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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 417 The Queen cooks her own meals (to add to the 10,000 reward given by the boss [Jiu Ming])

Looking at the mission that suddenly appeared, Li Xuan paused for a moment, then carefully scanned the three options.

He definitely didn’t want to do the first of the three tasks. After all, he was not satisfied with his own enhancement, so Li Xuan didn’t want to have descendants yet.

Then he could only choose the next two items, but Li Xuan was actually a little worried about the second item of destroying the Yunlan Sect.

After all, Yun Yun is the sect leader of the Yun Lan Sect, and destroying this sect is equivalent to destroying his own woman’s sect, which seems a little bad.

Moreover, the identity of the green fat man has been well hidden. If it is used in this world, it will inevitably cause a chain reaction.

But if you don’t accept the task, it’s really unreasonable. After all, the reward is still very generous.

The 5% super power reward, plus the reward after the transformation card ends, is equivalent to 10%.

This kind of improvement is quite big for him, and he is not far away from reaching 100% super power.

“If that’s the case, then accept it. The worst is to do this task later. And I remember that in the original work, Yun Yun was forced to marry someone else.

I can definitely use this to make Yun Yun disappointed with the sect. When the time comes, I will destroy this broken sect, and she won’t be so sad.

At the same time, I can take Yunyun away and kill two birds with one stone. Well, that’s it. “

After deciding, Li Xuan accepted the task without hesitation, and then thought about when to complete it.

“After we move the snake people to the natural space, we will go to Yunlan Sect to investigate the information, and then we will start to act according to the plan, and get some elixirs by the way.

Alchemist King Furukawa is also considered a good alchemist. He must have collected a lot of alchemy prescriptions over the years, so he just needs to search for them. “

Li Xuan’s eyes sparkled, feeling that he could finally move around and indulge as much as he wanted.

Li Xuan, who was in a happy mood, lay on the couch, covered with a scented quilt, and fell directly into sleep.

the other side.

Queen Medusa is cooking in the kitchen.

As a queen, she has not cooked for many years, and it is even more impossible for her tribe to let her, as a queen, cook.

So she feels a bit ashamed when she cooks now. The key is to cook for Li Xuan. This will definitely shock the tribesmen when they find out.

Therefore, Queen Medusa decided that she must not let her tribe know that she cooked for Li Xuan.

“Hurry up and prepare a meal for Lord Li Xuan and send it over. Don’t let the tribe know. If they know that I cook for men, the scene will be…”

Queen Medusa didn’t dare to think about it anymore, so she could only speed up the preparation of the food. At the same time, she also remembered the seasonings given by Li Xuan, and she tried to add some.

In the end, it doesn’t matter if I let it go.

In just an instant, the rich fragrance filled the entire kitchen, and even quickly drifted outside along the cracks in the windows and doors.

Such a pleasant fragrance was instantly smelled by Queen Medusa, which made her feel very surprised.

Moving her little nose slightly, Queen Medusa sniffed the food she cooked carefully, and found that after putting this ingredient down, it significantly improved the taste of the food.

If her cooking score was only 60% before, now it is 100%. It has improved so much that even she can’t help but want to feast.

“It smells great. What kind of person is Mr. Li Xuan? How he could make such good materials is really unexpected.”

Queen Medusa spoke softly, and continued to cook food, even immersing herself in cooking.


The moment she finished cooking, and after she gradually regained her senses, she suddenly thought of the influence of this fragrance. Queen Medusa panicked and secretly screamed that something was wrong.

Time, go back to two minutes ago.

Among the snake tribe.

A large number of tribesmen are constantly packing their things and making preparations for relocation, preparing to leave this desert and go to the other end of the space gate.


Some tribesmen are still very wary of the mysterious Li Xuan.

Especially those male clan members who liked Queen Medusa couldn’t help but gather together and whisper.

“The mysterious Lord Li Xuan seems to be really pursuing Her Majesty the Queen. Do you think that Her Majesty the Queen will agree to Li Xuan’s pursuit?”

“Probably not. Although Li Xuan is powerful and very mysterious, Her Majesty the Queen has always been arrogant and cannot easily agree to other people’s pursuits.”

“Yes, yes, there have been strong men who came to pursue Her Majesty the Queen before, but they were all rejected by Her Majesty the Queen without hesitation. Her Majesty the Queen is noble and elegant, cold, arrogant and stubborn.

She has extremely high requirements for the other half of her life, and will never agree to marry easily. Even if Lord Li Xuan is very mysterious and powerful, I am afraid he will not agree. “

“That’s good, that’s good. If the beautiful queen really falls in love with Li Xuan, to be honest, I will feel very uncomfortable.”

“Me too, me too, luckily I still have a chance.”

Everyone gathered together and whispered, praying that Her Majesty the Queen would not fall in love with Li Xuan, so that they would have a chance.

But right now.

Just when they prayed.

A rich aroma wafted from the direction of the kitchen, permeating the entire tribe.

“It smells so good. What smells so good? It seems to be the smell of meat.”

“I smell it too. It’s so fragrant. What kind of meat is so fragrant? Just smelling this smell makes my appetite whet my appetite.”

“I don’t know either. I have never smelled such a strong fragrance since I was a child. What is it? Come on, let’s go take a look.”

“Let’s go.”

Everyone really couldn’t stand the smell, so they all walked towards the direction where the smell came from.

Because the fragrance was so fragrant, the entire group of snake people were attracted and headed towards the kitchen.

After arriving outside the kitchen, they looked inside through the door and window, wondering who was cooking so deliciously.

“It’s Her Majesty the Queen who is cooking. How is that possible? How could Her Majesty the Queen cook herself? That’s a noble Queen.” Someone said in disbelief.

“Yes, it’s all those chefs’ fault. They only care about themselves and forget to cook for Her Majesty the Queen. Those people really deserve to be beaten.

This is our noble Majesty the Queen. How can we let the Queen cook? But seriously, the Queen’s cooking turns out to be so delicious. “

“Yes, yes. Only now do I know that Her Majesty the Queen has such great cooking skills. If anyone can eat the delicious food cooked by the Queen, they will be so happy.”

“Yeah yeah.”

Everyone was talking a lot, salivating at the scent, eager to eat the delicious food cooked by Her Majesty the Queen.

If they could eat such delicacies, they would be willing to die now.

In the kitchen.

Queen Medusa, who was cooking, looked outside with some depression. She originally wanted to prevent others from knowing that she was cooking for Li Xuan.

But now, it’s good that this delicious food has attracted so many people, which really makes her feel like she’s riding a tiger.

But she had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk outside.


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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