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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 439 Too arrogant

Three days later.

Xun’er finally received a reply from Li Xuan, promising to visit the ancient tribe. This letter made Xun’er jump up and down happily, like a lively elf.

This incident also made the entire ancient tribe lively. The elders gave orders one after another, asking many tribesmen in the tribe to go to the entrance area of ​​the ancient tribe to welcome him.

For the mysterious Li Xuan, for Li Xuan who has reached the level of a one-star fighting saint and is also an alchemist.

Many people from the ancient tribe were full of curiosity and spontaneously went to the entrance of the ancient tribe to wait silently.


Some people still choose not to go. Even though Li Xuan is powerful and is an eighth-level alchemist, there are still some people who choose to practice.

Just like Gu Niu, one of the distant branches of the ancient tribe.

He is a martial arts fanatic and has loved practicing since he was a child. Unfortunately, his qualifications are too poor and he is only at the bottom of the ancient clan, so his daily life is better than that of the downtrodden Xiao clan.


Even though he has poor qualifications, with his hard work, he has still improved his strength to that of the Nine Star Dou King, and is only a hair away from the Dou King.

Such perseverance and hard work also earned him the title of Wu Chi.

this day.

On the day when Li Xuan was about to arrive, many people from the ancient tribe rushed to the entrance of the ancient tribe, eagerly waiting for Li Xuan’s appearance.

But Gu Niu is still practicing, practicing hard on the mountain.

At this moment.

A short-haired girl jumped over from a distance and shouted to Gu Niu.

“Brother Gu Niu, why don’t you join the welcome queue? That is the youngest one-star fighting saint in the legend.”

“No, my purpose is to practice. Although Li Xuan is powerful, that is his own strength and has nothing to do with me. Only when you have strength can you get more respect.”

Gu Niu shook his head, still shirtless, practicing on the mountain. His bronze skin was already covered with sweat beads, making him look very attractive.

When the short-haired girl saw this scene, she blinked her eyes with admiration, and then said playfully.

“Brother Gu Niu, let’s go take a look. We finally take a chance to take a break. It will be very hard to practice every day. We have to balance work and rest. Let’s go, let’s go.”

After the short-haired girl finished speaking, she quickly came to Gu Niu’s side, pulled his sleeve and walked down the mountain.

To this.

Gu Niu was helpless, but he couldn’t say anything. He could only smile bitterly and let the short-haired girl take him away.

During this process, the short-haired girl saw that Gu Niu did not blame her, which made her very happy, and she also liked the honest Gu Niu more and more.

The two of them walked together like this and came to the entrance of the ancient tribe and saw the bustling crowd.

Because there were too many people, they didn’t want to go to the crowds, so they chose to wait next to a big tree far away.

“It’s really lively. I didn’t expect that even the great elder who usually retreats would show up.” Gu Niu looked at the crowd in surprise and was surprised to see the old-fashioned great elder appear.

“That’s because the clan leader went to find the strange fire for Lord Li Xuan. The clan can only ask the great elder to preside over it. The clan pays more attention to Li Xuan than imagined.”

The short-haired girl said with a smile, obviously knowing more.

“Extraordinary fire? That’s a good thing. Li Xuan needs the alien fire very much?” Gu Niu asked.

“Yes, actually the clan leader has already retrieved one, but he received the new news about the strange fire and left in a hurry. He obviously attaches great importance to Li Xuan.” The short-haired girl said again.

“So that’s it. Sure enough, strong people are valued everywhere. I’m going back to practice.” Gu Niu finished speaking with a sullen face, turned around and left.

“Wait a minute, brother Gu Niu, don’t be in a hurry to go back. Wait until you finish attending the welcome ceremony before going back. It’s rare to take a break, and Mr. Li Xuan is an alchemist, so you might be able to get the elixir.”

The short-haired girl said quickly, pulling Gu Niu to prevent him from leaving.

“It’s useless. How can an alchemist give elixirs to others for no reason? And if you want to find an alchemist to make elixirs, you must prepare the materials in advance. We are just wasting time here.”

Gu Niu shook his head, still looking determined to leave.

But that’s it.

The sky where everyone was standing rippled slightly, and soon an extremely handsome figure walked out of the space, stepping into the void.

At the same time, in full view of everyone, with countless people paying attention, this figure walked down from the void step by step, heading towards the welcoming team below.

“So handsome!”

