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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 350 Crazy

“He is indeed a child.”

Looking at the lively Xiao Mei, Li Xuan shook his head.

The evaluation of Xiao Mei in the original work was not very good. When Li Xuan read the novel, he didn’t like it too much.


After getting close to Li Xuan, I found that she is just an ordinary little girl, but more real.

And someone like Xiao Xun’er is more like a fantasy, a bit masochistic. After all, she has been taken advantage of since she was a child, but she fell in love with the other person. This seems very strange.

“Maybe she has a special personality.”

Li Xuan muttered secretly, and walked outside with Xiao Mei, heading straight to the main residence of the Xiao family.

The main residence of the Xiao family.

The place is already bustling with activity at this moment.

Many family members came here to watch the ceremony of Xiao Xun’er joining the Xiao family.

Yes, it’s a ritual.

When Li Xuan joined, because he wanted to keep his talent a secret, everyone in the family was only briefly informed and no ceremony was held in public.

But Xiao Xun’er is different.

Her status was extraordinary, and the Xiao family did not dare to slack off, so they summoned many children of the Xiao family and performed the joining ceremony in full view of the public.

“It’s so cute. Is that Xiao Xun’er? It’s really cute.”

In the crowd, the great elder’s granddaughter Xiao Yu looked at the main stage in surprise, looking at the beautiful girl on the stage who was as small and soft as a bunny.

That delicate little face and that soft figure can’t help but surprise many people.

“Sister, I want to marry Xiao Xun’er when I grow up.”

Xiao Yu’s younger brother Xiao Ning, looking at Xiao Xun’er on the stage, actually said something shocking.

You must know that Xiao Ning is not very old, just a little older than Xiao Yan, but at such a young age, he actually said such shocking words.

Although it was because of the pursuit of beautiful things, I have to say that Xiao Ning really dared to say it.

not far away.

Xiao Yan stood quietly, raised his eyes and glanced at Xiao Ning, and then looked proudly to the front, looking at the soft and weak Xiao Xun’er.

As a time traveler of Xiao Yan, he could see Xiao Xun’er’s beauty at a glance. That kind of beauty made even Xiao Yan, a time traveler, feel moved by it.

“How can such a beautiful person give up if I don’t travel through time in vain? I must pursue it.” Xiao Yan muttered secretly and made a decision in his heart.

And at this moment he made a decision.

Xiao Xun’er, who was on the main stage, seemed to be guided by heaven, and turned her head to look in the direction of Xiao Yan.

Such a scene made Xiao Yan’s heart beat faster, and he couldn’t help but look confident, wanting Xiao Xun’er to see his confident side.

But right now.

Just when Xiao Yan was confident.

A huge force came from the side and pushed him to the ground. He stood where he was and looked at Xiao Xun’er on the main stage.

Golden eyes.

What impressed Xiao Xun’er’s eyes was a pair of golden eyes, a pair of golden eyes shining with majesty.

Such eyes made Xiao Xun’er slightly stunned, and then he looked at the owner of the golden eyes.

This is a handsome little boy, about the same age as her, very cute and handsome.

Coupled with his fair skin like a porcelain doll and his golden hair, this person immediately attracted Xiao Xun’er’s attention.

The two of them looked at each other silently under the gaze of so many people.


Xiao Yan sat on the ground blankly, looking up at the little boy in front of him.

Just now he was about to show his arrogance, but was pushed to the ground by the little boy, making him look very embarrassed.

Xiao Yan, who was a little annoyed, asked, “Why are you pushing me?”

Ignore it!

Just ignore it!

After Xiao Yan asked this question, he waited for half a minute, but did not get a response. Instead, others pointed at him.

This made Xiao Yan completely angry and wanted to go crazy.

As a time traveler, his soul is powerful and his cultivation speed is very fast.

It only took five days to successfully cultivate the fighting spirit and become a genius of the Xiao family, shocking the entire Wutan City.

Such a smooth situation made Xiao Yan’s self-confidence soaring, and his eyes shone with pride.

But now.

When he was the most proud, he was pushed down.

The key thing that pushed him down was a child about the same size as him, which made Xiao Yan very aggrieved.

After all, he had cultivated fighting spirit, and yet he was pushed down so easily. This was really embarrassing.

Xiao Yan, who was a little angry, quickly stood up, walked to Li Xuan and asked again.

“Why did you push me?”

“Push you? Who are you? Why should I push you?” Li Xuan put away the majesty in his eyes and turned to look at Xiao Yan.

“Huh? Who am I?”

Xiao Yan laughed angrily at this sentence. As the son of the head of the Xiao family and the true genius of the Xiao family, his name is well known to everyone, but now, some people don’t know him.

The key is not to admit that he pushed him, which makes Xiao Yan very angry.

“I am Xiao Yan, the son of the head of the Xiao family. I was standing here well just now. Why did you push me?” Xiao Yan asked again.

“It turned out to be the son of the family master, but you misunderstood. I didn’t push you, I was just walking normally, but you were too weak. You fell down at the slightest touch.” Li Xuan shrugged.

“Huh? Am I too weak?”

Xiao Yan laughed angrily again.

If the other person was not a child, Xiao Yan would have beaten him, but he was a time traveler after all, and it would be too shameful to have a conflict with a four or five-year-old child.

So Xiao Yan snorted coldly and said: “Look around later and you will know who we are. We are too weak.”

After Xiao Yan finished speaking, he turned around and looked forward again, looking at Xiao Xun’er on the main stage.

However, Xiao Xun’er had already walked off the main stage at this time, and the opportunity for the two to meet for the first time was completely ruined. This made Xiao Yan very helpless and felt a little aggrieved.

“What bad luck!”

Xiao Yan muttered, preparing to get acquainted with Xiao Xun’er and develop a relationship in advance if there is a chance in the future.

Of course, he would definitely not do it now. After all, it would not feel good to contact the other party in public, so Xiao Yan was prepared to wait.

“Huh? What is this kid going to do?”

Xiao Yan, who was about to wait, suddenly saw that the child who pushed him just now walked towards Xiao Xun’er step by step in full view of everyone.

With so many eyes and attention around him, the child not only wasn’t afraid, but also walked straight over with an indifferent expression.

Such a scene really surprised Xiao Yan.

“What a calm kid. I didn’t expect there to be such a person in the Xiao family. I underestimated the natives of this other world.”

Xiao Yan muttered secretly, watching Li Xuan slowly come to Xiao Xun’er’s side and start talking to Xiao Xun’er.

Because the surroundings were so noisy, Xiao Yan didn’t hear what the two said, but when he saw Xiao Xun’er covering her mouth and snickering after talking to Li Xuan, it was obvious that they were having a great conversation, which made Xiao Yan a little jealous.

“Damn it, who is this kid?” Xiao Yan said sadly.


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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