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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 11 The wolves are coming

Jiangzhu’s face changed slightly when she heard the anxious voice. She hurriedly walked to the door, raised her white hands and opened the door.

“Grandpa, what happened? Why are you so anxious?!”

“Save someone quickly, your Uncle Zhao was bitten by a wolf.” The village elder said anxiously.

“Uncle Zhao was bitten by a wolf? How could it be? Did you go to Wolf Valley?” Jiangzhu asked quickly while packing up the trauma medicine.

“No, we just went to observe the situation near Wolf Valley, but the gray wolf that rarely attacks humans actually attacked us. Fortunately, we escaped quickly, but we may be in big trouble.”

The village elder continued to speak, his eyes full of worry.

“Big trouble? What big trouble?” Jiangzhu was puzzled.

“We saw a group of gray wolves gathering together. They seemed to be tamed. They actually attacked the bear cave not far away in a team and even started to spread towards human areas.”

“What? Then… what should we do? Will the village be in danger?” Jiangzhu asked anxiously.

Although she went to the Soul Master Academy, she was very weak and was only good at healing, so she couldn’t help at all. When the gray wolves attacked the village, there would be big trouble.

“I have sent someone to Luoshan City to report this matter. The city lord will definitely send high-level soul masters to deal with this matter. They will definitely come back tomorrow. Now hurry up and treat your Uncle Zhao.”

“Okay.” Jiangzhu nodded, pulling Li Xuan and hurriedly walked outside.

The village elder next to him frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

Because there was no need to bring a child with him when he was going to save people. But seeing Jiangzhu and Li Xuan walking away, the village elder finally shook his head and said nothing.

In the yard outside the house.

Several men carrying long bows were supporting a middle-aged man covered in blood and waiting. The middle-aged man was very weak and had several bite marks on his body.

Seeing this, Jiangzhu didn’t hesitate and immediately summoned his martial spirit and began to treat the injured.

Although her martial soul does not have a soul ring yet, it still has healing abilities, just like Oscar’s sausages can be eaten, and like Tang San’s Clear Sky Hammer can hit people.

So under her treatment, Uncle Zhao quickly recovered to some extent. Although he still looked sluggish, the bleeding had stopped.

“Once the injury is stabilized, apply some trauma medicine and receive treatment for another seven days, and you will recover.”

Jiangzhu took out the trauma medicine he had just prepared and handed it to the injured Uncle Zhao.

“Thank you, thank you.”

“It’s okay, go back and recover quickly.”


Watching everyone leave, Jiangzhu turned to look to the side with a little pride, “Brother Li Xuan, how is my sister’s healing ability?”

“It is ok.”

Li Xuan replied casually, taking the copied soul power practice method and looking through it.

“Eh? My sister is the best student in our college who is good at healing.”

Jiangzhu muttered a little depressedly, and found that Li Xuan was looking at him seriously, so she said nothing more and continued to look at Li Xuan secretly.

She found that Li Xuan was really handsome, looking very handsome from all directions, and with his fair skin, Jiangzhu couldn’t help but want to keep him at home and raise him since childhood.

Teng Teng Teng!

The sound of continuous running was heard, and several villagers carrying long bows hurriedly ran over.

“Old village chief, something happened. Gray wolves appeared around the village. They wanted to rush into the village just now. Fortunately, the two brothers Huang Yuan and Jing Ling killed the wolf.”

“What? The gray wolves want to rush into the village? Damn it, they are not planning to attack the village today.” The old village chief looked solemn, knowing that things were in trouble.

Because rescue will not arrive until tomorrow, if the gray wolves in Wolf Valley attack the village today, Luoshan Village may be doomed.

With deep worries, the old village chief began to issue instructions to close the village gate, summon all the strong men in the village, and go to the village gate to prepare for the wolf attack.

Looking at the impending storm in Luoshan Village, Li Xuan frowned and thought about whether Jiangzhu and the others had experienced these events in the original work.

【Ding! Due to your influence, the plot changes slightly, the system gains slight energy, and options are triggered. 】

Ding! Please select one.

Elementary option: Run away immediately and not participate in this changed plot. Reward: Elementary forging knowledge.

Intermediate option: Use the experience card to turn into a fat green and fight off the wolves. Reward: Intermediate forging knowledge

Advanced option: Find a way to fight off the wolves without using experience cards. Reward: Advanced forging knowledge +3 physical strength

Ps: If you choose intermediate or advanced level, you can collect 1% new experience cards.

“1%? So little?”

Looking at the options that suddenly appeared, Li Xuan raised his eyebrows.

The rewards for the options that appeared this time are actually quite low, mainly because the experience card only condenses 1%, which is too little.

【Ding! Tricking Tang San and the strong men in this world, every once in a while, can make the system gain a lot of energy, condense more experience cards, and Tang San provides more energy. 】

“I see, it seems we still have to go to Tang San’s side.”

Li Xuan sighed and decided to go to Holy Soul Village after completing the mission. Only there can he get more gains.


The journey is relatively long, so Li Xuan is ready to use the experience card.

Li Xuan was a little hesitant as to whether he should choose the intermediate or advanced level. He thought about it and decided to go to the village entrance to have a look before making a decision.

The entrance of the village.

Li Xuan stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the large number of gray wolves gradually gathering in the distance, frowning secretly.

Because there are too many gray wolves, there are already five or six hundred of them, and the number is still increasing.

The total population of Luoshan Village is only more than 300 people, which makes it very difficult to resist the gray wolves.