When the short-haired girl saw the figure appearing in the sky, she was stunned and looked at the handsome figure stupidly.

Not just her, all the women at the scene stared blankly at the sky, watching the figure slowly walk down and come to the front of the crowd.


In the welcoming team, an uproar suddenly broke out, and the girls looked at Li Xuan screaming one by one.

“It’s beautiful, it’s so beautiful, it looks like it just stepped out of a painting.”

“Yes, I have never seen such a handsome figure.”

“Look at Miss Xun’er, she rushed over at a trot. Hey, she picked her up. Welcome everyone.”



At the bustling entrance of the ancient tribe, Li Xuan held the graceful Xun’er in his arms. He was very surprised to see so many people coming to welcome him, and then he lowered his head and looked at Xun’er in his arms.

Obviously Xun’er must have done all this to give him a grand welcome ceremony.

“My Xun’er knows how to love her husband.” Li Xuan pinched Xun’er’s little face and said.

“Well, I want to leave the best impression on you.” Xun’er squeezed into Li Xuan’s arms and said with a flushed face.

“Since my Xun’er loves me so much, I can’t be stingy anymore. Let’s reward them with some elixirs.”

Li Xuan thought of the piles of low-level elixirs that were almost piled up in the natural space warehouse, and decided to take out these elixirs and reward them to these people.

In fact, those elixirs are all inferior and low-grade. They take up space in the warehouse. They can be taken out at this time to increase the atmosphere.


Li Xuan had a large bag of fifth-grade, sixth-grade, and even seventh-grade low-level elixirs in his right hand. He took it out and then scattered it directly to the crowd like money.

the other side.

Tieniu and the short-haired girl were watching quietly. Seeing so many people cheering and complimenting Li Xuan, Tieniu shook his head helplessly.

“What’s the use of these people complimenting Li Xuan so much? Who will benefit them? Even if Li Xuan sprinkles some low-level elixirs, they are only first- and second-grade low-level elixirs. Such elixirs are useless at all.”

Tieniu said, preparing to leave officially. He didn’t plan to be here anymore, and he didn’t want to compliment Li Xuan, because he only believed in himself and believed that man could conquer nature.

“Wow! Pills, so many pills, my God.”

“My God, this is a fifth-grade Dragon Power Pill, which can give people powerful physical strength. Master Li Xuan actually released it directly.”

“Look, this is the fifth-grade elixir Rejuvenation Pill. It can heal the seriously injured body. It is a very powerful healing elixir.”

Exclamations kept erupting from the crowd, and the sounds were full of joy and disbelief.

Gu Niu, who was about to leave, was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at the crowd carefully.

Sure enough, he saw Li Xuan spreading the elixirs to the crowd.

Such a scene made Gu Niu feel a little moved, because this was a fifth-grade elixir, and even he felt that this elixir was of high value.

But now.

Li Xuan just squandered a lot of money. This is simply too rich, too rich.

However, Gu Niu was a martial arts fanatic, and he was not moved by the elixir. Even though he felt sad, he still insisted.

“The alchemist is indeed rich, but I am a martial arts fanatic. These pills cannot impress me at all. As long as I break through and reach Douhuang, I will gain more respect.”

After Gu Niu finished speaking, he was ready to leave under the admiring eyes of the short-haired girl next to him.

But at this moment, a pill flew over from a distance and was caught by Gu Niu. Then he opened his hand and took a look, and his pupils shrank sharply!

“The Sixth-Level Peak Dou Huang Dan? It can make the nine-star Dou King who takes it break through to the one-star Dou King. This is too arrogant!”

Tieniu looked at the precious Dou Huang Dan in his hand and thought that he had been stuck in the Nine Star Dou King for more than a year and had never been able to break through to the Dou Huang level.

When he thought that he could become a Dou Huang as long as he swallowed this elixir, his world view collapsed and he felt how stupid his previous persistence was.

You know, Li Xuan just threw away rubbish, and the elixir he threw out turned out to be the sixth-frequency peak elixir.

Such a feat, such a heroic spirit, made Tieniu tremble all over.


Under the dull gaze of the short-haired girl, he suddenly rushed into the crowd, and then shouted at the top of his lungs.

“Master Li Xuan is mighty, Master Li Xuan is domineering, long live Master Li Xuan, Master Li Xuan and Miss Xun’er are a match made in heaven!”


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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