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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 191 Confirming Relationship with Rongrong

When the cute waiter and Sister Liu saw this scene, they looked at each other and became deeply curious about the little red horse.

After the cleaning was completed, the cute waiter led the little red horse and walked deliberately close to the vicious dog, wanting to verify it again.

As a result, such an action scared the ferocious dog and ran away several meters away. It didn’t even dare to stay in its kennel and hid in a corner shivering.

Seeing the two women in such a scene, they became more and more curious about Li Xuan’s identity.

Because his little red horse alone can scare evil dogs into running for their lives, so what will be Li Xuan’s strength and identity? Both women were full of curiosity.

However, they did not dare to waste time, so they quickly asked the kitchen to prepare a roast pig, then cut it into small pieces and sent it to the backyard for the little red horse to taste bit by bit.

Seeing the little red horse devouring the barbecue, even the staff who came from the kitchen opened their eyes wide.

the other side.

In Li Xuan’s luxurious suite.

Li Xuan was lying on a special recliner with his eyes closed quietly.

behind him.

Ning Rongrong gently washed his hair with her soft, white hands.

Her small bare hands were constantly busy, focusing on cleaning Li Xuan’s silky short hair.

At the beginning, she was quite nervous. After all, this behavior was too intimate.

But after seeing Li Xuan fall asleep quickly, Ning Rongrong finally felt less nervous, and she could also wash Li Xuan’s hair while looking at him.

After washing, half an hour had passed. Ning Rongrong gently wiped Li Xuan’s hair and whispered.

“Li Xuan, your hair is ready.”


Li Xuan slowly sat up and raised his hand to hold Ning Rongrong’s snow-white hand. The soft, smooth and delicate feeling of comfort made him reluctant to let go.

“Li Xuan, goodbye.”

Ning Rongrong felt the warmth in her little hands, and she quickly wanted to retract her hands in embarrassment.

But she tugged on her little hand and found that it couldn’t be pulled anymore, so she could only let Li Xuan hold it.

But her little face was already flushed, and she didn’t dare to move. She just lowered her head in embarrassment.

“Rongrong.” Li Xuan said suddenly.

“Huh?” Ning Rongrong said in a small voice.

“From now on, you will call me like Zhuqing and the others, and you will learn to take care of me from now on. Do you understand?” Li Xuan said matter-of-factly.


Ning Rongrong was slightly startled when he heard this, and his head was a little dazed.

After waiting for a few seconds, she finally reacted and understood the meaning of Li Xuan’s words, and then her cute little face started to heat up.

Li Xuan’s words were equivalent to confirming the relationship between the two parties. She also had the same power as Dugu Yan. This made her very embarrassed, but she also felt deep joy in her heart.

Because she finally became Li Xuan’s girlfriend. Although it was unexpected and without her consent, she still felt her heart beat faster and she was in a happy mood.

Even at this moment, she looked a little silly because of her excessive shyness and joy.

“Let’s go.”

Li Xuan suddenly grabbed Ning Rongrong’s soft waist and walked towards the sofa.

During this process, Ning Rongrong remained in a cute state, like a puppet on strings, being led to the sofa by Li Xuan.

After sitting for a while, she gradually recovered. Then she looked at Li Xuan’s hand on her waist and said sheepishly.

“We, we are going too fast.”

“Unhappy, you are already mine anyway.” Li Xuan said unreasonably.

“Eh? Have I already given it to you?” Ning Rongrong said stupidly.

“Of course, do you think you can run away? From now on, you will be my little girlfriend. You will never be able to run away in this life.”

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he rested his head on Ning Rongrong’s shoulder and savored this beautiful time.

As for Ning Rongrong, her little head was always confused, and she was so confused that she couldn’t tell the difference between east, west, and north.

Time passed slowly in this atmosphere, and soon it was evening.

Tang San, Oscar, Dai Mubai, and Ma Hongjun rushed to the hotel after a long journey, sat down directly at the table in the lobby, and began to greet the waiters.

“Hurry up, order food, I’m starving to death.” Ma Hongjun shouted loudly.

“After running all day, I’m really exhausted.” Tang San nodded, he was also exhausted after running all day.

“Yes, through this cooperative run, I have stronger control over my soul power. I feel as if my whole person has been sublimated. I can better understand what I should do and how to save my soul power.”

Oscar said with a smile, feeling that he had gained a lot from this trip, which made up for many of his shortcomings and made him even better.

“Xiao Ao, it’s good that you can realize this. You must work harder in the future, because through continuous efforts you can improve yourself and temper yourself, and you will become more outstanding and extraordinary.” Tang San encouraged again.

“Well, I know, I will definitely work harder.”

Oscar clenched his fists and said firmly, imagining the scene of pursuing Ning Rongrong in his mind.

“What should we do after we eat? Li Xuan is probably far behind us. They won’t be able to catch up without a day.” Ma Hongjun said with some satisfaction.

“With the speed of that carriage, it feels like it will take at least a day. I suggest that we go out for a walk tomorrow.” Dai Mubai said.

“I want to practice, so I’d better not go, just practice here.” Oscar shook his head and said.

“I also plan to practice. Li Xuan’s strength is too strong. We must race against time to catch up, otherwise we will have no chance to catch up with his strength.” Tang San said seriously.

“Then let’s work hard to practice together. In the future, we will definitely be able to greatly improve our strength and surpass Li Xuan.”

“Yes, let’s work together!!”

The four of them shouted, clenching their fists excitedly, looking forward to the scene when they surpass Li Xuan in the future.

“Get out of the way!”

An impatient voice suddenly sounded.

Soon a group of people in red clothes walked in from the hotel door. They pushed away the people along the way and sat down at a table not far from Tang San and others in a domineering manner.

Such arrogant and domineering behavior immediately attracted the attention of Tang San and others, and then the two sides began to look at each other with scrutinizing eyes.

“The little Canghui Academy is too public.”

As the prince of the Xingluo Empire, Dai Mubai was very arrogant and did not hesitate to express his contempt.

“What did you say?”

When the people from Canghui College heard this, they stood up with a loud sound and stared at Dai Mubai angrily.

“We’ve seen a good show.” Oscar suddenly said with excitement.

“What’s the show?” Tang San didn’t know why and couldn’t help but ask.

“The dean said that a soul master who dares not cause trouble is not a good soul master, so there will be fun soon.” Oscar said with a smile.

“The dean’s quotes are almost becoming monster quotes.” Tang San said with a smile, turning to look to the side.

I found that the little fat man Ma Hongjun was holding a chicken leg and staring at the female students of Canghui College like a pig brother. His eyes were staring and he was extremely rude.


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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