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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 136 Terrible Tang San

“Good son, let’s go!”

Tang Hao was very satisfied with Tang San’s choice, although his reason told him that it was correct to hunt the ten-year soul beast according to the requirements of the Divine Calculation Sect.


When Tang San stopped hunting spirit beasts for ten years, Tang Hao felt that his heavy heart suddenly relaxed a lot and became suddenly enlightened.

It wasn’t just Tang Hao who felt this way.

Everyone present felt a sense of enlightenment, and they were in a very good mood for some reason.


Tang San still had to explain that he was the master, so Tang Xiao reminded him.

“Xiaosan, you didn’t follow your master’s instructions, which may disappoint him. Let’s do this. When we see your master next time, we will help you explain. I think he will forgive you.”

“Well, thank you, uncle.”

Tang San thanked him politely, then walked towards the depths of the forest with his head held high.

On a big tree in the back, above the green branches and leaves, Li Xuan sat leisurely, watching all this silently.

“Tang San, Tang San, do you think that just because you’ve escaped this time, everything will be fine? There are still things that will make you sad later, just wait.”

Li Xuan raised a smile on his lips, and then continued.

“When your disappointed master expels you from the school and then chooses a new disciple, and that disciple becomes stronger and defeats you, I wonder how you will feel?”

Li Xuan muttered, feeling that this method is very good, but there is no rush to implement the plan now, and he should find a way to lay the groundwork first.

“Yes, I will write a letter to Tang San in a few days to dampen his joyful mood.”

Li Xuan muttered, and his body shape changed quickly, turning into a snow eagle and flying into the sky, heading towards Notting City.

Time passed slowly, and soon three days passed.

Notting City, the small courtyard where Tang Hao purchased his residence.

Tang San was sitting on the roof practicing, cultivating the Purple Demon Eye under the nascent sun.

During his trip to the forest, he did not hunt a ten-year-old soul beast, but a mandala snake that was more than four hundred years old. Not only did he successfully fuse it, but his soul power even increased by one level.

Such good luck made him feel very good, and even when he was practicing the Purple Demon Eye, he was obviously faster.

After the practice was completed, he raised a smile on his lips and spoke energetically.

“My strength has improved again. It’s a wonderful feeling.”

Tang San felt the changes in himself, and became happier and happier. The trace of haze in his heart completely disappeared, and he felt refreshed and happy.

“Relying on yourself is the right choice, Master. When you come, I will convince you, and you will definitely support me.”

Tang San said calmly, with absolute confidence in his eyes.

But right now.

In the sky, a heroic eagle suddenly flew up, a handsome soul beast eagle.


Seeing the eagle coming towards him, Tang San frowned.

Because this eagle is almost identical to the one Li Ba gave him originally, it is obviously the messenger eagle equipped by the Divine Calculation Sect.

“Huh? There is a letter on the eagle’s foot. Is it Li Ba who wants to see me for something? Or is it a letter from Master?”

Tang San looked expectantly at the eagle that was getting closer and closer. He raised his right hand and waited silently.

After a while.

The eagle landed accurately on his arm and then stayed still.

Tang San didn’t speak, but quickly took out a letter from the eagle’s ankle, then released the eagle and jumped directly to the ground.

Tang Xiao and others in the house felt the spirit beast’s aura, and they all walked out and came to Tang San’s side.

Even Tang Yuehua, who planned to leave today, walked forward with small feet and a light gait.

“What’s wrong, mistress?” Tang Hao asked in confusion.

“It’s a letter from my master, with his mark.”

Tang San was puzzled and quickly opened the letter, but when he saw the first thing in the letter, he was stunned.


The content of the letter was written in blood. To put it simply, it was a blood letter!

This suddenly made Tang San feel heavy. He nervously widened his eyes and carefully read the contents of the letter.

Soon his expression became more and more serious, and the good mood just now disappeared in an instant.

