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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 56 The mighty Liu Erlong

Seeing Sword Douluo’s confident look, Poison Douluo’s eyes were filled with pity.

Because he knew that Sword Douluo would definitely suffer disaster this time and would be beaten badly.

But Poison Douluo didn’t say anything more. He had said everything that needed to be said, and had also persuaded what needed to be persuaded. If he continued to say anything, it would only be counterproductive.

So Poison Douluo remained silent the whole time. Even after the meeting lasted for half an hour, he couldn’t stay any longer and left directly.

The prince was left there, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Emperor Xueye continued to discuss how to deal with the big green monster and establish the majesty of the Tiandou Empire.

the other side.

After testing the effects of the emotional water, Li Xuan and Dugu Yan ate something and then left Poison Douluo’s house alone.

He first went to the bank in this world and exchanged his money for many purple cards worth 100,000, and then went to Lanba Academy, ready to meet the strong woman Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong’s character can be said to be strong yet soft, he is very tough towards his enemies, but he can also be very gentle towards his own people.

Coupled with her ability to build a college of her own and her super fighting power, such a woman was an absolute strong woman in Li Xuan’s previous life, and a top-notch strong woman.

It’s a pity that fate has its way. Liu Erlong’s heart must be quite miserable now under the series of blows.

“She is such a miserable woman. She suffers inner torment every day. She might as well cry. I should have beaten her and cried.”

Li Xuan muttered and walked forward, striding to the entrance of Lanba Academy, and saw a tall black-haired beauty, she was Liu Erlong.

The first impression this woman gave Li Xuan was that she was heroic and heroic. Even though there was sadness in Liu Erlong’s eyes at this moment, that heroic spirit could not be concealed.

“She is indeed a very nice beauty. Let’s go and have a look.”

【Ding! Contact the plot character Liu Erlong to trigger the optional mission. 】

Ding! Please select one.

Elementary option: Get to know Liu Erlong in a normal way, reward: soul +1

Intermediate option: Get to know Liu Erlong in a friendly way, reward: soul +2

Advanced option: Get angry with Liu Erlong first, and then get to know her after leaving an impression. Reward: Soul +5

PS: Tip, advanced options may be blocked.

“The rewards this time are very small, but the task is also simple, so choose the advanced option.”

【Ding! After choosing, please come on. 】

“How to make her angry?”

Li Xuan suddenly remembered that he was still a little boy, and immediately had a good idea, and then walked towards Liu Erlong with an innocent smile.

“Hello, how can I get to the antique store?”

Li Xuan came to Liu Erlong, pretending to be an innocent child, looking at Liu Erlong cutely and asking.

“The antique shop is over there.”

Liu Erlong pointed in the distance with a cold voice, and her eyes looked at the ruined college with sadness.

“Is it over there?” Li Xuan continued cutely.

“Well, go quickly.”

At this time, Liu Erlong also noticed Li Xuan’s innocent eyes and his cute and handsome face, which made her couldn’t help but take a second look.

“Well, I’ll go then.” Li Xuan smiled slightly and continued: “Thank you, aunt.”


Liu Erlong looked at Li Xuan who was running away. She was stunned and stood motionless like a bolt from the blue.

She never expected that she would be called aunt, which was even more uncomfortable than having her college destroyed.

The angry Liu Erlong immediately clenched his fists, rushed to Li Xuan at high speed, and picked him up directly.

“Little guy, you should be called aunt, not aunt, do you understand?”

Liu Erlong stared at Li Xuan angrily. If Li Xuan hadn’t looked so cute, she would have beaten him.

“Call me aunt? Yes, you can, but you have to answer me a question.” Li Xuan said with his big eyes blinking.

“Problem? What problem are you talking about?”

Liu Erlong looked at such a cute little boy being carried by her, which seemed a bit excessive, so she put Li Xuan down again.

“Have you ever seen a little turtle shake his head?” Li Xuan asked seriously on his face.

“No.” Liu Erlong thought for a while, but he really hadn’t seen it before, so he shook his head.

“I haven’t seen it before, but I have seen it now.” Li Xuan stared at Liu Erlong’s shaking head and ran away.

“Huh? Why are you running?”

Liu Erlong looked at Li Xuan running towards the alley. She was a little confused and didn’t understand why Li Xuan ran.

But she instinctively felt as if she had been cheated, so she thought about the questioning process just now.

“Wait, are you shaking your head? Damn it, you actually called me a little turtle!”

Liu Erlong reacted immediately and suddenly accelerated towards the alley, but when she arrived in the alley, she could not see Li Xuan.

“Where are the people? Where have they gone?”

Liu Erlong jumped on the alley wall and looked left and right, but he couldn’t find Li Xuan.

“He disappeared as soon as he entered the alley. There is something wrong with this child.”

Liu Erlong looked around again, but still couldn’t find Li Xuan, which surprised her. In the end, she could only return to the entrance of the college with doubts.


