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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 192 Who are you apologizing to?


The female student from Canghui College frowned at this scene, disgusted with the fat man’s obscene appearance, but she said nothing and watched quietly.

Because Dai Mubai’s words were obviously provocative, her leading teacher Ye Zhiqiu would definitely resolve the matter.


Ye Zhiqiu stood up slowly, frowned at Dai Mubai and others, and said seriously: “Which college are you from?”

“Pan Dao? You’re not worthy yet.” Dai Mubai said disdainfully, not taking the other party seriously at all.

“You! What a bunch of arrogant boys, teach them a lesson.”

Ye Zhiqiu was so angry that he ordered the students to take action without hesitation and taught Dai Mubai and others a lesson.

“give it to me.”

Tang San looked around and found that he was the most suitable to take action, so he took action without hesitation.

Bang bang bang!

Relying on his extraordinary skills, Tang San defeated Canghui Academy in just a moment, showing his tyrannical strength like a genius.

This kind of strength also makes Oscar and others admire him.

“Third brother is awesome, he deserves to be third brother.” Oscar jumped up and said.

“Of course, Third Brother’s skills can easily deal with these people.” Ma Hongjun said openly while eating.

“Hahaha, well done, mistress, for letting these people know not to be so arrogant when they go out.” Dai Mubai said proudly.


The people from Canghui College were very angry when they heard this, and Ye Zhiqiu clenched his fists in anger.

“Very good, let me, Ye Zhiqiu, teach you boys a lesson today, Xuangui!”


Green light shone, and the black turtle’s martial spirit lingered around Ye Zhiqiu. At the same time, five soul rings began to shine, making him look extremely extraordinary.

“More than level 50, it looks like I’m going to use hidden weapons.”

Tang San squinted his eyes and looked at it. Although his strength was not as good as the opponent’s, he was absolutely confident in defeating the opponent as long as he could use hidden weapons.

So he, Dai Mubai, and Ma Hongjun stepped forward and also showed their martial arts.

“Don’t fight, please don’t fight in my store, please.” The store owner was worried that the store would be demolished and hurriedly tried to persuade him, hoping that there would be no fights in the store.

“Something comes out!”

Ye Zhiqiu gave the store owner a face and led the people outside.

Tang San and others were naturally not afraid of trouble, and after some discussion, they also walked outside.


The two sides met outside and then clashed.


Facing the tyrannical Ye Zhiqiu, Tang San and the others fought very hard. Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were even injured, and even Tang San frowned.

Because Ye Zhiqiu can release extremely cold Xuanshui, even the little fat man’s Phoenix Fire cannot hurt Ye Zhiqiu in the slightest. Instead, Dai Mubai and others were frozen again and again.

“Damn it, why is this old turtle so strong?” Ma Hongjun said with a solemn expression after being rescued by Tang San again.

“It’s really powerful. My body feels very stiff.” Dai Mubai said seriously.

“Did I make a mistake in my judgment? Isn’t this person a defensive type?” Tang San frowned, feeling that things were a bit troublesome.

Because the opponent is much stronger than they thought, especially when Dai Target and Ma Hongjun are both injured, it will be even more troublesome.

In desperation, Tang San had to secretly take out the hidden weapon, preparing to use it to end the battle.

However, he was not 100% sure about using it this time. After all, the opponent was much stronger than imagined, and the opponent was good at defense.

“Are you guys annoyed? There’s a fight in the night, why don’t you let me rest?” A lazy voice suddenly came from above, with a hint of indifference in the voice.


Hearing this familiar voice, Tang San and others hurriedly looked up.

Then they saw Li Xuan standing on the roof with Ning Rongrong in his arms, looking down at everyone.

That indifferent expression and indifferent attitude made everyone present feel uncomfortable.

Especially Oscar, when he saw Li Xuan holding Ning Rongrong’s slender waist and holding her in his arms, Oscar remained motionless as if he had been struck by lightning.

Before, they said they wanted to surpass Li Xuan and impress Ning Rongrong with their sincerity.

But I didn’t expect it.

Before he could take action, he failed completely, a complete failure.

Because Oscar clearly saw that Ning Rongrong was huddled in Li Xuan’s arms with a happy look on her face, and even held Li Xuan’s hand behind her back.

Such a scene, such a picture, made Oscar freeze in place as if he were petrified.

