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Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start — Page 91

  Bloody Giant Wang Shi: “Give me two days!”

  material problem.

  This is solved.

  Sure enough, money can make a ghost run the mill.

  But it will take time for the gems to arrive.

  Zhang Mu then used another blueprint first.

  [Does it consume “Blueprint: Magic Fountain of Life” × 1, consume gold coins × 3, consume water sapphire × 50, and summon the magic spring of life? 】

  This secondary facility.

  Materials are relatively simple.

  Zhang Mu chose to confirm without hesitation, and placed the Magic Spring of Life in front of the Demon King’s Castle, which is the central square of the future Undercity.

  [The Magic Spring of Life was built successfully! 】

  [Life Magic Spring], a second-order special building, within a radius of 100 kilometers, all targets have a recovery speed of +10%, and can produce [-] cubic meters of life spring water per day.

  Good stuff.

  The magic spring of life summons a moment.

  Those craftsmen who are busy building the Undercity all felt refreshed, refreshed and quickly recovered their physical strength.

  The effective range of this spring is huge.

  Zhang Mu even sat in the castle.

  He can still be affected by the spring.

  The Demon King’s Castle originally had a strong boosting effect on the Demon King, but now a layer of spring water buff is superimposed, and it is as difficult for a warrior to defeat him here.


  This fountain.

  10 cubic meters of life spring water is produced every day.

  If irrigating crops.

  Not only can it increase the quality.

  It can produce 30 times the growth rate!

  Zhang Mu’s second-tier farm had a 45-fold growth acceleration, and if you add spring water, it could reach [-] times, which is simply against the sky!

  of course.

  The number of springs is limited.

  Common crops are of little value.

  It is mainly used to cultivate precious materials.

  The spring water can also be drunk directly or used to make medicine.

  Zhang Mu thought that he had collected so many elves. There are not a few elves who have the ability to refine medicine. In the future, by establishing a medicine refining team, they can not only be self-sufficient, but also sell the forest or sell it to the devil.

  Potions are good business!

  Especially after owning the Magic Spring of Life, the Ancient Tree of Life, and the Lingtian Farm, Zhang Mu didn’t have to worry about raw materials at all.


  Zhang Mu expanded the population.

  He spent 50 gold coins to recruit 5000 combat soldiers at a time.

  The population of this clan directly broke through 11163 and reached [-].

  Among them, there are 2500 dragon men, 1200 senior men, 100 dragon craftsmen, 6550 ordinary soldiers, 165 senior soldiers, 15 super soldiers, 25 dragon man tactics, 5 demon dragon tactics, and 2 dragon generals. , 1 dragon priest.

  The Battle of Giant Tree City.

  Let Zhang Mu realize some problems.

  For example, the Dragon Priest’s ability to transmit troops is not strong enough.

  A dragon priest’s teleportation barrier can only transmit several hundred units at a time, and the preset effective time of the teleportation barrier is only one hour.

  To make up for the lack of time and efficiency.

  The best way is to recruit more dragon priests.

  If there are two dragon priests.

  It will be a lot more flexible tactically.

  For example, there is a dragon priest in the city of the giant tree and the dark valley, and they maintain a teleportation enchantment, so there is no one-hour time limit, and the teleportation can be activated at any time no matter how long.

  Another example is that two priests are placed in the city of giant trees at the same time, and they take turns to restore their spiritual power and cast teleportation, then they can double the speed of transporting troops…

  Zhang Mu thought of this.

  Summoned 8 dragon generals and 2 dragon priests!

  The dragon generals cost 1.5 gold coins each, and the dragon priests 3 gold coins each, for a total of 18 gold coins. This price is not expensive.

  In this way, there are 10 dragon generals and 3 dragon priests!

  It’s not that Zhang Mu doesn’t want to recruit more dragon priests, but the summoning conditions for dragon priests are that each additional 3000 population can generate a summoning quota.

  Current territory size.

  There can only be a maximum of 3 dragon priests.

  As for the Dragon General, the threshold is much lower, as long as every 500 ordinary soldiers or every 50 senior soldiers can generate a summoning quota.

  Not bad!

  A round of explosions.

  A round of big expansion.

  The Dragon Man Corps achieved a blowout development.

  When ten dragon generals and three dragon priests lead nearly [-] dragon combat units to form a combat corps, it is enough to be a strong separatist party in any position in the chaotic forest, and it is enough to make any force fear or fear it.


  This is not all of Zhang Mu’s strength.

  Even if it doesn’t count the miscellaneous soldiers such as skeleton soldiers and tauren.

  Zhang Mu currently has a [-]-scale direct line elf corps in Giant Tree City, and about [-] elf corps in the giant tree city, which is an elite army with a scale of nearly [-].


  Zhang Mu’s military power is already quite powerful.

  Although it is still far from enough to fight against the real national strength, at least in the chaotic forest, the advance can directly threaten the major forest cities, and the retreat can also be peaceful or dominate one side.


  When Zhang Mu was ambitious.

  When the riots are being carried out.

  At the same time in the city lord’s office in Giant Tree City.

  From it came the crisp and pleasant sound of play and laughter.

  It turned out to be three salted fish who knew each other at first sight. At this moment, they gathered together, holding a pair of newly made playing cards, and they were having a great time.

  ”Yes eight!”

  ”To ten!”


  ”Hee hee, I can’t afford it!”

  If Zhang Mu was present, he would definitely be surprised.

  Because these three women are: Flower Demon King Chen Guoguo, Giant Tree City Lord Nancy Liya, and warrior player Su Yan.

  A devil, a warrior, a native city lord,

  The three of them actually played together.

  Looks like a good relationship.

  This scene is so weird! .

Chapter 88

  Su Yan is Zhang Mu’s subordinate.

  Nancy Liya is Zhang Mu’s followers.

  As for Chen Guoguo, as the Demon King, although his strength is far inferior to that of Zhang Mu, his identities are parallel, and the two parties were originally a cooperative partnership.

  However, she considers herself the number one fan girl of the Great God, so she also belongs to one of the Great God’s subordinates.

  Is allowed to freely enter and exit the city of giant trees.

  This made Chen Guoguo very honored.

  Demon kings are always on guard against each other.

  The Great God can allow her to enter important territories at will.

  what does that mean?Undoubtedly recognition and trust!

  After Chen Guoguo came to Giant Tree City, she met the warrior Su Yan and the small city owner Nancy Liya.

  Although there are differences in identity camps

  The three of them met at first sight.


Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Global Demon King: Choose Abyss Dragon at the Start

Status: Ongoing Author:


Humans around the world have participated in a "game of the devil and the warrior".
Billions of people will be descended into another world to play the role of "devil" and "warrior". Everyone must choose their initial race at the beginning.
After Zhang Mu was matched to the demon king's camp.
He found that he could see hidden information that no one else could see.
[Slime Demon King], the blood of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[*Head Demon King], the bloodline of the lower Demon King...not recommended!
[Dark Elf Demon King], medium demon king blood...you can choose!
[Bloody Giant Demon King], the blood of the high demon king... it is recommended to choose!
[Abyss Dragon Demon King], the strongest initial bloodline... It is strongly recommended to choose!


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