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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 24 Are you tickling?

“How dare you break into Haotian Sect without permission? I think you are seeking death, so kill him!!”


Countless Haotian Sect disciples screamed angrily, their soul rings were shining one after another at this moment, and strong soul power waves rippled through the Haotian Sect.

These furious disciples, holding the powerful Haotian Hammer, rushed forward bravely towards the big green monster.

Each of their Clear Sky Hammers was rippling with strong fluctuations, and each one carried an indomitable and tyrannical momentum. With such power, the Clear Sky Hammer hit the big green monster hard.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

The dull sound stirred up in all directions, and a large number of shining Haotian Hammers fell, drowning the big green monster and shrouding it in countless attacks.

This terrifying scene, the crazy smashing scene, also made Lao San and others in the distance feel excited.

“What a shocking picture. I didn’t expect that when the sect faced the enemy, the power it gathered would be so terrifying. There are so many Clear Sky Hammers, it’s really shocking.”

“Yes, if so many Clear Sky Hammers are struck down, even the titled Douluo will end with hatred, and the big green monster will definitely be doomed.”

“That’s right, the Clear Sky Hammer is the strongest martial spirit, and its attack power is even more terrifying. Facing so many Clear Sky Hammers, who would dare to make a mistake!!”

“Hahaha, even if our Haotian Sect closes the sect, no one can be offended. Anyone who dares to cause trouble will die on the spot like this big green monster!”

The third child, the captain and others said proudly, looking at the big green monster submerged by the Clear Sky Hammer, their faces showed joy.

Just in this moment, in their moment of triumph.


A loud noise suddenly roared, and the earth suddenly cracked.

The terrifying air waves swept violently in all directions, carrying an overwhelming terrifying force that instantly shook everyone in the Haotian Sect away.

Bang bang bang bang!

The disciples of the Haotian Sect slammed into the surrounding buildings, groaned and fell down again, clutching their hearts and blood surging.

Some of the more severely shocked disciples even broke several walls one after another, falling to the ground vomiting blood, and even some were embedded in the walls.

You can say this moment.

All Haotian Sect disciples who attacked the big green monster suffered heavy injuries and fell on all sides, looking at the big green monster in shock.

Roar! ! !

The sky-shaking roar resounded in all directions, and the green roar rose into the sky. The terrifying sound waves made people’s ears hurt, and also demonstrated the terrifying strength of the big green monster.


This tyrannical big green monster, this big green monster that defeated a large number of Haotian Sect disciples in an instant, raised his hand in front of everyone, with everyone’s shocked eyes.

Bah, bah, bah!

The sound of tickling sounded, and the big green monster said with contempt while tickling.

“If you can’t stop me, don’t stop me. There’s something wrong with you tickling me.”


Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this.

Especially when they saw the big green monster’s tickling movements, everyone was dumbfounded.

So many tyrannical attacks, such terrifying fluctuations in soul power, and countless Clear Sky Hammers hitting the body had no effect, and everyone could barely accept it.

But, you said this is tickling, what the hell is it?

This is the Clear Sky Hammer. It is the Clear Sky Hammer that crushes everything. How could it be said that hitting someone with the Clear Sky Hammer only scratches an itch?

Can you stop hitting people like this?

Everyone was so depressed that they vomited blood and fainted.

There is no way, it is really shocking. After countless years of practice and countless battles, my strength has become several times stronger, and I have endless self-confidence.


Not only was such a powerful attack ineffective, but it was even said to be an itch. Who could withstand this? This is simply murderous and heartbreaking.

The depressed people gnashed their teeth angrily, and some of the less injured disciples clutched the Clear Sky Hammer, dragged their injured bodies, and began to charge again.

“Tickling, right? I want to see how you respond to our trick.”

Chaotic cloak hammering technique! !

Bang bang bang bang!

“The cloak-beating method is so messed up. The iron-beating method is just the iron-beating method. The cloak-beating method is also messed up. What a mess.”

The big green monster looked around with disdain, not taking the oncoming people seriously at all, and even casually opened his hands and patted them.


A terrifying shock wave suddenly appeared, and the tyrannical power swept across all directions instantly, instantly knocking all the Haotian Sect disciples who were rushing towards them away, even far away.

But it didn’t end there. With this shot, powerful air waves swept in all directions, rumbled the surrounding buildings and flew them away.

Such a shocking scene, such an unimaginable picture, made everyone’s eyes widen in shock.

The people like Lao San and others who had said that the big green monster must die were dumbfounded.

“You’re too strong, too strong. Just clapping your hands can cause such a terrifying phenomenon. It’s incredible.”

“Hurry up and invite the Fifth Elder and the Sixth Elder. Only these two titled Douluo can stop him now, hurry up!!”

The captain roared and urged loudly.

“Okay, I’ll find it!”

The third child was about to take action, but at this time, the big green monster took action again.

I saw the big green monster twisting its head with a bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, a bang, a bang, a bang, a bang, a bang, a bang, a little bang, a little bang, a little bang, a little bang, a little twist of the head, and then suddenly hit the ground with its right foot, and rushed out like an armored vehicle.

Boom boom boom!

Leaving deep footprints on the ground, the big green monster moved forward without hesitation and rushed towards the main hall while everyone was stunned.

“It’s over. The main hall is going to be destroyed. Will our Haotian Sect’s foundation be destroyed today?” Lao San said desperately.

“evil creature!!”

A majestic and angry voice suddenly sounded from the sky above the main hall.

Two old men with gray hair and majestic expressions, with terrifying soul power fluctuations, stood proudly above the main hall, looking at the big green monster with cold eyes.

Both of them were holding the Clear Sky Hammer in their hands, and nine terrifying soul rings were surging around their bodies, making them look like kings, exuding strong power.

Saw these two people appear.

The disciples of Haotian Sect instantly showed expressions of surprise, and some even started shouting excitedly.

Because these two people are Titled Douluo, they are Titled Douluo with terrifying strength, and they are also tyrannical existences that suppress one party.

And now.

The big green monster completely angered the two Titled Douluo. Facing the Titled Douluo’s anger, death was the only result.

“Hahaha, we can be saved. If the two titled Douluo take action, they will definitely kill this big green monster.”

“Yes, you dare to provoke the Haotian Sect, do you think our Haotian Sect has no one? Titled Douluo takes action, let me see how you can stop it.”

“Everyone, let us see today how this big green monster was instantly killed by Titled Douluo, so that you can also see how powerful Titled Douluo is.”

The people of Haotian Sect said, waiting for the battle to begin, waiting for the two titled Douluo to kill the big green monster.


When the big green monster was about to rush into the main hall, the two titled Douluo finally took action.

Amidst countless lightning strikes, they smashed into the big green monster with immense power.


The majestic voice echoed again, and the terrifying Clear Sky Hammer descended suddenly.

Bang bang!

Two dull loud noises were heard in all directions.

With the Clear Sky Hammer that destroyed everything, it hit the big green monster hard, and then.

Then there is no more.

The big green monster seemed to be okay, blinked at the two titled Douluo, and then broke into a charming smile.

“Have you ever played Smash-A-Gole?”


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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