She was originally sad, but after Li Xuan’s interference, she couldn’t feel sad anymore. Instead, she was thinking about who the child was.

“I didn’t expect that this kid would actually make me feel a lot better, but it’s a pity that he’s so irritating.”

When Liu Erlong thought of those words, he wanted to hit someone.

She took a deep breath and looked at the ruins of Lanba Academy again.

Since the master left, she has been living alone, not relying on the Blue Sky Tyrannosaurus Rex family, relying entirely on herself, and established a martial arts academy in Tiandou City, where every inch of land is precious.

Such ability awes countless people. Even though the land of this college is leased, it still cannot cover up Liu Erlong’s achievements.

But such a college was smashed to pieces before, which made Liu Erlong extremely uncomfortable.

She no longer has enough money to build a new academy, unless she accepts help from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, which she doesn’t want to see.

So she would rather stand in this ruined academy, feeling dejected, than seek help from that family.

She was originally sad, but then a strange child came and made her laugh and cry.

“Auntie, are you feeling better?”

A familiar voice suddenly sounded. Liu Erlong turned around and saw Li Xuan standing at the entrance of the alley waving to her.

“Little guy, you still dare to come out.” Liu Erlong clenched his fists, looking like he was going to hit someone.

“Don’t be so violent. I don’t think you’re too sad. Besides, if you have anything sad to say to me, I’ll solve it for you.”

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he walked to Liu Erlong’s side unhurriedly, his purple eyes full of confidence.


Liu Erlong laughed angrily when he heard this, especially looking at Li Xuan’s confident and calm look, he became even more angry.

She mentioned Li Xuan again and said: “Okay, I really have a problem. If you can help me solve it, what if I call you my father? If you can’t solve it, I will spank you hard today.”

After Liu Erlong finished speaking, he deliberately made a vicious expression, as if he wanted to spank Li Xuan.

“What’s the problem? Come and listen.”

Li Xuan was being carried, not only did he not panic at all, but he looked confident.

“The question is very simple. Have you seen this ruined college? This is mine. Now I have no money to repair it. Can you help me solve it?” Liu Erlong looked at Li Xuan with a half-smile.

She knew that this problem could not be solved. After all, how could a random child solve such a big problem.

The reason Liu Erlong said this was because this little guy was too annoying and he had to tease him.

“I thought what was the problem? Something bigger will make you worried. Now, here’s this for you.” Li Xuan took out a large handful of purple cards and handed them directly to Liu Erlong.

“This is!!”

The moment Liu Erlong saw those purple cards, his pupils suddenly shrank, and then he looked at Li Xuan in disbelief.

Because these purple cards are worth one hundred thousand gold soul coins, which is a huge amount of wealth.

But now.

The little guy in front of her actually took out so many purple cards, which completely scared her.

“Who are you? The child of which noble family? Do you know that it is dangerous for you to go out like this?” Liu Erlong did not accept the money, but hurriedly asked Li Xuan to take the Zika back.

“Take these first. I have a special status in Tiandou City, and few people dare to touch me.” Li Xuan said calmly.

“Thank you, but you can’t help me.”

Liu Erlong sighed slightly. She didn’t expect that a random kid she met would be so rich. This really shocked her.


There is no way to rebuild here.

Because not long ago, the Tiandou Empire officially informed her that this place had been entrusted to a count named Li Xuan as a castle and that it could no longer be rented.

Liu Erlong has worked hard here for a long time. If the school cannot be rebuilt here, she wants to leave this sad place and go to Notting City.

So she sighed and said:

“Actually, it’s not even possible if you have money, because this place was entrusted to an earl named Li Xuan, and I am no longer qualified to rebuild here.”

“Li Xuan? Are you saying my name?” Li Xuan looked at Liu Erlong with a smile.

“What did you say?!”

When Liu Erlong heard this, his pupils shrank sharply, and then he said with disbelief: “Impossible, are you the new earl?”

“Correct answer, but unfortunately there is no reward. This is my earl medal. How about it? Can you solve your problem?” Li Xuan threw the earl medal away and continued to look at Liu Erlong with a smile.

“This this.”

Liu Erlong was really dumbfounded this time, his little head was buzzing, and his whole body was dumbfounded.

Originally, she thought she was going to go away to another country, but she didn’t expect that there was a big reversal, which really shocked her.

“Okay, don’t be dumbfounded. Listen to me, this is what you just said.” Li Xuan looked like he was so angry that he would not pay for his life.

“Yes, I said that, but now”

Liu Erlong took a deep breath, raised his long and slender hands, and began to knead Li Xuan’s little face.

“How dare you tease me? Isn’t it fun to tease me? I want to tease you too and squeeze your little face hard. Not to mention, your little face is quite smooth.”

【Ding! Complete the advanced options, reward: soul +5]


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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