“Who are you?”

Seeing Li Xuan’s majestic appearance and Li Xuan’s indifferent attitude, Ye Zhiqiu very cautiously asked for his name first.

“You have no right to know, apologize.” Li Xuan stood on the roof and said coldly.

“Teacher, this is Li Xuan, Poison Douluo’s grandson-in-law, the man who once brought the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire to the brink of war.”

An aristocratic student suddenly ran out and approached Ye Zhiqiu to talk.

“What?! It’s him!”

Ye Zhiqiu was frightened and could no longer maintain his original composure. He even took several steps back.

Because Poison Douluo is a Titled Douluo, a terrifying existence that even a kingdom is not willing to provoke.

How could they, a small Canghui Academy, be qualified to provoke the other party?

So he quickly looked at Tang San and others, quickly took a step forward, bowed and said, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t”


A cold light flashed, and a silver needle pierced the back of Ye Zhiqiu’s hand as fast as lightning, so fast that even Ye Zhiqiu couldn’t react.

On the other side, Tang San’s pupils shrank even more when he saw this scene again.

“Master Li Xuan, I…I am apologizing.”

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the silver needle on the back of his hand. He hurriedly explained, somewhat confused as to where he had offended Mr. Li Xuan again.

“Who are you apologizing to? They deliberately provoked you, and they deserve to be beaten by you. Even if they are students of my college, they must bear the consequences themselves.” Li Xuan said lightly.


Ye Zhiqiu was stunned, feeling a little confused, because if he didn’t apologize to Tang San and the others, then who should he apologize to?

With this kind of doubt, Ye Zhiqiu said cautiously. “My lord, to whom should I apologize?”

“Of course it’s my little Rongrong. You guys made a lot of noise and disturbed my little Rongrong’s rest. Shouldn’t you apologize?” Li Xuan said coldly.

“I should apologize, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Ye Zhiqiu bowed deeply, his attitude was quite sincere and solemn, there was nothing they could do, they really couldn’t afford to offend Li Xuan.

“Go away.” Li Xuan said lazily, hugged Ning Rongrong and ducked back to the hotel.

“Let’s go, let’s go, I’ll never come here again.” Ye Zhiqiu hurriedly greeted the students and ran away into the distance.

Tang San and the others were left in a daze, looking at everything blankly.

“Third brother, was Li Xuan helping us just now? Why do I feel like he is looking down on us? I thought he was asking that big turtle to apologize to us.” Ma Hongjun said depressedly.

“It’s true that he looks down upon us. Does he think we are causing trouble?” Tang San frowned.

Although he felt that Li Xuan’s actions were a bit irritating, when Tang San thought about it carefully, he and others did not do the right thing either.

After all, the saying ‘a soul master who doesn’t cause trouble is not a good soul master’ seems to be a bit too much.

In addition, Canghui College, which he and others provoked first, should have taken responsibility for himself and others.

Now that Li Xuan stopped Canghui Academy, he actually helped them in disguise, but Li Xuan’s indifferent attitude made Tang San very uncomfortable.

“Forget it, since Canghui Academy is gone, let’s go back too.” Tang San exhaled.

“Wait, have you forgotten? Is Li Xuan obviously left behind by us? When did he come to the hotel? And it seems that they have arrived long ago!” Ma Hongjun said suddenly.


When Tang San heard this, he also reacted, and then he was a little dazed, feeling that things were a little weird.

“It shouldn’t be. We used our soul power to run so fast, and we didn’t see Li Xuan pass us. How could he qualify here in advance?”

Dai Mubai frowned, wondering how Li Xuan did it.

“I’m afraid Li Xuan is more difficult to deal with and more mysterious than we imagined.” Tang San clenched his fists tightly because he thought of the injection just now.

Even Tang San couldn’t react to the ultra-fast launch speed, and this attack method was simply a hidden weapon technique.

“Could it be that Li Xuan also knows how to use hidden weapons?” Tang San clenched his fists and asked in disbelief.

Now he felt inexplicably uncomfortable, even a little panicked.

Because Li Xuan brought too much pressure to him, and every appearance of various unknown tyrannical abilities hit Tang San’s self-confidence.

Especially in terms of hidden weapons that he was proud of, after Tang San saw that Li Xuan could also use hidden weapons, he was completely panicked and felt a little lost.


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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