Because the content of the letter was so unexpected that he was expelled from the school by his master.

[Tang San, you disappoint me so much. I just came out a little late, and you chose the wrong route. Why didn’t you choose the ten-year spirit ring? Is it distrust of me?

Sure enough, you didn’t trust me from the beginning to the end. It was in vain that I trusted you so much and spent countless life energy to pay for you. Forget it, since you don’t trust me as a teacher, then let’s cut off the relationship between us.

From now on, you are no longer a disciple of the Divine Calculation Sect. I will give you freedom, but the Yuan Clan cannot be cut off. I will find a new disciple to replace you. I will find a disciple who can truly trust me even if his talent is not that good.

So be it, take that big wild boar as the final gift to you. From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other. The divine calculation gate – Yuan! 】

“This this.”

Looking at the content written in blood on the letter paper, looking at the vigorous, yet trembling fonts.

Tang San vaguely felt the anger and sadness in the heart of the person who wrote the letter.

Yes, the master did not hesitate to expend his life force to tell fortunes for him, went all out to retreat to calculate his skills for him, and even trained a ten-thousand-year soul beast for him. At the same time, he spent two years to make him feel at ease.

And he is still trying to find the water of evolution for him to make him stronger.

But now.

In the end, he did not follow his master’s request and hunted the spirit beasts for more than four hundred years, which completely disappointed his master.

Before, Tang San still imagined that his master would support him, but now.

Looking at the blood book and its contents, Tang San fell completely silent, completely speechless, and his whole person became gloomy.

“I’m sorry, Master, I just want to rely on myself and become a truly strong person.”

Tang San murmured, feeling completely depressed and no longer as high-spirited as before.


When Tang Hao and others heard this, they immediately took the blood book and read it. After reading the content of the letter clearly, he was speechless and a hint of gloom appeared in his heart.

“Oh, I didn’t expect to reach this point. Xiao San and his master are too harsh.” Tang Xiao sighed.

“Yes, although the Divine Calculation Sect is mysterious and unpredictable, our Haotian Sect has many resources and can still train the mistress.” An elder said.

“But have you ever thought about it, Xiao San and his master may have wanted to make Xiao San stronger and let him inherit the Yuan clan lineage. Maybe his master has paved all the roads for Xiao San.”

Tang Yuehua couldn’t help but object, because looking at the content of the letter, she felt the anger and regret of Elder Yuan for Tang San’s random decision.

Especially from Elder Yuan’s perspective, I always felt that Tang San was a bit unsatisfactory.


When everyone heard this, they were all speechless and fell into silence one by one.

Because from the beginning to the end, Elder Yuan was taking care of Tang San and paying for Tang San. Even if the relationship between master and disciple was severed, he still gave the big wild boar to Tang San.

There is also the eagle soul beast and the stone preserved by Tang Hao.

None of these Elder Yuan wanted to go back, which is enough to prove Elder Yuan’s generosity and righteousness.


Tang San finally made the decision to disobey his master, ruining his master’s plan, and it was a key part.

As a result, if it were them, they would probably be very angry.

Therefore, no one knew what to say and could only choose to remain silent.

“I’ll go back inside and be quiet.”

Tang San said in a low voice, stepped back to his room, and closed the door completely.

With this result, everyone present did not know how to persuade him and could only sigh.

In the next half month, Tang San was still confused, his practice was slowed down a lot, and he obviously couldn’t accept being kicked out of the Divine Calculation Sect.

However, this morning.

Master Yu Xiaogang held his son and led his wife to Tang Hao’s courtyard, and things took a turn for the better.

Because the master and Tang San talked deeply for a while, Tang San completely came out of the haze, recognized the master as his godfather, and returned to his original state again.

【Ding! Slows down Tang San’s cultivation speed, reward: Physique +5]

【Ding! The system absorbs a small amount of energy, reward: soul +10]

Skirt: 199408415


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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