“Jiangzhu, how many gray wolves are there in the Wolf Valley? Have they attacked the village before?” Li Xuan asked doubtfully.

“Wolf Valley is huge, with countless maze-like caves. There are at least two thousand wolves there, but they have never attacked the village. This attack on the village seems very strange.”

Jiangzhu had a serious explanation on her face and looked warily towards the outside of the village.

“Two thousand? So many? If we wait for them to gather and attack the village, Luoshan Village will be destroyed.” Li Xuan said seriously.


Jiangzhu became nervous when he heard this, and said anxiously: “What should we do? How about we go outside the village to kill some gray wolves?”

“No, you’re going to die. Go, go to your grandfather’s place and see if he has any good defense methods.” Li Xuan thought for a moment and said.

In addition to the mission this time, the threat of wolves also had a considerable impact on him.

Even if he has strong defense, if someone discovers his defense, it will easily cause trouble.

Unless you use the experience card, you can only choose the first task, which makes Li Xuan a little unwilling.

After thinking about it, Li Xuan went to the old village chief with Jiang Zhu.

At this moment.

The old village chief was directing people to stick to their posts, holding weapons and looking warily at the outside of the village. As for the rest, he did nothing but waited stupidly.

This left Li Xuan speechless. He came to the old village chief, frowned and asked: “Old village chief, how do you plan to resist this wolf attack?”

“Of course I will stay in the stockade until the Lord of the City rescues me.” The old village chief looked at Li Xuan doubtfully.

“Just waiting in the village like now? Don’t you make some preparations?” Li Xuan said bluntly.

“Preparations have been made. Everyone has been called, and they have brought bows, arrows and weapons.” The old village chief pointed to the villagers next to him.

“That’s it……”

Li Xuan was really speechless. This was not preparation work. It was just calling people over and waiting with weapons in hand. How could this possibly stop the wolves?

Li Xuan took a deep breath and said: “Old village chief, have you ever thought about the number of wolves and the casualties? With so many wolves, with just this preparation, I’m afraid a lot of people will die.”

“There’s nothing we can do about it. We have no way out.” The old village chief sighed.

“I have a way to reduce the casualties of the villagers. Old village chief, you can ask people to dig some trenches, add sharpened bamboo or wood to the trenches, and make them into traps.”

“Find someone to get some firewood and kerosene. If there are blacksmiths and carpenters in the village, ask them to make nails and horses. Also, raise the height of the village and set up a few more lines of defense.”

Li Xuan spoke quickly, directly applying some of the knowledge from the battle formations in his previous life.

But after hearing what he said, the old village chief was dumbfounded and looked at Li Xuan blankly.

Because he is an old man in a remote village who has never been to school. How can he understand these things? They do not have access to so much knowledge through the Internet, so the old man is currently in a state of confusion.

“What’s wrong?” Li Xuan asked with a frown.

“I know the trap, but what is a trench? What is a horse rejection?” the old village chief said blankly.

“Trench is a long and narrow trench dug underground. It is mainly used to block traffic, form a chasm and block wolves. If sharpened bamboo is added, the effect will be better.”

“As for the repelling horses, they are also used to intercept wolves. For example, adding sharp objects to this wooden wall can also be used as repelling horses.”

Li Xuan quickly explained.

But after explaining everything, the old village chief was still a little confused, and even the surrounding villagers were a little confused.

“Forget it, give me some people and I will lead them myself.” Li Xuan said helplessly.

“No problem.” The old village chief nodded quickly.

The old village chief quickly summoned the villagers, even carpenters and blacksmiths, and then announced in public that everyone would obey Li Xuan’s orders.

This made the villagers very confused, and some people even became resistant. After all, they would definitely not be willing to listen to a child.


When Li Xuan led them to work quickly, they realized how extraordinary Li Xuan was.

Especially under the command of Li Xuan, after working for several hours, everyone looked at the wide trench and the sharp wood in the trench, and they all thought of the tragic situation of the wolves falling into it.

Plus the sharp Jima, countless square piles of licorice, and the prepared kerosene.

The way everyone looked at Li Xuan completely changed, from the previous resistance to awe.

“Good guy, this little brother Li Xuan is really not simple, he actually knows so much.” Huang Yuan said seriously.

“Isn’t that right? You are obviously younger than us, but you have come up with so many ideas. The key is that these methods are really effective.” Jing Ling also said seriously.

“It seems that Jiangzhu made a good move when he brought Li Xuan back.”

“No, it will definitely make a lot of money.”

Jing Ling and Huang Yuan kept chatting and lamented how extraordinary Li Xuan was.

The old village chief had already grabbed his granddaughter and began to interrogate Li Xuan’s origins.

“Jiangzhu, tell me honestly, where does Li Xuan come from? Did you really pick it up?”

“Of course I picked it up. Both Huang Yuan and Jing Ling can testify that it was on the roadside. I thought he was pitiful so I brought it back. But I didn’t expect that he knows so much and his handwriting is very beautiful.”

“He can also write?” the old village chief asked in surprise.

“Of course, the writing is super beautiful. He should be a noble. When I asked him before, he didn’t refute.” Jiangzhu said.

“Noble? I see. No wonder he knows so much. Then things make sense.”

When the old village chief heard that he was a noble, he immediately understood. It was obvious that in his heart, nobles were unattainable.

I’m so sleepy, let’s just stick to this chapter. It’s actually a big chapter. It’s only 800 words short, which is equivalent to two chapters.


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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