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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 56

  After hearing this.

  The big elder and the small city lord hesitated.

  The two of them knew too little about the Demon King, and because they knew too little, they would have suspicion and vigilance, and the growth rate of the Demon King’s power was really worrying.

  The small city lord said hesitantly: “I think it is better to try to communicate and negotiate with the demon king, first understand their thoughts and purposes, it is really impossible to use troops.”

  Du Mingfeng sneered in his heart.

  The small city lord is still indecisive as always.

  The decision of this matter today is still in the hands of the Great Elder.

  Du Mingfeng said: “Lord City Lord, the strength of the Demon King is getting stronger and stronger, we don’t have much time.”

  The elder thought for a long time: “There is a certain truth to what the guardian elves said. This forest is originally a strong prey for the weak. The city owner must not sit back and watch the threat grow because of war-weariness, which will eventually lead to irreversible consequences.”

  Du Mingfeng immediately said: “Yes, it is necessary to end the war with a small battle. I am willing to take full responsibility for this matter!”

  The first elder asked, “How many people do you need?”

  Du Mingfeng thought about it and said, “One thousand elites!”

  The first elder frowned: “This is not a small number, are you sure you can solve it?”

  Du Mingfeng: “Sure, I will prove to Giant Tree City that what we have done is correct!”

  the next day.

  Giant Tree City holds a meeting.

  The city lord and the eight elf elders voted.

  The final result of the vote was that with one abstention, eight votes passed.

  The only abstention was cast by the mayor.

  She always felt there was something wrong with it.

  But she was inexperienced and could not say why, so she could only abstain.

  Giant Tree City officially announced that it will cooperate with the Warriors’ Union to fight the Demon King together with the Jagged Warriors to deal with the growing threat of the Demon King.

  A larger-scale demon-killing army is being formed.

  Among them, “Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers” and “Valley of Darkness” bear the brunt of the two, which are the Demon King’s lair that must be solved immediately! .

Chapter 62

  Du Mingfeng’s plan went well.

  He successfully took advantage of the impact of this fiasco, exaggerated the threat of the Demon King, aroused the concerns of the senior management of Giant Tree City, and finally decided to send a thousand troops.

  this force.

  All are directed by Du Mingfeng.

  The regular elf army in Giant Tree City is different from the natives of the forest tribe.

  A thousand elite units.

  Every twenty elven soldiers.

  There is a second-order elite.

  You can imagine how strong this army is!

  The Jagged Warriors were all overjoyed when they heard the news. They didn’t expect the regiment leader to be so powerful that he would just turn a bad thing into a good thing.

  Look at it this way.

  Zhou Kun’s sacrifice was worth it.

  Zheng Xiao immediately suggested: “Boss, when the time is right, I think I should send troops immediately to attack the dark valley. I will be ashamed and never have future troubles!”

  This statement came out.

  The other Jagged Warriors expressed their approval.

  The Demon King of the Dark Valley is too arrogant.

  First, he killed Zhao Lei, the tauren warrior that the Warriors Corps focused on recruiting, and then killed the entire army to test it out, and even prevented Zhou Kun from destroying the Flower Demon King, causing heavy losses one after another!

  Do not kill him.

  The Jagged Warrior couldn’t swallow this breath.

  This time, let him see how powerful the Jagged Blood Group is!

  ”What are you anxious about? Whether it’s the Flower Demon King or the Flying Dragon Demon King, their death situation has been decided, just like fish on a chopping board. The next step is how to cook.”

  Zheng Xiao hurriedly asked, “What is the regiment leader’s plan?”

  Du Mingfeng: “I plan to divide my troops into two groups and attack the Wanhua Valley and the Dark Valley at the same time!”

  Listen to this.

  Everyone was stunned.

  Zheng Xiao: “The troops are divided into two groups? Why should we divide our troops to take risks? Wouldn’t it be better to concentrate our superior forces to fight steadily? We now have overwhelming power!”

  Du Mingfeng said: “This is not only not a risk, but on the contrary, it is to maximize the strength of the military. Have you ever thought about why the Flying Dragon Demon King wants to save the Flower Demon King?”

  Zheng Xiao thought for a while and said, “I guess the two demon kings are an alliance!”

  Du Mingfeng nodded: “Not only that, the Flower Demon King must be very important to the Flying Dragon Demon King, otherwise, he would rather expose himself and take action.”

  ”What does the captain mean?”

  ”Dark valley, the terrain is steep, and the demon king is stronger. If we attack hard, it will inevitably cause great losses. It is better to destroy the flower demon king first.”

  Du Mingfeng said: “You and I are divided into two groups. I will personally attack the Flower Demon King. If the Flying Dragon Demon King comes to rescue, you will take the opportunity to attack the dark valley. If the Flying Dragon Demon King does not save, I will take down the Flower Demon King as easily as the palm of your hand.”

  It turned out to be the case.

  Zheng Xiao understood now.

  He wanted to put the Flying Dragon Demon King in a dilemma.

  No matter what, the Flower Demon King couldn’t stop Du Mingfeng’s attack.

  If the Flying Dragon Demon King came to the rescue, it would be equivalent to giving up the home game and entering the away game, and the threat of him and his troops would be greatly reduced.


  As soon as he leaves, the dark valley will inevitably fall into emptiness, and Zheng Xiao can take the opportunity to attack, thus causing huge losses to the dark valley.

  If you don’t save the dark valley, you will sit and watch the flower demon king be destroyed, and you will undoubtedly suffer great pressure on the spirit and morale.

  Du Mingfeng killed the flower demon king.

  Join forces with Zheng Xiao to attack the Dark Valley again.

  Du Mingfeng said: “The Flower Demon King is good at production logistics. If I am not mistaken, her value to the Dark Valley lies in this. If we kill the Flower Demon King, we will temporarily cut off the logistics of the Dark Valley, which will temporarily weaken the flying dragon. !”

  Zheng Xiao nodded: “Leader is wise, no matter how you look at it, there is no hope for these demon kings to make a comeback. We can unify this area just around the corner!”

  Du Mingfeng showed a smug smile.

  This war against demons is nothing, and his layout and ambitions are not limited to this. This time, he has greatly enhanced his rights and influence through the reason of crusade against the demon king.

  Next step.

  It was the turn of the Giant Tree City.

  The elf elders headed by the big elder are just a group of bumpkins who have never seen the world, and they won’t be able to jump around for a few days.

  As for the weak little city lord?

  How could she possibly fight herself?

  Wait until a few demon kings are destroyed.

  He will start to drive the small city lord from the city lord’s position.

  This woman is not qualified to order herself at all, and it is almost the same as filling the harem as her own toy.

  The meeting is over.

  Du Mingfeng continued to prepare.

  He walked into a secret room alone.

  This secret room holds several very important props.

  They are all precious trophies that were opened from the Demon King’s treasure chest in the process of hunting the Demon King in the past by the Jagged Warriors.

  Although this time.

  Du Mingfeng was absolutely certain.

  But he is cautious by nature and will be prepared for everything.

  He took the two most valuable items in the secret room.

  One of them is a scroll with spatial magic fluctuations, which is used to save lives at critical moments.

  The other is an inconspicuous dark green stone. If you look closely, you will find that there is a green flame burning inside this stone.

  Hellfire Magic Stone.

  This item is powerful, and it is indistinguishable between us and enemies.

  It is the last trump card in the most extreme situation, and it is hoped that this thing will never be used.


  the next day.

  The Giant Tree City troops set off.

  Du Mingfeng led a thousand elves to the north.

  Their target is the Wanhua Valley where the flower demon is located.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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