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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 66

  Get 731 talent points!

  This is an unimaginable number!

  With 74 talent points left, there are a total of 805 points!

  Zhang Mu activated the last Tier 100 talent with [-] talent points.

  [You activated the second-order talent “Purgatory Thunder ‘” Flame! 】

  [Second-order talents, all activated, meet the advanced conditions! 】

  Zhang Mu felt it.

  After activating all talents.

  Every cell in your body undergoes a nuclear fusion-like reaction, which is releasing a steady stream of powerful energy!

  【Advanced success! 】

  [Mental strength +800, current vitality +400, strength +50, agility +100, constitution +50, will +100, your dragon flame, dragon might, thunder flame, swallowing, and diamond dragon body increase by 100%…]

  Advanced is complete.

  All attributes have increased significantly.

  Almost all active talent skills have been doubled.

  Zhang Mu officially became a third-order demon king, and his strength was incomparable to that of the second-order.

  He quickly checked the current status.


  Name: Zhang Mu.

  Level: Level [-].

  Race: Abyss Dragon (Demon King).

  Basic attributes: Vitality 800, Mental Power 1600, Strength 90, Agility 180, Constitution 90, Will 180.

  First-order talents: Abyss Dragon Man, Dragon Flame, Dragon Might, Thunder Domination, Primary Demon Immunity.

  Second-order talents: King Kong Dragon Body, Abyss Devour, Purgatory Thunder Flame, Intermediate Magic Immunity.

  Tier [-] talents: Dragon King Sanctuary, Evil Dragon Comes into the World, Advanced Demon Immunity.

  Other skills: Healing (d-level), blood sacrifice (d-level), Blessing of the Wind (d-level), earth thrust (e-level), war trample (e-level).

  Talent Points: Points.



  Zhang Mu’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

  He found that there were only three Tier [-] talents.

  Each activation needs to consume 1000 talent points!

  Zhang Mu couldn’t help but stunned, 1000 talent points, this is too exaggerated, how many warriors must be killed to get enough?I thought I had a lot of talent points in my hand, but I didn’t expect to activate a Tier [-] talent.

  of course.

  think carefully.

  There’s nothing wrong with that.

  The third-order strength is not weak in the mainland.

  As for Tier [-]?It is definitely a strongman who suppresses one side!

  If you can break through to Tier 1000 casually, will Tier [-] Demon King be too worthless? The threshold of [-] talent points seems to be very high, but in fact, by hunting a lot of warriors, it doesn’t take too much time to accumulate.

  In general.

  The speed of the Demon King’s growth is astonishing.

  This is also the main reason why the Demon King is so jealous (Qian Wang Zhao).

  Although he couldn’t directly activate a Tier [-] talent, Zhang Mu just activated a brand new Tier [-] talent “¨. Purgatory Thunder Flame”.

  He checked the skill effect.

  Purgatory Thunder Flame is actually the fusion of abyss dragon flame and abyss thunder and lightning. After these two forces are fused, the effects and attributes will be completely different!

  Lei Yan not only has a super long range, super fast speed, but also has the ability to burn at high temperature and sustain damage. It is definitely a very strong skill.

  Of course.

  Consumption side toilet.

  Also very scary.

  This move is suitable for instantly killing enemies by surprise, or for dealing with powerful enemies whose defenses are super strong and cannot be struck by lightning or burned by fire.

  in fact.

  For the Demon King.

  The biggest benefit of this advanced upgrade is not the improvement of personal strength.

  Because there is no demon king, you can rely on individuals to conquer the world, so compared to the improvement of personal strength, territory development and army building may be more important. .

Chapter 70

  Zhang Mu’s third-order Demon Queen.

  Unlocked new units of arms.

  [Dragon Craftsman], the third-order ordinary, upgraded from the advanced dragon drudge, with extremely high craftsmanship skills, each upgrade costs 500 gold coins.

  [Super Dragon Warrior], Tier 5000 elite, upgraded from advanced Dragon Warrior, with super combat power, each upgrade costs [-] gold coins.

  [Demon Dragon Battle Mage], Tier 8000 elite, upgraded from the Dragon Warrior Battle Mage, each upgrade costs [-] gold coins.

  [Dragon Commander], the third-tier lord, the commander of the combat corps upgraded from the dragon general, has stronger combat power and commander skills, every time you have 5 senior soldiers or [-] super soldiers, you can unlock a commander quota , the upgrade costs [-] gold coins.

  [Dragon High Priest], the third-tier lord, the high priest upgraded from the dragon priest, has more powerful magic power, every 10 dragon population can unlock a high priest quota, and the upgrade cost is [-] gold coins.

  Zhang Mu was promoted to the third rank.

  No new units were unlocked.

  The five existing dragon units all have advanced versions. After each advanced level, all of them have been reborn and their abilities have been greatly improved.

  Zhang Mu was very satisfied with this.

  With these advanced arms.

  Dark Valley’s strength can be improved to a higher level.

  In this harvest, in addition to gold coins and souls, nine skill stones were obtained.

  Zhang Mu glanced at these skill stones. They were generally D-level and E-level skills. He picked two out of them and hit 867 to use them on himself.

  These two skills are respectively.

  [Stealth Stealth], a d-level skill, after this skill is activated, it can enter a state of invisibility and continue to consume mental power. When attacking or being attacked, the invisibility effect will be interrupted.

  [Eye of Scouting], a d-level skill, can summon an immovable magic eyeball, scout a certain range of targets, and has the effect of seeing through traps and stealth units.

  These skill stones.

  Most are fine.

  It was only for Zhang Mu, who had already reached the third rank.

  Ordinary attack or defense skills are meaningless.

  The reason why he chose these two skills is mainly because these two skills are auxiliary, and stealth stealth will be more useful in certain situations.

  As for the Scouting Eye?

  Zhang Mu does not need any informational reconnaissance skills.

  This skill is equivalent to inserting an eye, and it has the effect of a camera. Even if the person is not present, it can be connected to the magic eyeball for observation, so it has a relatively good use value.

  The other seven skill stones.

  There is a market for these things.

  Of course you can sell it when you run out of money.

  Zhang Mu was not short of this money, so he couldn’t afford to sell skill stones, so he simply kept it as a reward to give to other subordinates or the spy Su Yan.

  this time.

  Gold coin harvest.

  Up to 12 giants.

  The total gold coin reserve is as high as 16.

  Zhang Mu decided to expand the Dragon Man Corps.

  First, spend nearly [-] gold coins to supplement the attrition caused by the battle damage.

  Then recruit 500 combat soldiers in one go and spend 5 gold coins.

  It costs 50 gold coins to pick 5 soldiers from ordinary soldiers to upgrade to advanced soldiers.

  In this way, there are 1300 ordinary soldiers, 130 advanced dragon soldiers, and 30 dragon combat mages.

  Zhang Mu still has 5 gold coins left.

  Out of curiosity and expectation for the Tier [-] arms.

  Immediately upgraded 5 senior soldiers and 1 battle mage.

  Advanced soldiers have been upgraded to become super soldiers, and the appearance of super soldiers has undergone great changes compared with ordinary soldiers and advanced soldiers.

  The most striking and conspicuous.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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