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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 311 Let Qian Renxue wash the dishes

Soon after.

A sumptuous delicacy was prepared and placed on the exquisite dining table.

The delicacies are so delicious and delicious that you can’t help but salivate just by looking at them.

Li Xuan came to the side of the dining table and sat down, raised his right hand and waved to Qian Renxue.

“Come and try this, excellent barbecue. Except for me, you can’t eat better barbecue than this in the world.”


Qian Renxue was really a little greedy. The scents were so alluring. Even if she didn’t like meat, she couldn’t stand such a delicious scent.

So she walked to the side of the dining table with her little feet and sat down. She took the chopsticks handed over by Li Xuan and carefully picked up the barbecue.

“Hmm~ It smells so good, this tastes so delicious!”

Qian Renxue’s red mouth gently tasted a piece of barbecue.

As soon as the barbecue was put into her mouth, the rich aroma immediately filled her mouth, making her eyes widen in surprise, her beautiful eyes full of disbelief.

This barbecue is so delicious, it is simply a delicacy in the world.

“Why is it so delicious? The meat I ate before was not delicious at all. Even the meat prepared by the chefs of Wuhun Palace and the Imperial Palace was not so delicious.”

Qian Renxue quickly ate the piece of barbecue, couldn’t help but pick up some more with her chopsticks, and then looked at Li Xuan with curious eyes while eating.

She never expected that the youngest titled Douluo in history would not only be powerful, have a rich background, and be handsome, but he could even cook so deliciously.

The key point is that the delicious food does not seem to come from the earth, but more like it comes from heaven.


Even Qian Renxue, who was born into a noble family and had eaten all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas, couldn’t help but gobble up the delicious food quickly.

The original image and temperament were completely thrown away, leaving only the desire for delicious food.


She ate this, and then that, and because they were all so delicious, she couldn’t help but eat more.

After finishing eating, she sat on the seat, showing her full belly, and looked at Li Xuan sheepishly.

Because she ate most of these delicacies, and she ate the most meat.

She obviously said she didn’t like eating meat at first, but after Li Xuan made the meal, she actually ate the most.

This made her feel very embarrassed. She lowered her head in depression and did not dare to look at Li Xuan.

“How’s it going? Is it delicious?”

Li Xuan’s voice sounded, and there was no hint of ridicule in it, but a hint of warmth.

“Yeah, delicious.”

When Qian Renxue heard this and looked at Li Xuan’s face that showed no sign of ridicule, she couldn’t help but feel that Li Xuan was a very nice person.

Coupled with the delicious food, Li Xuan’s help to her just now, and Li Xuan’s handsome face, she couldn’t help but feel a good impression of Li Xuan in her heart.

“Since it’s delicious, let’s clean up the dishes.” Li Xuan said directly.

“Eh? Did you wash the dishes?”

Qian Renxue was stunned when she heard this, and her little head didn’t react.

As the daughter of Pope Bibi Dong, the granddaughter of Qian Daoliu, and a proud daughter of heaven with an angelic martial spirit, Qian Renxue has never done anything like washing dishes since she was a child.

Even things like cooking are done by dedicated servants.

But now.

Li Xuan in front of her actually asked her to wash the dishes. This was something she didn’t expect at all, so she was stunned for a few seconds.

“You don’t know how to wash dishes?” Li Xuan suddenly asked.

“There’s no way it can’t be the case.”

Qian Renxue spoke in a small voice, then raised her slender white hands, picked up the bowls and chopsticks and looked around.

She wanted to find a small river to wash the dishes, but after searching around, she couldn’t find it. This made her a little confused and didn’t know what to do.

“Now, use this water to wash it.”

Li Xuan took out a bucket of water from the space and handed it to Qian Renxue, helping the embarrassed Qian Renxue out of trouble.


Qian Renxue glanced at Li Xuan blankly, and then started to wash the dishes clumsily.

It looked like she had never washed the dishes before, but what was surprising was that although she was clumsy, she did the dishes very seriously and did not mean to do it perfunctory at all.

This made Li Xuan nod secretly, feeling that although Qian Renxue was a bit stupid, she was quite serious about her work.

So Li Xuan decided to marry her and let her wash the dishes more often.


Qian Renxue’s delicate body squatted on the ground, and her white hands clumsily cleaned the last bowl and chopsticks. Then she wiped the sweat from her head and carefully placed the bowl and chopsticks on the dining table.

Then he took the bucket of dishwater and poured it on the green grass.

But after Qian Renxue finished all this, her pretty eyebrows slowly wrinkled, and her eyes turned to the water that had just been poured out.

“What’s wrong?”

Li Xuan put away the dishes and dining table, leaned on a lounge chair and blew the warm air and asked.

“Li Xuan, what kind of water is this? It feels so strange, it has attracted a lot of ants.” Qian Renxue asked with confusion on her fair face.

“This is a very extraordinary water. If you want to know, just agree to my terms and I will tell you.”

Li Xuan shook the recliner, looked at the blue sky and spoke lightly.

“What are the conditions? You don’t want me to be your wife again.”

Qian Renxue said helplessly. Although she had a slight affection for Li Xuan, she was still far from getting married.

“You’re so smart. Don’t look aggrieved. You can achieve greater success by following me.” Li Xuan said proudly.

“A bigger achievement?”

Qian Renxue blinked her eyes in confusion. As the granddaughter of Qian Daoliu, her future achievements would be limitless, so she was a little confused about the meaning of Li Xuan’s words just now.

“Qian Renxue, in this world, you can reach the level of the God of Angels at most. It is very difficult to achieve broader achievements.

If you follow me, you will see all kinds of new and weird worlds and gain greater strength. “Li Xuan pointed to the lounge chair next to him and motioned for Qian Renxue to sit down.

“All kinds of new and weird worlds? Is it the world outside Douluo Continent?” Qian Renxue came to the recliner next to her, looked at Li Xuan and asked curiously.

“Yes, in addition to the world of Douluo Continent, there are all kinds of worlds with all kinds of professionals.

For example, knights, warriors, magicians, summoners, wizards, immortal cultivators, and all kinds of powerful beings who master the rules,

Some amazing beings, even if you just mention their names, may find you across countless worlds.

There are many kinds of scary worlds, and in their eyes, the world of Douluo is just like we see a small insect that can be easily crushed to death.”

Li Xuan spoke slowly, recounting all the knowledge he had learned before.

The various novel worlds fascinated Qian Renxue and opened a wider door for her.


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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