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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 411 Killed (Additional update for the big boss [Whose Xiao Ming]’s 10,000 reward)

“Look at the sky quickly. That’s a flying monster. This aura, this aura must be at the level of a fighting king, right?” Someone suddenly pointed at the sky and said.

“It’s not going to stop, it’s definitely not going to stop. The pressure is too strong, I’m afraid I’m going to fight against the emperor.” A stronger person said solemnly.

“Dou Huang? Oh my god, it’s actually Dou Huang?!”

The people in the city said in horror, looking at the sky in disbelief at the terrifying monster falling from the sky.

That monster was like a wild lion, with big wings, a strong body, and purple flames burning all over its body. It looked very terrifying.

The moment it appeared, the people in the entire city were frightened and stared at the terrifying monster with their mouths open.

Hai Bodong, a Douhuang-level expert hidden in the city, was also forced to kneel on the ground, looking at the sky in horror.

“A strong man from Doudou Sect, and this aura is not just one, but two!”

City Lord’s Mansion.

The city lord, who was not weak in strength, was originally hugging the beauty and preparing to enjoy it, but the terrifying pressure instantly pushed him to the ground.

After finally struggling to the window and looking outside, he was immediately frightened.

“It’s actually the Amethyst Winged Lion King? And it’s Douzong level. Wait, someone actually stepped on the Amethyst Winged Lion King. How is this possible?!”

Seeing the figure of the Amethyst Winged Lion King in the sky, the city lord’s original intention to enjoy it was completely gone, and some were just shocked.

the other side.

above the streets.

“So cold, so cold.”

Qing Lin curled up, feeling so cold, and everything in front of her was so blurry and so cold.

Lonely, she just wanted to die quickly and leave this world where she was so coldly looked upon.

Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!

The sound of whistling followed the strong wind and reached Qinglin’s ears.

Qing Lin, whose breath was weak, tried to open his eyes and glanced at the sky.

Then he saw a shadow falling from the sky, and a slender figure jumping down from the shadow like a god.

For some reason, her blurred eyes became clear at this moment, and the figure was captured by her and fixed in her heart.

“Don’t be afraid, as long as I’m here, I won’t let others bully you anymore.”

A soft and magnetic voice sounded. The voice was particularly pleasant, like a voice coming from the sky, and it was yearning.

Qing Lin, whose breath was weak, felt that he was gently picked up and held into a warm embrace. The embrace was really warm.

Such a warm embrace made Qing Lin yearn for it. She couldn’t help but shrink down, pinched the figure’s clothes, and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

“Go to sleep, don’t worry, I will avenge you.”

Li Xuan held the little Qinglin and said warmly, looking at the strong man with cold eyes, “Tell me, how do you want to die?”

“Don’t kill me, please, don’t kill me. I don’t dare to kill me anymore. I don’t dare to do it anymore.”

The strong man said in horror, feeling the terrifying pressure, his eyes were filled with fear.

“It’s too late.” Li Xuan’s eyes were completely cold, and the terrifying pressure was suddenly released.


The strong man burst open and blood filled the entire street, drenching the audience with blood.

But these people could only watch in horror, shrinking in horror and not daring to move.


Li Xuan snorted coldly, and the thunder-like sound made everyone at the scene feel as if they were struck by lightning. They all vomited blood and almost fainted.

Fortunately, Li Xuan didn’t kill him, otherwise these people’s heads would have exploded.


Li Xuan’s figure floated up, stepped directly into the void to the sky, stepped on the head of the Purple Gold Winged Lion King, and flew away into the distance.

After it completely disappeared from the sky, the people in the city gradually no longer felt the terrible pressure.

“It’s so scary. It’s so scary. Just a slight snort made me vomit blood.”

A fighting master wiped the blood from his mouth and ears and said in horror.

“I’m afraid this person’s strength is at least that of a Dou Zong. Fighting Emperor Flying needs Dou Qi wings, but this person doesn’t need them at all. This proves that this person is probably a Dou Zong.”

“Yes, I also think that otherwise there would be no such terrifying pressure. This person is a very terrifying existence even among Douzong.”

“I didn’t expect that our city would welcome such a terrifying master. The key is that he came here just to save a descendant of a snake girl.”

“Don’t talk nonsense about snake girl. That girl’s name is Qing Lin. From now on, you should be more strict with your mouth, and be careful that trouble comes from your mouth.” Someone reminded.

“Yes, yes, Qinglin Girl, Qinglin Girl.”

The person before quickly changed his mind. With a strong Dou Zong person behind him, Qing Lin would definitely become famous, so the person immediately realized this.

Not only did he realize this, but everyone present realized this, and their faces became very ugly.

Especially when they saw the blood on the ground and remembered the scene when the strong man died just now, everyone shuddered.

“If I had known that Qing Lin had such a background, I would have established a good relationship with her long ago.”

“Yeah, but it’s a pity that it’s too late.”

Everyone regretted it and felt that they shouldn’t have ridiculed like before, but it was too late now and it was useless for them to regret.

the other side.

Li Xuan hugged Qing Lin and drove the Amethyst Winged Lion King towards the desert to find the strange fire and Queen Medusa.


Qinglin still needed help, so Li Xuan took out a pill and put it in her little mouth.

This elixir was a fifth-grade elixir, and it was very powerful. It only took a moment to heal Qing Lin’s injuries, making her recover as before.


Qing Lin slowly opened his eyes, his little head looking stupidly ahead, looking at the handsome Li Xuan.

She was still very confused when she just woke up. She didn’t know what was going on. Especially when she saw an unusually handsome man staring at her, she thought she was dreaming.

Quite a while.

She just woke up from her confusion. After confirming her situation, she hurriedly and timidly said: “Sir, did you save me?”

“Well, how could I not save such a cute little girl when she was bullied?” Li Xuan raised his hand and pinched Qing Lin’s face, and spoke softly.

“Thank you.”

Qing Lin said timidly, not daring to look at Li Xuan at all. He looked like a little rabbit, curled up and motionless.

But she remembered the scene just now. The scene when she fell from the sky had been deeply imprinted in her heart, especially the warm embrace, which made her forget to leave.

“My name is Li Xuan. You can call me by my name directly. What’s your name?” Li Xuan thought for a while and introduced himself.

“My name is Qing Lin, and I am a little maid.” Qing Lin said timidly, her voice soft and waxy and very pleasant.

And with such green scales, Li Xuan couldn’t help but want to bully her, so Li Xuan pinched her little face again.

“Young maid? I do have a place for a maid by my side. Do you want to come?” Li Xuan looked at her and asked.

“Is that possible? I have the blood of a snake girl.” Qinglin said timidly, feeling very inferior and feeling that she was not worthy of being this lord’s maid.

“It doesn’t matter, whether you are a snake girl or a human, they are all the same in my eyes, and you are so cute, you are enough to be my little maid.”

Li Xuan said comfortingly. Seeing Qing Lin who was so worried and feeling her inferiority complex, Li Xuan couldn’t help but feel pity.

“Don’t worry, as long as I’m here, I will never let anyone bully you, except me, of course.” Li Xuan assured, continuing to soothe Qinglin’s emotions.


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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