Barrier (C-level), Omniscient Eye (D-level), Thunderbolt (d-level), fire spell (d-level)…

  Introduction: This is a dragon priest with the blood of the abyss flying dragon. He has extraordinary wisdom and strategy. He integrates healing, support, attack, reconnaissance, defense and other spell abilities, and is loyal to his master.

  It’s so bullshit.

  combat power.

  Dragon priests are not necessarily stronger than dragon generals.

  After all, the Dragon Priest is not a full-time combat unit.

  From the perspective of skill level, the Dragon Priest is far superior to the Dragon General!

  In addition, dragon priests are extremely intelligent, proficient in management and strategy, so they themselves have the hidden value of being a think tank.

  As expected of a unit worth 30000 gold coins!

  The dragon priest came.

  He knelt down respectfully.

  ”Old slave pays homage to His Majesty my lord!”

  Zhang Mu nodded: “Get up, from today onwards, your name is Li Si, and you will help me manage the territory.”

  The dragon priest Li Si stood up: “This is the honor of this old slave. I will try my best to do my best, and I will never dare to live up to the grace of my lord.”

  Dragon Priest, Dragon General.

  They are all senior dragons.

  It is a real abyss dragon.

  The general dragon has the ability to transform into an abyss earth dragon, while the dragon priest has the ability to transform into an abyss flying dragon, the latter being slightly stronger.

  The flying dragon is compared to the earth dragon.

  Not so strong body.

  Although the defense is much weaker.

  But the mobility and magic ability are stronger.

  The skills of the Dragon Priest are very special. Several core skills are of the enchantment type, which are characterized by the need for a long time and the ability to move forward very powerfully.

  In other words.

  Melee against the Dragon General.

  The Dragon Priest is definitely not an opponent.

  Each of these skills is very useful, especially on the battlefield, with a huge range of influence and a strong pressure field effect.

  In addition, the Dragon Priest’s “Teleportation Enchantment”.

  This skill can create an enchantment in two places, so as to directly realize the instantaneous transfer of troops, and its strategic value is immeasurable!

  Cooperate with General Long.

  One has commander skills and is good at charging.

  One has a pressure field enchantment and is good at supporting reinforcements.

  The final result is absolutely one plus one greater than two.

  Zhang Mu is already strong enough, and he has Zhang San and Li Si. These two right-hand men can make him even more powerful!

  Demon business.

  developed for a month.

  Preliminary accumulation is about to be completed.

  Now the climate has become, the wings are growing.

  Zhang Mu felt it was time to start adjusting his strategy.

  At this time, a sound transmission bat flew in front of him, and Su Yan’s voice came from it, and she reported the work to the boss.

  ”Big guy!”

  ”It’s been a smooth journey!”

  ”I’m about to arrive at Giant Tree City!”

  ”I will try my best to spy on the enemy for the boss!”

  Heard the text message.

  Zhang Mu showed a faint smile.

  The spy also seemed to be doing well.

  I hope she can really play a role and bring useful information to herself. .

Chapter 53

  Su Yan arrived at her destination without a hitch.

  The City of Giant Trees takes its name from the nearby Forest of Giant Trees.

  This forest is really eye-catching. Hundreds of giant trees rise from the ground, with an average height of [-] meters, each of which is quite a skyscraper.

  Very large ones.

  It is even more incredible to reach thousands of meters.

  Like several mountains rising from the vast world.

  The picture is majestic and shocking.

  The visual impact is very strong.

  The Giant Tree Forest is the habitat of the elves, who have built their homes on these trees thousands of years ago.

  Three hundred years ago.

  because of a turmoil.

  Let the elves suffer heavy casualties.

  The elf patriarch took his people out of the forest to build the city.

  Although I don’t know why the elves left their habitats, the powerful elves under the control made the giant tree city stable and attracted many defectors.

  Over time.

  Giant Tree City became one of the forest cities in Chaos Forest.

  It is the trade center of various tribes in the forest within hundreds of thousands of miles, and it can be called the most powerful force within this range.

  Su Yan couldn’t wait.

  She wanted to go into town to find out.

  The two tiger guards stopped her.


  ”Where’s your pass?”

  Su Yan was stunned: “What pass?”

  The tiger guards stared at each other: “You can’t enter the city without a pass, so go away quickly, don’t get in the way!”

  Giant Tree City has a strict system.

  It’s not easy to get in.

  After all, the Forest of Chaos is an impossible place.

  In this kind of place, there are all kinds of dangerous elements mixed with snakes and dragons.

  ”Two big brothers, I am a warrior, can you give me some convenience?”

  ”Bah, no matter what kind of warrior you are, as long as you don’t have a pass, you can’t enter the city, go go!”

  Su Yan had a bad look on her face.

  He didn’t even bother with the guards.

  ”Hey, I want to see how you guys are going to stop me!”

  She found no one’s corner.

  Turned into a little bat in a flash.

  Dark bat technique.

  Thanks boss.

  Allow yourself to kill the Demon King to get this talent.

  This skill can instantly turn yourself into one or several shadow bats, which can be used for reconnaissance, escape, or evading attacks. It is a more practical skill.

  Su Yan tried to bypass the city wall.

  As a result, it collided with the invisible barrier.


  ”it hurts!”

  ”The entire city of Giant Tree City is shrouded in enchantment.”

  ”This is an important piece of information, and it is necessary to report it to the boss.”

  Frontal breakthrough failed.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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